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I'm running MM on my iPad and want to ensure that the maps I have purchased are backed up on my PC.

I've searched my pc's HD but I can't find where iTunes is storing them, I'm looking for files with a *.MMO extension is this correct?



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Hi Mick

not MMO - that's the memory map overlay. Its QCT files you want to look for.

I've put memory map on my wife's ipad and am really really impressed. The gps locks on quickly and the maps look fantastic :D

Each update seems to improve it and add in the features we're used to from the PC.

Only thing I haven't got working yet is my overlays - it won't use MMO files - the apple software uses GPX - and when I convert mine they don't seem to work.

hope that helps.


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Long version...

The apps data is store in an encrypted form, essentially to prevent access to private areas of the apps' data. It uses a hardware encryption built into the iPhone/iPad/iPod with the encryption key being unique to each app.

However, Memory-Map, like many applications that share data, have implemented the document sharing function that was introduced with iOS 4. As well as backing these files up with private data they are also available for you to retrieve yourself - you can also load new maps and routes through this interface.

Short Version....

Connect your iPad to your PC and launch iTunes.

Select your device in the left hand list to display the device details

Click on the "Apps" tab at the top

At the bottom of the apps section is a file sharing area.

Select 'Memory-Map" from the list of file sharing apps and you'll see a list of your saved maps on the RHS, you can select them and save them wherever you want to.

Regarding the routes/overlays, I've used .gpx files on my iPhone without any problems, generated from .mmo files imported into the PC version of MM.

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I just used Export All... from the Overlay menus and selected .gpx as the output format, didn't really think about it as it just worked.

I am using the latest version of MM on the PC, not sure if that makes a difference or not, the resulting file was only 88k so not a huge amount of data.

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I really want to get MM but I am a mac user and until the software is fully compatible with the mac operating system I won't be buying it.

Anderzander, does the iPad work as well as one of the gps sat nav thingys? I know that the gps on my iPhone only works well when I've got 3G. As soon as I'm in an area where the signal is not all that good the gps starts lagging behind and becomes totally useless.

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I really want to get MM but I am a mac user and until the software is fully compatible with the mac operating system I won't be buying it.

Anderzander, does the iPad work as well as one of the gps sat nav thingys? I know that the gps on my iPhone only works well when I've got 3G. As soon as I'm in an area where the signal is not all that good the gps starts lagging behind and becomes totally useless.

Probably not the way you want to go but worth noting that MM works fine on VMWare Fusion if you do want to run it on a Mac.

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I tried using bootcamp to partition my drive and install XP SP2 just for memory map - but it crashes every time during installation and it's a right devil to put right :(

[fingerscrossed] I'm hoping that now there is MM for the OS devices, well get it on OSX ones soon. [/fingerscrossed]

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I really want to get MM but I am a mac user and until the software is fully compatible with the mac operating system I won't be buying it.

Anderzander, does the iPad work as well as one of the gps sat nav thingys? I know that the gps on my iPhone only works well when I've got 3G. As soon as I'm in an area where the signal is not all that good the gps starts lagging behind and becomes totally useless.

I have both an iPad and a netbook with separate GPS receiver... Both work as well as each other, but the iPad does look clear/brighter. It exports the tracks as GPX so can work with the PC version of MemMap without fault. Very happy with it.


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Thanks Scott, the problem is I don't have a PC on which to put the software to download the maps onto the iPad or other form of display. So really I need the software to be compatible with macs before I can export them onto anything. Hopefully it won't be long before they do a crossover.

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I need the software to be compatible with macs before I can export them onto anything. Hopefully it won't be long before they do a crossover.

You buy the MM app in the AppStore and then use iTunes to transfer the .QCT maps into the iPad. So it is OK, you will not have to disappoint Steve and buy a proper computer.


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You buy the MM app in the AppStore and then use iTunes to transfer the .QCT maps into the iPad. So it is OK, you will not have to disappoint Steve and buy a proper computer.


Thanks Chris but I was under the impression that all of the route planning functions were via the computer and then uploaded to the gps.

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  • 2 months later...

I have just bought MM and found that my GPS unit is not compatible with the vista environment on my PC so am unable to sync them, I do however have an iPhone but am wondering how well MM works as a lot of areas I go I get the 'No Service' message in the top left of the display, now some people have told me that this just means I have no phone/3G signal but should still be picking up GPS signal, so I am just trying to find out if anyone has any experience of this as I dont want to waste money on the app only to find im back to reading a map as it's spending too much time with no signal.

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Which iPhone do you have ?

The iPhone's GPS capability varies with model, it does use assisted GPS so accuracy is improved when you have a phone signal but it will continue working without a signal just less accurately. I've not seen any documentation on the accuracy (or at least none I can publish) but it is generally accepted that with phone signal assistance the accuracy can be better than a normal GPS unit, however, without phone signal it can be up to 60 metres out (compared to most dedicated GPS units that are accurate to within 10 metres). For road/track use I've never found accuracy to be a problem when using mapping software be it Google Maps, NavFree (free street navigation app) or Memory Map on the iPhone.

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I have the 3Gs hopefuly the 4 in a month or two. Where did you get the info from? Just asking as I've searched myself and can't find anything regarding the issue. If you can't post the info or link here could you PM me with it?. 60m is a lot more inaccurate than I'd hoped for, ok if theres only one track as you can't really go wrong but any lanes criss crossed with bridleways etc. could work out to be a nightmare.

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The 60 metres figure came from a discussion on one of the developer forums a while ago as a guide to a typical worst case scenario where the phone had no WiFi or cell transmitters in range and had limited view of the horizon due to either phone positioning or surrounding landscape features (in a deep valley, for example, with a limited view of the sky). The built in GPS receiver has been improved with each model, the 3GS was a huge improvement over the 3G and the 4 is improved over the 3GS so you're on the right track.

It's worth bearing in mind that when the device is running in "GPS only" mode it needs to see the horizon to get the best possible accuracy just like a hand held GPS unit. The "assisted" element where it's using cell transmitters and/or WiFi to supplement the GPS is used to improve the accuracy when the phone's GPS is in a sub-optimal position. That's why an iPhone can still give GPS locations inside a building where a hand held GPS will rarely work more than a few feet from a window. The GPS unit itself has the capability of being very accurate but it's not often mounted in an optimum position for GPS, after all it's a phone :)

When the location services provide an app with the current location the app is also provided with an horizontal and vertical accuracy figure (in metres) for that location, there are a number of free apps available that display this figure so it might be worth downloading one of them form the App Store and you can see what sort of accuracy you're getting and you can reposition your phone to improve it's GPS-only performance/accuracy. That will also give you an idea of how accurate MM will be in the same situation.

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