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NordKapp 2013


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So I thought I would start a little trip thread, in Seven days time, eight of us (four Land Rover's 3 x 110 and a 90) are heading to Nordkapp (well six of us and meeting two on the way).....

We set off on Sunday 3rd, and will be taking the ferry from Harwich to Esberj a quick dash across Denmark will see us on the ferry from Copenhagen to Oslo and then the trek upto Nordkapp.

I have to say that I have had to put in the most prep into this trip than any other I have been on, so I am hoping it will not be an anti climax, we will be meeting Gareth and Lisa on route and will say goodbye to them somewhere in Finland and bidding them the best of British on their big adventure...

The trip is going to take us 14 days, and will see us cover 3347 miles (not including ferry miles) some of the time we will be camping other times we will be staying in log cabins, we will also be on the ferry and even spending three nights in hotels!!

We have had to look at everything from tires and studs to insulation and heating sleeping bags and clothing whilst I fully expect to be met by a Ford Focus in the car park at Nordkapp and am sure we have gone OTT only time will tell, we have prepared for the worst so anything else should be fine.


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Enjoy, Jason and don't eat the yellow snow !

Cheers Mo, By the time I get back you may have actually moved house!!

Don't forget - Packing is half the fun ;)

Iv'e not even started Les, I was looking at my list of things to do on the train back from London today and wondered how I am going to get it all done....

Good luck to you and your fellow travellers Jason. I'm already looking forward to the pictures on your return!

Cheers Chris, we have three go pro's two DSLR's and two digital video cameras in my Defender alone, so I am sure we will not be short of photos although they will be clearly edited to remove any mishaps!!

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Just got home and starting to put together a packing list, although it is not that extensive, I will however have a load of Land rover spares destined for a Norwegian forum members double cab conversion, these will be dropped off in Lilliehammer at our first lunch stop.

I must say that both the Norwegian and Swedish LR community have been fantastic, I have been given a book with all the Swedish LR members contact details in and plenty of contacts on our Norwegian leg also.


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I must say that both the Norwegian and Swedish LR community have been fantastic, I have been given a book with all the Swedish LR members contact details in and plenty of contacts on our Norwegian leg also.


If there are any discrepancies Jason just get a hold of me, I have the new 2012 Matrikeln. ;-)

BTW, for a laugh last week I told the wife I wanted to take the hybrid to Nordkapp, she said to me "have a nice trip!" and left the room. LOL


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If there are any discrepancies Jason just get a hold of me, I have the new 2012 Matrikeln. ;-)

BTW, for a laugh last week I told the wife I wanted to take the hybrid to Nordkapp, she said to me "have a nice trip!" and left the room. LOL


What time should we expect you to catch up with us Todd?


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What time should we expect you to catch up with us Todd?


HAHAHAHA, that's too funny Jason. I have a series 3 heater, how long do you think I would last ??

I can see a summer trip though, my 50th is coming up soon. ;-)


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HAHAHAHA, that's too funny Jason. I have a series 3 heater, how long do you think I would last ??

I can see a summer trip though, my 50th is coming up soon. ;-)


And here's me thinking your Swede's were made of tougher stuff!!! I think a S3 heather and some serious clothing and you would be fine.


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I'm a Canadian Jason. I have no problems with the cold, it's the continual scrapping of the windows both inside and out that is getting tiring. Plus the fact of having no insulation. For off roading the hybrid is well built, but she's far from perfect for cold weather driving. A spring or summer trip to Nordkapp would be fun.


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Trip going well, we have reached Alta and are just about to leave for Nordkapp, but Internet is really not great have some great photos which I will upload when I get home.


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Good to hear all is still going well Jason.

Really looking forward to the pictures... Get me some Northern Lights if you can ! :)

(I'm not referring to you lighting up the northern hemisphere with your LED's either.....)


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