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Your Landy´s worst day ever?


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Here is mine´s...

First a pic of the good old days, playing in the Monegros desert in a club´s gathering


And now the disaster day...back in may 2005 Seferino, our beloved 88" got stuck for several hours with both axles under water. And you know that drum brakes and water don´t mix well...

High speed in a corner with poor brakes saw Seferino touching tarmac (that white marks in first picture) with roof rack and flying over a tree.

Fortunately my brother escaped unhurt. I was traveling in front of him with a friend in his Vitara.


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Maybe some drain holes at the bottom of the drums would be a good idea :D

I never realised LR made anything that kept water in or out that effectively... usually just braking gently after wading dries things out.

I guess my worst day also counts as the best one long-term; finding the chassis was completely shot was unwelcome, but did lead to the rebuild which I'm happy enough with :D

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I always thought landrover made things to keep water out that kept water in, and things to keep water in that let water out.....:)

Not sure I've got a worst day but finding out my engine was fubar'ed is up there. That led to 200tdi, complete strip down, New bulkhead etc......

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I think the worst day for my Discovery was when a careless welder set his insulation and sound proofing alight when badly bodging the inner wings!!!

Ruined most of the wiring under the dash and interior too, dash door card, carpets and headlining also got smoke damaged too!!

Looked something like this.....





Much better when I started doing this though...




So he has had a few bad days and now he is getting some good thrown back at him.

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Slindon Safari 2004 won me the Most Breakages Award.

5minutes in I turned the front axle internals into a collection of unattached bits of swarf meaning I only had 2WD, not to be beaten we did some brief tinkering and carried on.

Obviously to keep up with those with 4WD I had to drive like I'd stolen it and did so cooking the brakes meaning I couldn't slow down or stop that easily.

This led to some body damage and a few entanglements with the scenery taking out some door handles and popping the edge of an alpine light out.

Going home hooning down the A303 a wheelbearing let go.

A total fiasco with the AA ensued and we got home very late.

Will :)

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My worst Landy day was the day I picked up my 'excellent condition, no rust' series 3 from the car moving company in Auckland.

Paid top dollar and bought it on trust (silly silly me).

A close inspection and some haggling with the seller later and I'm in the middle of a chassis up rebuild !

I've been in NZ for 6 years and the first time I get stiched up is by a fellow pom, shame on you Mr C from Wellington.

Looking on the bright side, I'm learning alot about series 3's, I've plenty to do in my spare time, and I'm keeping out of the pub !

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Coming to the realisation in the recent days the my wiring loom is well passed it. The number of previous bodges etc mean there is no point carrying on with what is there now. Going to be a lot of work pulling it out, but probably more work working out what looms to put in instead.

Nothing on the scale compared to your 88" O_teunico!! Glad to hear the driver walked away.

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Coming to the realisation in the recent days the my wiring loom is well passed it. The number of previous bodges etc mean there is no point carrying on with what is there now. Going to be a lot of work pulling it out, but probably more work working out what looms to put in instead.

Nothing on the scale compared to your 88" O_teunico!! Glad to hear the driver walked away.

Bodges? Cheeky bugger....

I might argue that your Landy's worst day was when you bought it......!

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