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Everything posted by Anderzander

  1. I bought one of these June last year : https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/GEAR-OIL-EP90-GL4-25-LITRE-API-GL3-GL4-MIL-L-2105-ZF-TE-ML-02-/273757581853?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0 except it was just £48 then ? 🤷🏻‍♂️
  2. Actually restricting it to brushless, and 1/2 or 3/8 helps: https://www.sgs-engineering.com/brands/milwaukee/impact-wrenches/filter/brushless/1_2_inch-3_8_inch/18v
  3. Is the stubby one only available in 12v? I’m perpetually confused with these, as there are so many! I have an impact driver - and have used that, not for cracking big fasteners, but for speeding up assembly and disassembly. So I’d want 18v, to match my existing tools, but there are still tons of them! https://www.sgs-engineering.com/brands/milwaukee/impact-wrenches/filter/18v
  4. Is there a difference in size ? Are the more powerful ones larger?
  5. Does anyone know where I could get some of the clips/mounts for superseal connectors ? I’ve started fitting them and in a couple of places it would be nice to not have the connector loose.
  6. Phew - I feel far less of a slob now 😮‍💨
  7. Outstanding 👏🏻 They really do look like they’ve come from the factory like that.
  8. That’s interesting- I was looking at the hard shell ones, are the larger ones all the soft ones ?
  9. I’ve been thinking of a RTT recently - but they seem too narrow for us. We take our little one and sleep three in a row - our matts add up to about 154cm and the tents all seem narrower than that.
  10. We don’t know yet - announcements about service and warranty soon. We know they are not going for a conventional dealer network / they have said they are making all factory info open source and will honour warranties serviced at independent garages. Beyond that I don’t think we know.
  11. There are lots of info out there refuting that modern GL5 oils are corrosive for yellow metals …. Such mixed messages.
  12. They are certainly well spoken of - on here and all over the Internet.
  13. Between Preston and Blackpool. I’ll pull them out this evening - can share a pic if you’d like?
  14. I think the slots look narrower on the original and that makes the splines look wider.
  15. Have them for free - I’ve two pairs sat doing nothing. One has new bushes in too I think. Just need to work out how to get them to you 🙂
  16. Are you fitting an overdrive ? 😊
  17. I have some Td5 Defender Radius Arms - they are the wider type I think ? If so you can have them…?
  18. Well done !! I did mine recently - and reached in through the bellhousing access hole to rotate the shaft a little and get it to line up nicely.
  19. I would go with the light grey in that scenario. I think the extra height would be essential- and the gap to the joist I don’t think would matter. I expect the door will seal at the top of the frame - so if it’s only the visual impact that’s the issue you could put a cover over the hoist to meet the door - or even a draft sealing brush? Wether you accepted it or found a way to fill the gap - I think the extra height makes the choice for you.
  20. It looks very smart. I need to do something similar: I’m getting a new pre-fab garage, where the up and over doesn’t have enough clearance to get the series in, so I originally looked at side opening doors for it - but they only did them in steel, which are within a casing that meant there was no more headroom than the up and over door…. The up and over door is within the price - so I’ve ended up ordering one where I will take the new door out and make my own wooden side-hung ones.
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