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Does converting a CSW into a soft-top = modification

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I naively thought insuring my 38 yo wife (9yrs NCB) and myself (41)on a rebuilt 90 would be cheap. Best quote so far about 390 pounds

Apparently the fact that its now a soft-top and not the orginal CSW counts as a modification in the eyes of Adrian Flux - but surely as long as I ensure its detailed as a soft-top of the right year and engine size etc it should not matter - and indeed detailed as soft-top on the V5

What do you think ?

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It all depends how you explain it, remember that with most cars cutting the roof off would count as a modification. You need to be clear that it is a soft-top (in case it affects the risk), but that it is a factory standard fitment, not a modification.

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Don't forget that the insurance records the original model and details are recorded as a CSW. Even if you go to other insurances their record shows only CSW/Engine/Age. As your modification will ring alarm bells for alteration and risk in security this will show on the premium. Also inform DVLA of modification.

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Blimey this is really starting to bug me.

Ran a couple of brokers who did agreed valuations

Cheapest offer so far 725 quid with 600 pound xs with an agreed value of 12k

Apparently its 'cause the truck is not garaged and its value >7k

Non agreed value insurance about 150 quid

Do I take the risk ?

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So are you just choosing to ignore my reply then? :rolleyes: Unbolting the FACTORY STANDARD hard-top and bolting on the FACTORY STANDARD soft-top is NOT A MODIFICATION, as long as the insurers know it's a rag top that should be it. If you had some sort of non-factory rag top affair hanging off a custom cage or such like then that would be modified. The person on the other end of the phone line may have trouble understanding that the roof is an interchangeable part (because on most cars it's really not) but if you argue the point they should see sense. Even my Freelander can be rag-top or hard-top.

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Hi FridgeFreezer

I am heeding your wise-counsel and explaining that its not a modification.

The issue is that many agreed valuation policies which have agreed valuation > 7k and are not garaged have a far elevated premium

So are you just choosing to ignore my reply then? :rolleyes: Unbolting the FACTORY STANDARD hard-top and bolting on the FACTORY STANDARD soft-top is NOT A MODIFICATION, as long as the insurers know it's a rag top that should be it. If you had some sort of non-factory rag top affair hanging off a custom cage or such like then that would be modified. The person on the other end of the phone line may have trouble understanding that the roof is an interchangeable part (because on most cars it's really not) but if you argue the point they should see sense. Even my Freelander can be rag-top or hard-top.

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The issue is that many agreed valuation policies which have agreed valuation > 7k and are not garaged have a far elevated premium

Must be something going on then, the 109 is with Flux, modified, fully comp, agreed value >7k, european cover, I'm younger than you and don't live in a brilliant area. My premium is around the £400 mark. The 109 is garaged though, and doesn't do lots of miles.

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I think its just Insurance companies in general now, looking for excuses not to insure Land Rovers per se. Up for renewal just now and struggling to find favourable quote for my 110 Van, bog standard apart from engine change three years ago from 19J TD to Disco 200 Tdi - Mr Flux and his cohorts will only insure it this year if I can provide documentation that the engine swap was carried at a Land Rover Dealer - Full receipts required for both Donor engine and work carried out by Main dealer - same story with many others.

Is it 'Green' thinking by exclusion, by making it difficult to insure, are they hoping that we will scrap them and go off and buy new and shiny only.

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I use academy insurance brokers they're in Staines Middlesex for my 90, I live in Somerset and my insurance cost me £230.00 fully comp and I'm 39 it's a hard top 90 with a 200 tdi in it I have full no claims bonus too

you can ring them on 01784 461131



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