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    Hampshire/Czech Republic :-)

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    Shooting, Bouncing, fighting crime, wearing leotards, flying without the aid or wires.

    Im working on world peace and an end to disease and starvation but Ive got a couple of cars to finish first

    If I can help - I will :)

    Insanely proud to be a member of a team of misfits that were once described as the fight club of offroading due to a lack of respect for the "establishment"

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  1. Nige; Your plate still looks dirty as hell - the toes of the weld wont wet nicely and the bead will always look dirty until you learn hygiene before you strive for penetration..... filthy child. http://www.millerwelds.com/resources/articles/common-TIG-GTAW-welding-problems-visual-guide-graphic if the weld pool is hardening when you dip the filler then use a thinner filler rod, how thin a bead is he asking you to produce? tricky to tell from the pics but how thick is the plate you are working on? Zoltan - Ive got a fully stacked Miller Aerowave and it makes tricky stuff almost childsplay although 90% of the time I just leave the rig set to basic, the 10% when Nasa is needed is still worth its weight in gold (to me anyway). The bells and whistles rock, but only in circumstances that call for them, high freq pulsing for very thin guage is the dogs mellons and out of position work, DC pulsing can work wonders with casts that leach. Pre-prog'd pulse is the lazy way to perfect bead formation and makes single handed stainless pipe welding something so easy our 16 year old workshop lurker can do it. I also have a tiddly Fronious invertor tig plant for little jobs but I still subscribe to the theory that welders should be bought by weight - Ive never been sold on the lifespan of an invertor unit unless it had the right label on the side. Gucci mask, Prada gloves, Galliano rods - welder by Miller
  2. humming keeps you breathing - lots of people tense up. random ramblings that may or may not help; always try to get your body into a position that allows two things; 1 clear vision of the weld as it comes towards you , 2 allows your gun hand to travel the length of the workpiece in a single sweep (comfortablly and preferably with "off job" support if poss.). Once you leave a bench and weld in the wild all of those luxuries go out the window but with a bit of effort you can make your life a shed load easier and the results will show it. Listen to the process; sound will tell you lots, fizzles, squeels and whines will help provide additional feedback as to whats happening, experiment with arc length, contaminated or dirty workpieces, poor earth, insufficient/too much gas and listen to the change in sound - it will help. You also need to play with balance and frequency and note the results, a posh rig with independant Pos and Neg values adds another layer of control that you need to fiddle with. if you are on the pedal then dial up the lowest "max value" on the rig, this will keep the closest possible resolution between pedal travel and current. Clean clean clean, dont just remove ferric oxide but also degrease using acetone (in a perfect world) or brake/carb cleaner (yes, I know the risks) in the cost driven world. A scotchpad buffing wheel on a cordless drill is a wonderfull thing for ally. Ally is alive, it moves and has a character to it, you need to play in order to tune ya swede into its quirks Best advice "off gun" is grab a 1mm or 1.2mm rod and keep it with you, practice feeding it while you watch telly or sit in traffic. practice practice practice you need to be fast and precise with it, start with precise - speed comes with practice. Work up to partially conscious overhead welding backhand, wrong handed using a mirror later (ask fridge)
  3. Ive got some, but they're mostly of vegetables that look like genitals, or is it the other way round Its Niges thread, Ill shuffle off and have a brew, give it a short while and I can do some less secret playing
  4. meh, I just blob stuff together and sometimes it stays stuck the old fart knows he's welcome to trundle over to play as long as he brings nibbles a bit 'o glue and some bashin an bobs a relative
  5. Clean the workpiece before you start Nige, fresh grind on the 'trode, keep your gloves clean, clean the filler rod - basically if everything its not clean enough to lick then dont tig it. Get some exhaust wrap as well and make a finger shield (of use a high heat robo glove on your torch hand), hum a tune while you weld.
  6. wow, well that was an entertaining reaction, shiny, very shiny Pete - bring on the playground name calling if you like, if it makes you feel better then have a field day, you can call us disney or bunch of spanners or make references to biscuits, there must be so many more... its satire so biting I can barely take it... please, show mercy Petal was 88", Mouse was a bit longer, Fridge likes 109 (he's sick) Kim likes 69, but doesnt limit himself to gender....... or species come to think about it Sounds like a plan Nick - good luck with the build
  7. [Micheal Winner voice] calm down dear..[/Micheal Winner voice] I was merely trying to work out how much these companies in Western europe charge for a turn key buggy because its something we are comtemplating doing on a professional basis. We build on budget and on time, we have NEVER missed a deadline yet and despite having no shakedown time our stuff doesnt break. I have no issue with "bought not built" because those that buy provide a living for those that build - simple. But.. if you want to get into a Morrisey'esqe downer contest about mortality then mark myself, everyone I know and pretty much 99% of the population down as "sub-mortals" we simply cant affort to blow 100k on a toy. If that provides some form of moral highground for you then knock yourself out and enjoy the view, because quite frankly I genuinely dont give a monkeys . Im proud to be a member of a team, we punch way above our weight because we pull together, if you are asking me to feel bad being in that position then forget it Im sure Laras bang on and you did lots of driving, that makes the cost even more interesting, but that comment leaves me even more intreagued, why did you have to? To answer your weight question, thats easy - we are a race team, competitive advantages are hard won and easily lost. so big hugs, you like it - thats all that matters
  8. Nah, building new stuff, seriously though - thats not light by a long shot. But I guess its not an issue for you because you're not allowed out East? Did you pay a lot for it? My wife said something about you making reference to Western European "bought not built" straight axled buggies costing 60-100k and I thought she must have been on the gin thats gotta be pony surely?
  9. hmm, sorry to hear that Pete, I had kinda hoped that the fugly was a trade off for light I dont know about UK stuff but anything longer than about 105" out east is a logging truck, regardless of 4 wheel steer - they simply cannot drive forest fast enough.
  10. stop, apply sweetcorn, cook till lightly suntanned
  11. if you want a good teacher then Frank at BETA (in Basingstoke) is another one of Georges boys (it means he's good), if you need a crash course I can get you up and rocking in a couple of hours
  12. looking sweeeeet Eric! get it shipped over and come play? Jez
  13. Petal never skipped a beat, water gets in, water gets out
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