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seized front shock absorber, how to remove?

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hello all, im trying to replace my front suspension and i cant remover either the top or bottom nut which are now pretty much rounded off. how can i remove it? in the process i have snapped to RAC spanners. :angry:

anyway, jack up chassis as much as possible and cut the spring off to get to the shocks? <_<

many thanks :)

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i cant get anything in there at all. :(

Cold chisel, chop the nuts verticaly - they will come off..

already sheered off the turret bolts. :i-m_so_happy:

In that case the whole lot will lift off through the hole in the inner wing but its right faff cos there is only just enough room.

If its all so rusty just chop the bottom clear, set to with a grinder and replace the lot as you prob need to anyway.

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