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The towing out morals.


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well that didn't happen in the deep west of Cornwall.

in what way you didn't see any or there were more 4X4's

as i sead thay weren't alowed to drive them i was told my a 4X4 responce driver

sad state of affairs isn't it where we all question what 15-20 years ago would have been a "yeah no problem"

sad isn't it

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a few months ago I was waiting for a friend in a bus stop, a lady pulled in with a flat, she had driven on it for miles and all that was left was a mess of cords and a trashed rim. She didn't know what to do and had no AA.

I had a similar situation a couple of years ago, came accross a car parked in the outside lane of the local dual carriageway with a woman and her elderly mother sitting inside with a flat rear tyre. Quite frustrating to think she had not got the common sense to get it off the road, it was a potentially dangerous spot.

I stopped had a word with her and explained the severity of the situation. I simply drove it off the road into a layby and changed the wheel for her.

She was a danger to herself and other motorists, I called the police before I did anything but had sorted her out and gone by the time they turned up, it only took 10 mins.

I would not have been happy with myself to have drove by and left her there only to read about a pile up in the evening paper.

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Outside our site a neighbour that is always moaning about noise & deliveries etc asked me to tow his Toyota Hybrid out with my Hummer lol

I explained if i did then surley the extra fuel i would use to pull him out woul create more C02 thus next year the weather would be worse !!

So really i would be doing him a favour if i left him surely??

Got a funny look from him but still snatched him out with a webbing strap !!!! sounded good from my cab lol

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


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I would offer any assistance that I reasonably could to anyone at the side of the road, but wont put myself at any risk, and this includes towing anyone. I would push a car into the side but would never change a wheel or lift the bonnet. I may give them something to get them going, ie water and once I did wire somebody's exhaust up so it wasnt dragging the ground, but that is it. Like I said, not worth the hassle if any one gets iffy at a later date.

There was a case which was in court a couple of years ago where there was a breakdown on the hard shoulder, some people stopped to help, a 7/12 tonne truck also stopped but further up the hard shoulder as protection against a rear end smash from a hard shoulder drfter, and they were all killed when a articulated 40 tonner smashed into the smaller truck at god knows what speed and flipped the truck through the air and it landed on all of the people who were helping at the breakdown. The driver of the 40 tonner was convicted of death by dangerous driving and went to jail.

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I had a similar situation a couple of years ago, came accross a car parked in the outside lane of the local dual carriageway with a woman and her elderly mother sitting inside with a flat rear tyre. Quite frustrating to think she had not got the common sense to get it off the road, it was a potentially dangerous spot.

I stopped had a word with her and explained the severity of the situation. I simply drove it off the road into a layby and changed the wheel for her.

She was a danger to herself and other motorists, I called the police before I did anything but had sorted her out and gone by the time they turned up, it only took 10 mins.

I would not have been happy with myself to have drove by and left her there only to read about a pile up in the evening paper.

a few months ago I was waiting for a friend in a bus stop, a lady pulled in with a flat, she had driven on it for miles and all that was left was a mess of cords and a trashed rim. She didn't know what to do and had no AA.

I popped on the space saver and gave the car a quick glance over incase she'd caused more damage. Then told her be careful because of the lower speed rating etc, she thanked me saying she didn't know what she would have done and went on her way.

Both good examples of why some people shouldn't be allowed on the public highway but kudos to both of you :D

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I noticed this last week that a lot of 4x4's were off the road still, all BMW X5's! Can't say I'm too bothered, but their drivers obviously to have the 'indestructable' problem and learn the hard way.

I was chatting to a guy with a X5 that refuerd to it as a Hovercraft. I had to tow him off a snow drift smile.gif I laughed as he was obviously playing on the lane in the snow with his two young boys in the car with him

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The reason this country is turning to s**t is because we are allowing it too.

I have recovered over 20 vehicles in the recent weather, and will continue too. I have had nothing but praise for doing so. It should be a natural thing in us as humans. If a vehicle is damaged and undriveable then do what you can but leave vehicle, but most of the time they have just slid in to some deep snow and need an easy recovery. If nothing is done all the roads will grind to a halt.

It will soon be the case that no-one will help your crying lost kids, stop a theif entering your house, or a person from punching your wife.

WE should all help others, the more we except this claim nation, the more it make exceptable for the s**ts to claim

Just my view


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The reason this country is turning as you say is because we have been governed since 1997 by people who only think for themselves and no one else so in this situation if you help someone you could get shafted.

By people who think that quality of government is measured by how many footballers/one hit wonder pop 'stars' and aged rock 'icon' are entertained at no 10 than on policy and doing as you promise.

The people of this country voted them in not once not twice but three times...............don't blame me.

I will help people as and when i can, in fact you would struggle to find someone more helpful than me.

It does concern me sometimes the consequences.

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I always used to help tow someone out. My view has changed recently though. In bad weather if someone was daft enough to go off the road once they could quite easily do it again ten minutes later and the consequences could be far worse. Its better to offer a lift to safety than rcover the vehicle.

I've towed countless vehicles off the hills here due to cooked clutches, I don't mind that, its handy beer money ;) You wouldn't believe how grateful people are when they have been sat on a 1in4 hill with a car and caravan held on the footbrake for 15minutes because the handbrake won't hold.

Will :)

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