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Radiator cowling

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Does anyone out there have a 200Tdi (or possibly an older engine) running without the radiator cowling? I have a 200Tdi 90 and the cowling takes up so much space and makes it very difficult to work in the engine bay without removing it first, which is a pain in the arse.

I don't appear to have any overheating issues at the moment so would it be OK to remove it from mine? Or should I just live with it and leave it where it is? The reason why I ask is that I have just seen a 200Tdi on ebay with the cowling removed, and it suddenly dawned on me that I have been missing a trick somewhere.

Your opinions are welcomed.


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You could almost have another storage area in front of the engine! The engine being this far back must be a throwback to the older series Land Rovers, am I right?

This also brings me onto another question. Is the engine further forward on a 300Tdi Defender than on a 200Tdi (or TD, NA or earlier)? If so, does that mean that the 300Tdi Defender bell housing is the same as the Disco bell housing?

I have pondered this for a while and if I am right that would also explain why short R380 gearboxes are few and far between as they must have been in the transition period between the two engines.

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Cheers for that information. I have been told that you can take an R380 straight out of a Disco and put this straight into a 300Tdi Defender, which would mean that the bell housing must be the same length, but until actually see someone who has done this I will treat it with a little suspicion.

But back to the original question, I was going to fit an electric fan at some point, so perhaps this would be a good time to do so. I know the engines seem to run quite cool and people remove the fans on them all the time, but I was unsure as to the cowling.

Gonna give it a go anyway.


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I'm fairly sure the shifter housing is in a different position on a Disco R380 compared to a Defender one, even if the bellhousing is the same length. Changing it required a gearbox disassmble/reassemble operation too I think :(

Yep shifter is located much further back on a Disco box, would end up somewhere in the cubby box on a Defender ....

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