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Wierd ass rear suspension


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It's basically the same (except for the single shock which must make the body roll interseting) as the back of a P38.

Effectively it is similar to the front suspension but rather than a solid hockeystick with bushes it uses the flex of the spring to allow it to articulate. Make it with a suitable rated parabolic spring it should be quite impresssive.

Biggest problem I can see apart from horrible body roll would be the spring to axle mounting which would have some very high twisting loads on it.

Actually quite a good low budget home brew idea, not sure it is fit for the road but for off road fun should be good.

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Using springs as trailing arms seems a bit of an abortion to me, plus the design has no roll resistance whatsoever, meaning it must be pretty horrendous to drive on the road, and theres not much stopping the axle trying to roll round its axis, seems to me all thats stopping it is the propshaft and shock absorber...

Its nothing like the rear of a P38 whatsoever, P38 has two hockey sticks like the front of a Defender, which mount to the axle in four places, then a panhard rod to locate the sideways movement (again just like the front of a defender). It also has its springs in the correct place (ie at the end of the axle) and the prerequisite number of shock absorbers.

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Using springs as trailing arms seems a bit of an abortion to me,


Many coach and bus suspension systems work on exactly the same principle.The only difference is they have an air bag and damper on each side. Nothing wrong with using leaf springs as trailing arms after all thats all that holds an axle in place on series vehicles.

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as you go round a corner the front inside wheel would lift off the deck, that would be a blast to drive, that is until you hit something and died horribly

I've seen a S1 with a coil rear conversion which had two springs and a similar arraignment with the leafs but it was about fifteen years ago I saw that.

even as for trialing the rear diff would need to be locked as there is no weight being distubuted through from the front so the front axle is useles as it would just keep lifting wheels because there is nothing pushing it back down.

Also whats the top of the spring fixed to

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It's an interesting coil spring version of the pivoting transverse leaf spring as used on the front axle of old Scammells. Not sure the suspension loads are best placed in the middle of the axle case though.

It does turn the Land rover into a reverse trike for handeling though but as long as the weight distribution is 2/3 over the front axle and 1/3 over the rear it shouldn't be too bad, at reasonable speeds.

However, it has a welded/locked rear diff so that throws all the handeling out the window. :D

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