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Everything posted by reb78

  1. We re-used mine last Christmas. No idea if they had been used before!
  2. I went in to order a load of 25litre drums of oil - atf, ep90, engine oils for various vehicles etc and asked for the same discount as on the website. I got told it was web only. So i politley said i thought that was a bit odd and said i would go sit in the car and complete the order on my phone then come in and collect. Whilst i was fiddling with the phone, the lady behind the counter came out and said her boss had told her to offer me a bigger discount - it worked out at something like 45%!
  3. Crikey, a decent quality tdi filter kit can be had for around £15. Why wouldnt you change them?! Its preventative maintenance, i doubt anyone sees an improvement they can truthfully measure!
  4. Just to add, if you look at red90s site here http://www.red90.ca/rovers/gears.html you can see the difference in the ratios. Look at the 51A and 56A LT77 ratios.
  5. Linked to my other recent thread regarding the LT77 and my usage, I wondered how practical folks thought the military ratio 51A LT77 gearbox would be compared to the standard spec 200tdi ratios when my overdrive is also added to the mix. Without the OD, I think the ratios would mean for noisy cruising speeds on the motorway but with it, I wonder if the military ratios might actually be better? Its a 200tdi engine, LT77 gearbox (either 51A or 56A hypothetically below), 1.4 transfer box, GKN overdrive, 3.54 diffs and 31.5 inch diameter tyres. Will it make that much noticeable difference and will the military box raise the revs slightly on the motorway meaning that i am actually in a more responsive part of the torque curve? Thoughts?? Using an online calculator, the revs at different speeds are as follows: High Table (Military Ratios) Speed/Gear First Second Third Fourth Fifth 10 MPH 2124 1342 803 533 443 20 MPH 4247 2685 1606 1066 886 30 MPH 6371 4027 2409 1599 1329 40 MPH 8494 5370 3212 2132 1771 50 MPH 10618 6712 4015 2665 2214 60 MPH 12742 8054 4818 3197 2657 70 MPH 14865 9397 5622 3730 3100 80 MPH 16989 10739 6425 4263 3543 90 MPH 19112 12081 7228 4796 3986 High Table Overdrive (Military Ratios overdrive engaged) Speed/Gear First Second Third Fourth Fifth 10 MPH 1529 967 578 384 319 20 MPH 3058 1933 1156 767 638 30 MPH 4587 2900 1735 1151 957 40 MPH 6116 3866 2313 1535 1275 50 MPH 7645 4833 2891 1918 1594 60 MPH 9174 5799 3469 2302 1913 70 MPH 10703 6766 4048 2686 2232 80 MPH 12232 7732 4626 3070 2551 90 MPH 13761 8699 5204 3453 2870 High Table (200tdi box ratios) Speed/Gear First Second Third Fourth Fifth 10 MPH 1967 1136 744 533 410 20 MPH 3935 2272 1489 1066 821 30 MPH 5902 3408 2233 1599 1231 40 MPH 7870 4545 2978 2132 1641 50 MPH 9837 5681 3722 2665 2052 60 MPH 11805 6817 4467 3197 2462 70 MPH 13772 7953 5211 3730 2872 80 MPH 15740 9089 5956 4263 3283 90 MPH 17707 10225 6700 4796 3693 High Table Overdrive (200tdi ratios overdrive engaged) Speed/Gear First Second Third Fourth Fifth 10 MPH 1417 818 536 384 295 20 MPH 2833 1636 1072 767 591 30 MPH 4250 2454 1608 1151 886 40 MPH 5666 3272 2144 1535 1182 50 MPH 7083 4090 2680 1918 1477 60 MPH 8499 4908 3216 2302 1773 70 MPH 9916 5726 3752 2686 2068 80 MPH 11333 6544 4288 3070 2364 90 MPH 12749 7362 4824 3453 2659
  6. I think its the same isnt it? Sure my 'upgraded' one is a four core from caterpillar
  7. Haha. I have been going round in circles with this one in my mind - it would seem that they didn't do that with mine!
  8. I was lookomg at a spexific box though Snagger - see the link above - if its a true military recon that someone else has bought and is selling on would it be less ‘con’ and reasonable workmanship? I’d assume MOD wanted things done properly. The ratios are all quite different to the tdi box though, but I wonder if they could make the overdrive a nicer thing to use?
  9. Yup. Ive heard good things, but he’s not taking new orders until after new year. Its a long time to be without the car hence looking at other options like the one on ebay.
  10. Just a correction to the first post - I dont think it makes any difference, but the current box is an H suffix, not G.
  11. Thanks Arjan. Yes, its certainly time to break away from the current company - one problem could just be bad luck but the list is quite long now though. Trouble is it means taking a financial hit as I am not comfortable using the box I have for exchange so I need to purchase outright. In my opinion, the current box is not fit for exchange (given discussions with others and the comments on here) and were I to exchange elsewhere I would potentially be passing a problem to someone else.
  12. Ive been considering the R380, but its a fair bit more to spend including the bearing upgrades and if the LT77 is suitable for what I need, i really dont mind the box. Its a bit of a dilemma though. I enquired at Syncro Gearboxes about the stumpy R380 but they arent taking orders until after christmas because of workload.
  13. Yup. A 200tdi Fridge, so its not like its mated to a Cummins or GM V8 monster. A few folks have mentioned misalignment or potential mismatching of case parts as a potential cause. For this reason I am going to ditch this box and need to make a break away from it. This will be the fidty time in ten years this box has had to come off for a problem - second time for the layshaft bearings. Cant keep on like this!
  14. The seats mum used would have been new around 1990 - they have bulked out a bit since then I think but I expect you will still find some to fit. I definitely think you could fit two in.
  15. The person who repaired it said they used Timken bearings. They also admitted to using inferior bearings in the original build so I was hoping that Timken parts would get me more than the 66k it took the first ones to fail! But alas no! This is whats making me question the box or the setup. At the risk of advertising this ad further, is this worth a shot? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Land-rover-defender-lt77-gearbox-suffix-H-90-110-military-spec/153225783380?hash=item23acf7e854:g:iUgAAOSwdmlbyyTe its probably recon rather than new isnt it?
  16. Same box Mike. Bearings were replaced 30k miles ago. They’d done 66k miles before that (the box has had a heap of issues - once its off the same one is not going back in) How would the OD starve the main box of oil? They are all seperate. Oil - using ATF III at the moment. Have tried MTF and difflock but settled on ATF and regular changes.
  17. As above. Should an LT77 (G suffix box) cope with lots of motorway work? I travel from Cornwall to London and back each week. Thats 500miles of motorway plus local travel every week. My layshaft bearings have gone for the second time in two years. This set have covered only 30,000 miles. As many know, I run a GKN overdrive so engine and main box revs are significantly reduced such that even at 80 I am revving lower than the same vehicle without an overdrive at 70. I sometimes tow but not that frequently. Do I have the wrong box for my application or is there potentially something more wrong with the box itself? Engine and gearbox levels are checked weekly. Diffs etc every 6000 miles at service time (so every 3 months at my current mileage). I’ve spoken to a few of you about this in person but wondered on the wider thoughts.
  18. Mum used to have three across the middle row in our 110. This was on the standard seats so yes they will fit but it could be quite seat dependent
  19. Agree on the last paragraph. I would love an F150. Also agree on the US market bits - the v8 petrol in the f150 is brilliant. I had 30 miles to the imperial gallon out of the one i used in the US. Thats a massive 7mpg better than my tdi acheives. I can live with that!
  20. Haha. All fixed. 52 degrees was about right.
  21. I know a few on here tow trailers so on the offchance someone has a Bulldog QD33 clamp can i ask a favour? I managed to drive the horse trailer off with the wheel clamp on. Well, i tried... didn't get far, and had to cut it off of the wheel. Given the price of them i am trying to repair it by welding plates on. If anyone has a Bulldog QD33 would you mind measuring the angle of the bar that locks into the central unit as it comes down towards the floor please? This is the model https://www.bulldogsecure.com/view/bulldog-qd33-wheel-clamp/95 Thanks!
  22. http://new.lrcat.com/ Cant download it, but it works well
  23. Does anyone do an alternator with built in pump like the TD5? MIght be a tidy way to replace it?
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