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Post up your garage set-up & tool projects.


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Last week I managed to get some jobs done in the garage that had been hanging around for a while.

One was a fabrication trolley where I can mount my bench grinders, angle grinders and other carp I like to keep handy - otherwise everything always seems to be at the other side of the room, now i can just pull it all around with me :) . The second was a simple welding bench with an extension for using the plasma cutter (no slats in it - just an open frame, I never seem to need them...).

Here is the fab trolley, it has supports for a shelf inside, but I haven't put one in yet. I used nice big castors so it'll roll over any random bits of carp or cables on the floor:

Job done:


Fully loaded:


Other side:


Here is the welding bench, I put a mesh shelf underneath and a couple of bits of bent tube to store tig filler etc:


So, post up your handy workshop tools / projects that you've made. :)


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To the top left you will see a lovely mounting of coiled airline using some 20 x 3 flat bar formed around something to a hook shape :blink: , perfect to restrict useage to people of 6' and above.


From this view you will also notice the "nearly complete" working bench at the left rear - completion date not yet set.

Also, the perfect positioning of my shortened RR chassis allows for convenient placement of drinking mugs and tools in general.


The precision milling machine makes an ideal welding bench for DD :ph34r:

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So this is why you haven't managed to build a vehicle yet?

Ah John - the car-sized-void in my garage has turned into a car-sized-lump! There's not much to shout about yet, but at least there is a mass to which bits need to be added.

Having these other things sorted will make it all faster. I was fed up with a bench grinder wandering off across the floor every time I turned it on. Pretty much finished now though. :)

Landymanluke - I looked at that link, but I have no idea what I'm looking at! It all looks very neat and tidy though! :unsure: What is the PC for exactly?

Re: the blue paint. Yeah, 5 gallon drum, everything I make will be blue until it gets used up, then on to the next colour! :P

Anyone else actually made anything? Tools / benches etc?


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Currently, its for streaming music off the network locally, or radio 1 off the interweb, looking at datasheets, looking at PDF format of WSM, etc etc.

In the fullness of time (when i'm not so busy), I'll finish the interfacing for the compressor setup, so the PC can monitor and manage the compressor and tanks.

Just got two oscilloscopes, they predate me by a good 15 years (1970) but they're still going strong, and they were free, that's my favourite price! alas, i didn't build them.

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No John! That's a car innit - this is a tool / furniture (garage-stylie) / jig type thread. ;)

Jez - sure pics are cool if you have them, especially of good ideas that others could maybe use.

Landymanluke - groovy tools are also good. :)

I've got a few more up my sleeves, but I need more garage time... :(


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I can beat all of that.

I have

(1) A big shed with no vehicle access

(2) Quite a long workbench, that creakes ominously whenever I give something some welly on it.

(3) A Record 5" engineers vice

(4) A crappo 5" bench grinder from Machine Mart

(5) A crappo piller drill from machine Mart

(6) Barely enough room (because of the junk) to swing a cat.

(7) Dinky little compressor

(8) Various tools

(9) My baby - full size oxy-acetylene welding gear with 20m of hose.

(10) Portapak oxy-acetylene welding gear with 5m of hose.

Luke - your vice is an embarrassment - you need a BIG ONE :)

Les. :)

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A bit simple, but highly effective:


This is the grinder rack next to my bench (usually it has another grinder in it too). It is dead simple - bit of angle welded to a bit of flat, and screwed to the wall. There is a groove in the end so that the sanding disc grinder rests on it's spindle rather than on the sanding disc. The others are resting on the guard (not the disc!)


yeah, it could probably do with a coat of paint at some point...

Also built the Carport next to the house:


And I never miss an opportunity to post a gratuitous picture of the machine shop... :D




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Pah - luxury. I get to do my maintenance in the gutter of a residential street, resting on the broken bottles of last night's drunks and bearing the inutterable jeering from local children who decry my chosen mode of transport. Eee, when I were I lad, we had... well, we had a fully equipped workshop with a ceiling crane, workbench and blown-air heating system, but that's by the by. Kids today, don't know they're born.

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When I built my first Series 1 I stripped the front hub down because of a noise and found the source to be a big lump of glass in the swivel housing :ph34r: (Well I thought it was initially).

..... turned out to be ice....

Highlands / Scotland / Winter / Nippy ?

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See Scots moan about the cold while the English just build a fire and get on with it...

[tin hat on]



This little soul folds thin stuff with small returns


We have a folder as well but it wasnt home built so not worth a pic

This little "erection" was built.......


For bending time and crushing continents B)

guestimated at around 300kgs of steel and a push like Vinnys grip round a free pint..

steel stores for flat, round and square


as I move remember I'll ping some more pics up of lab grown stuff as I go round - bit busy last night

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< sigh > that all looks so cool. I wish I had a garage. George is in Dan's garage at the moment, but he's becoming homeless at the weekend (apparently he wants it back to do his Rangie :rolleyes:;) ). Back to the bird poo gazebo for me! :(:D

...I guess my stub axle candle holders and V8 rocker cover herb garden don't really count as fabrication... :lol:

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< sigh > that all looks so cool. I wish I had a garage. George is in Dan's garage at the moment, but he's becoming homeless at the weekend (apparently he wants it back to do his Rangie :rolleyes:;) ). Back to the bird poo gazebo for me! :(:D

...I guess my stub axle candle holders and V8 rocker cover herb garden don't really count as fabrication... :lol:

Atleast you have a garage to get a landy in!!!

With Dans expertise i would have thought you would have persuaded him to build you your own garage.

Knowing how good his memory is, you could probably even try the 'remember, you promised me my own garage' ;)

My hybrid would not even get down the rear alley to my garage, and the garage is a permanant home to my other toy, the lotus 7 replica. :D

I have to rely on the generosity of a guy with a workshop with lots of toys to get my hybrid built.

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