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Maplins strike again


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I found the cheapos eat batteries and have an interesting lack of repetition <_<

mutitoyo do a nice set - tough enough to double up as a tyre lever in an emergency - over 15 years of abuse and still working well but retro is still cool so I tend to use my old analogues just as often

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they fine as long as the battery works, I've got a similar set and don't use it that often but when I diod come to use it, the battery was dead. I now remove the battery when not being used but it is fiddly replaciung it each time.

the obvious thing would to make a solar powered jobbie to keep the battery up to charge.

I don't have that problem with my non digital ones. :) hence they are far better.

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Philistine. You just don't appreciate my pre-worn-cutting-edge-workshop-bling-a-la-mode-garage-workclothes. Do you know how many vaguely effeminate Italian fashion-school gap-year mincers it took to burn the holes in my trousers in exactly the right places? That kind of skill doesn't come overnight you know.

You might call yourself a fabricator, but you'll never be up with the big boys unless you LOOK the part! ;)

Mark - I've never even seen a slide rule! I don't know what they look like. I feel young again! :)


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Al, I ONLY ever wear Saville Row in the workshop, anything less is vulgar modernism, my tailors use a special weld spatter resistant chalkstripe wool, single vent, 4 button cuff design that proves dashing yet practical during overhead welding, Egyptian cotton detachable collared shirts with asbestos weave and a silk/kevlar weave tie in a windsor club knot......... its the only way baby, you'll see the light one day.. <_<

call myself a fabricator? nooooooooooooo, George was/is the master of weld

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Al, I ONLY ever wear Saville Row in the workshop, anything less is vulgar modernism

Ah! Truly a gentleman of class! Classic elegance. My post-modernist-retro-kool-weld-splattered-baggies are clearly not in your league. Is it generally accepeted that steel toe-capped rigger boots are suitable for use with darker suits? How should one co-ordinate boot colour with tie choice - should boots and handkerchief match?

Tell me, do you find a broader chalk stripe affects your grinder-fu in any way? For my part, whenever I grind a little bit too much off I always seem to be wearing a fuller striped suit.

Al. Sartorial Student.

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Al, I ONLY ever wear Saville Row in the workshop, anything less is vulgar modernism, my tailors use a special weld spatter resistant chalkstripe wool, single vent, 4 button cuff design that proves dashing yet practical during overhead welding, Egyptian cotton detachable collared shirts with asbestos weave and a silk/kevlar weave tie in a windsor club knot......... its the only way baby, you'll see the light one day.. <_<

call myself a fabricator? nooooooooooooo, George was/is the master of weld

I've just run that description past my tailor, I emailed him a picture of you, and he used the latest computer imaging to reproduce the image.

He took the liberty of adding anti-splatter head gear


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Ive often found the key to workshop sartorial elegance lays in the basic coordination of footwear and suit, Jermyn Street being the home of Londons finest shoemakers is the place to find a handmade rigger of distinction, classic brogue with a 200 joule toecap in a relaxed fit, cuban heels are optional. Providing the hankie and tie (or cravat) are well matched then add your own caddish flair from there

For styling hints the younger fellow could do worse than visit the achives of The Slingshot the advertisements are particularly worth noting.

The link between Fu and chalkstripe has been bandied about by the popular press far too often these days - its modern nonsense - most Fu incidents relate directly to insufficient chi flow in the workshop, move the plasma to face the lampost in your yard and you will find a much more efficient ducting of energy.

The thompson in your tailors artwork is a little unsporting Andy, a Kreighoff would be more in keeping, I do like the way he has employed a "coco the clown" waistband in the pantaloon, is this to allow for additional heat shielding to be incorporated of has he mixed your measurements in with mine?? I'd normally prefer a smaller brimmed panama as it allows for ease of wear whilst welding in confined spaces however I think with a sufficiently jaunty angle the pimp look could work........

We need a pims dispenser in the lab next <_<

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