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Wireless Remote Wich Control


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I don't, but given that it doesn't say it is, it is probably a fairly safe bet that it isn't otherwise it would be on the feature list.

Having dallied with a cheap Milemarker remote 'to save money', I would suggest you skip the cheap option and get a Lodar which is what I now have. You gets what you pays for... David sells Lodars as well though mine came from PG Winches.

Note that I haven't seen a TDS remote and it may be fine, but the Lodar is superb and I haven't touched a wired remote since I got it. I would no more go back to a wired remote for the winch than I would a wired remote for the video and how many people still use (or even remember!) one of those?

The Lodar 9000 is supposed to be waterproof if mounted the correct way up, mine is in the underseat fuse box anyway so not really a problem.

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My winch is demountable and that's why I thought it would have been nice to mount it within the range of the relay box.

I've looked at this. I believe it's possible to install the plug in the grill and to have a cable between the winch and the grill. If you know what I mean :unsure:

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Wot's a "video" Boggy....?

Still in the dark ages down there are we... :lol::P

Well it might have been a generic term which encompassed a variety of recording equipment including the hard disk recorder I use but I actually picked that as an example because it was the only thing I could think of other than a winch which I last used with a wired remote, some time in the mid 1980s, which shows what an outdated concept a wired remote is :)

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You usually get what you pay for. The MM system I had worked, but it wasn't waterproof, and more importantly at longer range you start having to do the "dance of the Tdi Discovery key fob" to get it to work (hold to the left, hold to the right, stick it in your ear, hold it above your head etc etc), sometimes it would chatter the relays as well. It worked well at shorter ranges but was rarely 100% and also used stupid batteries which are like rocking horse poo to track down and cost a fortune IIRC.

The Lodar uses a PP9 and just works, all the time, even right at the end of 100' of rope, and even with the base unit stowed away in the battery box surrounded by most of the bodywork to shield the signal. It is also much more usable as you can switch it on and off from the remote, and it has an auto-off after 30 min so the battery isn't flattened.

Buy once and buy right, IMHO.

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I did try one of the cheaper wireless remotes Like this one Lasted the best part of half an hour !!!! Vendor did not want to know,, now in the bin !!!!

In the end went for a Lodar ?? copy This one identical to look at,,compared to the Lodar,, and works well so far !!


That looks the same as the one I bought on fleabay, looks just like a Lodar don't it.

However I am not especially keen on it. Apart from the fact the battery in the handset goes flat over a few weeks, I have found the handset switches itself off after about 30 seconds of not being used. This is a real PITA as you have to press and hold the power button fow a few seconds to switch it back on. Always happens at an awkward moment :angry::angry::angry:

I would love to know if there's a way to overide the auto power off feature, anyone????

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