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self etch anf primering ali

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You only need a thin coat of acid etch, just a heavy mist is fine - then you can use a regular primer next. Expensive stuff so no point using it as a primer coat.

Don't leave it too long before you add the next coat on top of it, as soon as it's dry spray the next layer or the adhesion between layers losses effectiveness.

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I would not use brake cleaner, you dont know whats in it. Just wet and dry the primer, clean with water and clean paper towel or panel wipe and apply top coat. You will probably need to colour sand the surface unless yo have a proper set up with 2k paint anway, so the odd bit of dust aint going to matter.

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Brake cleaner leaves a residue, panel wipe is what you should use.

I don't rate the Acid-8 etch primer highly. It is a combined etch and high build primer, and consequently doesn't etch well, even if the surface is keyed and meticulously cleaned. Use separate etch and high build primers.

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Brake cleaner leaves a residue, panel wipe is what you should use.

I don't rate the Acid-8 etch primer highly. It is a combined etch and high build primer, and consequently doesn't etch well, even if the surface is keyed and meticulously cleaned. Use separate etch and high build primers.

Agree 100% it does neither job well.

Dust coat of etch then prime.

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