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Mobile Phone with GPS?


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As I come to the end of my mobile phone contract this month, I'll be switching to Pre-Pay (aka, Pay as you Go). My current phone (that is now nearing the end of its life after the abuse its got over the last 18 months) is a Nokia 6300.

What I'm wondering is if there are any mobile phones available that offer basic GPS? I'm just thinking that having coordinates available could be handy sometimes when out and about when relying on maps.

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Hi Rich,

The Nokia 2730 has some great reports and comes with GPS nav built in avaialble with a PAYG sim for £50


I will declare at this point I work for Vodafone but not on the mobile phone side of the business!!! I did however look at the return/repair rates for the phone and they are low, and also used the select a handset tool to compare handset features etc, anyway not trying to sell to you just use inside knoweldge to help.


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Important question, does it cost to use the GPS function on a mobile phone?

It depends, if only using the basic GPS i.e. my position from the GPS Sats then no, but if you want to use the map or sat nav etc then you need to use the Data services which clearly costs, as it downloads maps etc.


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Important question, does it cost to use the GPS function on a mobile phone?

That all depends on the phone and how you use it and what plan you are on.

I'm not an expert on Nokia Series 40 phones as I work for Nokia on the S60 side.

But Nokia is offering Ovi Maps Navigation on a lot of phones, this stores the map on the device instead of using a data connection like Google maps or I think Vodaphone's own offering.

If this model is one that stores the maps on device you can use it without any data charges.

Not using the data connection means it won't use AGPS (assisted GPS, which reduces lock on time) and other features, but a basic location and navigation should be ok.

I would expect it to give at least your longitude and latitude for free.

Obviously if your plan includes a data bundle then these extra features should not cost you any more to use.

If not then the more advanced features might cost you more.

But if it is like Google maps where you download everything from the network it could cost you a lot without an unlimited data bundle.

Also note beware of using data when your not on your home network (i.e. in another country as it could cost you a lot of money, there have been cause of £10,000 plus bills for data)

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Data services which clearly costs,

Yea, don't try it while roaming!! Bought my LR phone while in the UK, I'm with 02 Ireland, and time spent setting up the GPS and internet software while still in the UK was pretty expensive! Teach me to be impatient, check your small print.

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my 5230 has got gps built in, but also the option of using a bluetooth gps receiver as well. i have found that using the bluetooth one in vehicle improves lock on and accuracy, as when the phone is on a dash mount it can't always get a gps lock.

ovi maps is currectly free to all nokia users, however, it's only really any use in town, not much data for outside the urban jungle.

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I have a Nokia E51 that I use with a bluetooth GPS (Holox). I run Tomtom mobile on this and it works a treat.

The new E52 has the GPS built in, but rather spendy. Second hand E51s crop up on eBay pretty cheap though, and my GPS device was about £30 a couple of years ago.

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I personally use the Garmin Mobile Xt on my nokia 5800...

there is the option of OVI but i am not a great fan of it personally..

you are supposed to buy the Garmin program and maps but well.... (will stop here)

at least it is a dedicate GPS programme... but you need the A-GPS in your mobile phone..

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I personally would buy an O2 XDA orbit II, or other pocket pc based phone.

Nice little phone, big enough screen, gps built in, running windows mobile (pocket PC), so free maps are easy to place on, and memory map, tomtom, copilot and such like work on them.

We are selling them from work on ebay and they get £60 - £80 pounds based on condition

(selling last years models pays for this years work xmas do...)

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I have an HTC Hero.

Being Android based (that's the mobile phone OS from Google), it will do anything you want it to and much more besides. It comes with Google Maps, but there are also applications out there that run standalone and don't require a net connection. I use an app called co-pilot.

And of course you can get a readout of just GPS co-ordinates if you want.

The Hero is quite pricey at around the £300 mark, but is has a few baby brothers. The HTC Tattoo springs to mind - there are several of these currently on eBay well under £100. Similar spec gadget wise.

I'd definitely be after an Android phone again, but then I'm a closet geek and like fiddling with my firmware :ph34r:

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I second HTC products, next week I'll be receiving a new HTC Desire. The first thing I'll be doing is activating the GPS in it with iGo 8.3. iGo is a highly flexible navigation system.


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i'm baking up HTC phones, have a QTEK S200 - old HTC brand as back up phone, which runs tomtom or the like with an external GPS unit with no problems, think it would handel Ozizplorer as well.

daily i'm using a HTC Legend - Android platfrom, it has GPS unit and Google Maps and then you just need to find the offline Nav program that fits you - i think ozixplorer is coming in a android version, any one know more or tried it speak up ? great phone with lots of features and the cast aloy body is though and good looking :i-m_so_happy: .

Feature: with the Legend i have got HUD in my SIII - now thats fancy :lol:

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I have a Nokia N95 8Gb and it takes ages to get a GPS fix. Once it has found a signal Nokia Maps gives acceptable results but were it not for the superb camera on the phone, if sat nav were a big deal to me I'd have traded it in long ago

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