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Removing ball joint on Mini


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Not LR I know, but mechanics, so vaguely related.

I need to change the ball joints on the other half's mini, however they are very happy remaining where they are.

I have tried the big F.O. hammer and chisel, nowt.

Then attached slide hammer (albeit at a bit of an angle due to the location of the pit under the car), which eventually yielded a hairline gap between the joint and the hub. Sharpened up chisel, got hammer out and enlarged gap - or so I thought. Instead it has just bent the ruddy flange.

Have also tried a bit of heat (don't want to go too mad and melt the grease/seals) and various methods of trying to rotate the thing in the housing (hammer and chisel, large stilsons etc), but not thinking of budging.

Any ideas? Short of cutting the thing off and making a right mess of the hub?


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What's stoipping it coming out is a flange of corrosion on the upper bit of the joint [around the dome which is showing in the recess directly above where the joint mounts to the hub-carrier].

You won't be able to pull the joint out through the bore in the hub-carrier if this flange of corrosion is still there.

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Quite, hence attempts to turn it and heat it in order to break this corrosion

Hit it harder! Heat it more! Once it's been heated to red heat and doused a few times with Diesel it might just come free.

[been there, done that lots of times with LR rear A-frame balljoints].

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Removable yes, but you can't get a direct hit on top of it due to the genius design of the hub.

I guess if you did strip it completely down then you could show it who's boss with the oxy and hope for the best. Fair bit of work though.

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Tried hammering it from various angles on various parts.The only vague movement is the slight bend in the photo. And that was after a few hours' work...

re: boot, yep, ripped most of it off prior to heating it, to save it all stinking the place out.

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sometimes its quicker to pull off the whole hub than mess around under the car. in a vice you have much more control, access and most importantly you can remove the meltable pieces and heat it to high hell!

this is why, unlike some, i dont mind dissassembling further. most often it can be quicker and easier. with less chance of breaking other things.

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And usually it's much easier to source a large-area replacement-part than spend hours trying [and probably failing] to disassemble a long-age-upbuggered part then trying to fit new bits to it.

I'll *always* take the angle-grinder/gas-axe to a £50 component if it'll save me half-an-hour by doing the destroy-and-replace-with-new game. Same goes for nuts/bolts/fasteners: if I ever struggle to get it undone it gets subjected to the Navy Flotation Test[1] and when they inevitably fail new parts are specced because they'll go back together so much more-easily.

[1] Hurl them into the nearest body of deep water. Only if they float are they suitable to be considered for re-use.

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Well it doesn't spin - not with a 2ft wrench anyway.

More beatings will resume on Saturday, and I think I will resort to grinding the bugger off if that doesn't do it. I do agree about Tanuki, but I'm unwilling to be defeated by this now!

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