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tubular turrets fouling inner wing

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Hi all,

I've got to the point during my rebuild to re-fitting the wings. I have fitted tubular turrets that appear to be quite readily available. However they foul the inner wing. I tried swapping them from side to side to no avail.

Given that these seem to be quite a common product I'm surprised they don't fit. Has anybody else had this problem or am I just missing something? I don't fancy cutting anything to make them fit or anything like that and will just get standard ones if these really dont fit. These will be sent back as not fit for purpose if that is the case.

The photos are both of the RHS wing with both turrets fitted. As you can see they both foul the wing just in different places.


post-61992-0-92462200-1368981003_thumb.jpg post-61992-0-36800200-1368981012_thumb.jpg

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oh dear! It's really messed up my sunday plan of refitting both wings today...!

Do you know if the D44 ones fit without fouling the wings?

I'm pretty sure, due to the nature of the mounting holes they only fit in two positions 180 degrees apart, but as they are symmetrical this makes no difference. If you swap them around to the other side you have the same problem but a different part of the turret fouls the wing. They can't be mounted any other way.
Gwyn Lewis ones may be the way forward if they don't touch anything - I have his 2nd alternator mount and its great along with excellent service from Gwyn!
However what put me off the Gwyn Lewis ones originally is that they look as if they could bend as they only have 2 struts... though I doubt it really and certainly cheaper than Devon ones

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CaptCarrot are you referring to the D44 turrets? I like the look of them as-well and agree in that they make fitting the dampers easier, thats partly why i went aftermarket in the first place. But if I'm going to have to bend my inner wing I don't think it's worth it.

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I suppose I could do, but they are quite far off and the brake pipe is squeezed between the wing and turret! On factory turrets it had enough space to flap about.

here is a photo of the wing fitted as far as it will go with the turret bolted down, it gives a better idea of how off it is (look where the wing meets the bulkhead). The wing really is squeezed in this photo - as far as I dare, after spending last week painting it!


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Yep, reckon I'll give Gwyn a call tomorrow morning and order a pair. So just to confirm, Gwyns don't go anywhere near the damn wing!?

Do you reckon I should bolt the wings on and fit the turrets after or hold out and fit the turrets first? It was just the plan for today to get both wings fitted but I just ended up with more bits off! Tis how it goes I s'pose!

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I don't own gwyns turrets, but I've some of his other stuff, and I just get the idea he's tested his stuff before he sells it. Ask him when you ring him to be sure.

I'd probably fit the wings on, then fit turrets when they arrive.

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CaptCarrot are you referring to the D44 turrets? I like the look of them as-well and agree in that they make fitting the dampers easier, thats partly why i went aftermarket in the first place. But if I'm going to have to bend my inner wing I don't think it's worth it.

no, the ones in your original post not the GL/D44 ones...I had to squeeze the inner wing up just a little to slide them in....like you by the look of it, don't remember having to push the inner wing in...mines a 1984 90 model

But the D44 one look good too....good luck

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Yes I'll certainly ask to be sure. By the look of them they should be fine.

I've also had great service from him so happy to use him and his are far cheaper than than the d44 ones.

It's just that Gwyns look like a weaker design, I'm sure they are strong enough though!

I'm not really a fan of having to force stuff to get it to fit! I can't anyways as I'd squash a brake pipe on the RHS. If it was very slight Ii probably would but it really isn't unfortunately.

Mine is also an older model, '89 110 - did the inner wings change with the introduction of the tdi so that these turrets fit later models with no problems? I still find it a bit odd that these products are sold without fitting properly - so perhaps they do on later models..?

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Oh thanks for the picture :)

That looks great - all that room!

I know there's no side loadings, I'm being silly really but think they seem weaker for just the vertical motion of the shock. They do look good, I'm going to order some tomorrow.

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Yep, and you can get your whole hand or whatever tool to hold the damper when fitting or removing.

Indeed, I like galv stuff. I've also had quite a few bits of mine powder coated - it does look good. Although I'm happy sticking with galv if its been done as that looks good too!

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Hmm, they fit? I used rubber lined p clips around the tubes from the turret to stop them rubbing against the wheelarch and a gentle modification with landrover tool no1.

I now have a set of gwyns turrets fitted, however, to make room for an intercooler pipe, and I have done away with the inner wheelarch altogether.

On a different note, are you doing a buildthread of your truck, looks really tidy job youre doing there. :i-m_so_happy:


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I'm glad to hear good things about Gwyns, Thanks everybody for your advice. I have no have a pair on there way to me :) bit more expensive than what it says on their website though!
I'll post some photos when they are fitted later this week.

Daan, I'm sure I could make them fit with tool No. 1 but I dont like the idea of mangling my inner wing! Especially when I'm sold a product that supposedly fits, I didn't expect to have to modify the wing to get it in.. Maybe thats just me!! I'm going to try and send them back now but I'm not hopeful I'll get my money back esp as they got quite scratched forcing the inner wing over them...

Oh right, are you doing that on a S3 though, you must have even less room than in Defenders!
Thanks for your comments about it being tidy, I try! I havent really thought about a build thread but as you mention it I could do one, It'l be a bit back-dated to start with, but I have plenty of photos so I'll start one when Ive got some time in the evenings. It's nothing special mind!

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Well my Gwyn Lewis turrets arrived today and I fitted them. They are indeed solid, my fears of them being too weak have certainly been put to rest, they are great and don't foul anything at all.

In the end I only had enough time to put pone wing on so here are the photos:




Thanks for all the help everybody :)

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