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Cornish Rattler

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Everything posted by Cornish Rattler

  1. Yes i totally agree with that and i do intend on fitting a servo and bigger master cylinder but not decided on which ones to get plus i couldn't afford to buy everything at once so once the rear brakes are done then i will decide which to go for.
  2. Cheer's Jon i will have a measure up and see πŸ˜‰
  3. It could just be stiff springs as they are rated as H/D and there isn't really much in weight in the back ather than the spare and it isn't used every day so mite just load it up first and give it a run round and see.
  4. I was thinking of removing all 4 shocks and giving it a run round to see how it is and if it feels better ( softer ) i will get a better make shock πŸ™‚
  5. Hi guys As you may know when i did the rebuild on my S2a swb i fitted new GB parabolic springs and left the shockers off ( Britpart ) till right at the end of the rebuild and had them on ever since and noticed the suspension being a bit stiff but with doing a few other bits on the landy over the past year i haven't done anything about them so just thought i would ask what you think about the shocks πŸ˜€
  6. All drums and brakes was new ish when i replaced them
  7. Mite even go this way if it works πŸ™‚
  8. Thank's guys, i know its a very old thread but as regards 200tdi FIP's its something i've been trying to ask and keep getting told they are both the same for a defender and disco 200tdi but they both have different part numbers which has always made me think they arn't and you have answered my question. I am currently running a series 2a swb which i have fitted a defender 200tdi from a defender 90 i used to own but the timing case was damaged when i got the 90 where the alt and power steer bracket bolted to so i re-dressed the engine as a discovery engine but using the defender FIP but the engine seems to run out of puff a bit to quick for me and will only do 70 mph even though i have 3.54 diffs fitted, now i used to have another series 2a swb 200tdi that was fitted with a discovery 200tdi with std gearing and o/d and that would do between 80-85. I've always suspected the FIP on this one as when i did the re-dressing i replaced the timing belt as well which means the timing belt is longer on the discovery engine so must have some effect on the defender FIP.
  9. For now I'm using the std none servo master cylinder but once the rear disc brake conversion is done I will see how it goes and if needed I will buy a a better master cylinder and servo
  10. Hi guys Well i am over the moon with my new Zeus front disc brake conversion it has totally transformed the 2a and have now decided to get the Zeus rear brake disc conversion kit as well and as with fitting the front kit i will post pic's 😁
  11. Its just ashame Alexa isn't stereo πŸ™‚
  12. Hi guys I got an Alexa for in the garage for Christmas and i've asked her to fit an o/d on my landy and she hasn't, what am i doing wrong β˜ΉπŸ™‚
  13. Sorry guys i completely forgot all about this thread, i bought one from my local hardware shop its pretty light but reasonably strong but not really had chance to try it out yet as with Covid and that and not been out detecting since early October but will give it ago asap πŸ™‚
  14. Hi mate, sorry for the late reply 11psi to 16 psi is spot on and think I've heard peeps say 18psi is max. With mine 2a 88 with Def 200tdi with a 300tdi turbo and had an Ashcroft tranny box mine maxed out at 15psi which I was quite happy with but after a while I swapped out the tranny box for a std tranny box and it now max's out at 12-13 psi but need to get an o/d before I do anything, hope this helps
  15. Yeah i haven't tried Lidl or Aldi for logs but used to get mine from Home Bargains and they were great proper dry and burnt fairly slow and threw out alot of heat and sometimes i had to hove the small garage door open πŸ˜„
  16. Not used mine yet this year as all the local log supplying shops inc the one i mainly use have all stopped selling logs now due to new laws as regards the quality of kiln dried logs ( netted bags ) i do have a local log supplier but i don't have the room or anywhere to keep them dry other than keeping a few in the garage for buying in bulk, i have heard that this new law mite not come off so just waiting to see what happens and the only stuff i can buy is eco logs but i don't fancy them ☹
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