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200 tdi engine bench test


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evening all, iv currently got a 200 tdi listed on ebay and have just been asked if the engine starts.

2 year ago when i bought it it started (still fitted in the disco at the time)

now its lay the last 2 years on the garage floor full of fresh oil but has never been started

the question is what do i need to do to start it on the floor?

full details and pics if possible please as i have no idea what i need to do

thanks in advance

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Run a wire to the starter from a battery, put a large negative from the block to the battery.

Run a wire from the Battery positive to the stop solenoid on the injector pump.

Put fuel pipe from the lift pump to the "tank" and from the spill rail into the "tank"

Then, a small piece of wire from the starters main power supply to the small spade terminal in the starter to energise it.

Might be wise to pack the engine so it doesnt fall over.

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You'll need fuel, some power, and oil. Oil you already have so should be OK. Turn the engine over on starter for a bit without firing it up (leave the connector off the stop solenoid) in order to get some oil into bits of the engine that haven't seen it for a while before you start putting combustion loading on it.

Fuel just rig up some piping to/from a jerrycan as above.

If you just want to start it for a few seconds then I shouldn't think the lack of cooling system will be too much of an issue.

Your main issue I guess would be holding it still! Some kind of frame may be required that you can bolt it into to stop it rolling about on the floor.

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I would think you would need to connect the oil cooler pipes together (either through an intercooler or just to each other). So that, what oil is in the enginer/sump doesn't spread itself across the floor/building when you start up the engine, thereby damaging your engine as it runs out of oil


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Tell them it started 2 years ago, and I have no reason to suspect it not starting now... its not a small thing to do specially if its not got a frame. Could be an interesting wee experiemnt if you've got the time though.


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ok tried starting it but the jumpers flat as per usual, so ok iv got a spare battery lying around that came out a disco but no tested it 7.4volts so next red top optima and same 6.8 volts so last chance yellow top optima and yet again 6.95 volts and the worst thing is iv left the engine in a make shift frame stuck at the back of the garage so now i cant get in to jump it with another motor. oh and worst of all my battery charger isnt playin ball and i cant find the charger for the jump pack so this experiment is turnin into a right pita. :angry2:

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May I be the first one to add Fire Extinguisher to the list of required items? Diesel isn't as impossible to have go up as some people would have you believe, especially messing about with it in cans with loose/makeshift piping.

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I really would not bother starting it, if it ran when removed , has been stored in a dry location and still turns over ok, then it should be fine.

I fitted a 200tdi that had been sat in a damp barn for 10 years. I took the head off to have a look but it started no problem.

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