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Everything posted by Disco-Ron

  1. Anyone know where i can get just the balls and pins..... i don;t really want all new hinges cos they won;t be the right colour......
  2. Well, that was posted just acouple of weeks back, so i wouldn;t expect much of it to be open.......... and to be honest, i can understand it, as so much damage gets done when there are big puddles etc, cos people seem to just wanna get their truck filthy, and have no respect for the lane..... but some of us want to use tha lanes in the future, so if them being closed in the winter achieves that, then thats fine by me......
  3. http://www.dorsetrover.co.uk/content/voluntary-tros
  4. Cool... glad you're a member...... remember to get your renewal in, if its due.... I'm the treasurer...!!!!
  5. As you're in Dorset, i shall make a shameless plug for a local club........ check out www.dorsetrover.co.uk Good luck sorting the truck.... there are quite a few specialist garages around if you need one....
  6. For god sake remember it in the morning though........ a couple of yrs ago now, my cousin wrapped his mk1 escort engine in a blanket, and two months later went and started the car...... he got it right up to normal on the temp guage before the car burst into flames.... and gutted his pride and joy........ he's now rebuilding it into what it was ...... again!
  7. Something a little different.......LOL
  8. No problem, not sure you'll get much idea from the pics, i asked simmonites for a picture, but no reply... Strange thing is, i have a bare chassis at the moment, and i still can't figure it out...........
  9. HI, i recently bought a tank guard from simmonites, it came with a bracket to fix to the angled piece behind the front outrigger but for the life of me i can't work out quite how, no matter which way round i try it it seems ugly, and bad fitting.... So, does anyone have a picture of one fitted, cos its got me confused......LOL! 300 90 if that helps.
  10. My 1996 300tdi 90 has single feed to front calipers..!
  11. http://www.johncraddockltd.co.uk/products/uqb000130_clutch_plate_heavy_duty_200300tdi_130.php Looks like the same thing, so no reason not to fit one..!!
  12. i did mine at the same tome as fitting rock sliders, so i had the aluminium sill trim off, but from mempry thats all apart from the fuel tank support.... on drivers side anyways,
  13. David, i had to do mine aswell, what i did was get the replacements, and then look at the job thoroughly, what i found was that the new ones appeared to be the right size to be placed inside the old ones through the chassis, so, i cut off the old ones at the outer edge of the chassis, then cleaned up the inside of what was left and basically hammered the new inside the old, you clearly need to keep the 'flange' bit upright..... cos you won;t twist it once its in the chassis..!! I then welded around the outside, and called it quits........ i am however now changing the chassis, i only did the outriggers as a short term job, hence i wasn't maybe as fussy as if i wanted it to last for years and years....... Hope that helps. Ron.
  14. I have never yet seen one of my diesel vehicles tested at anything over tick over and low revs........ And the brakes on my LR are always tested on the rollers, at very low speeds, and done after a mere second or two rolling, never had damage yet! oh, and once my xbrake is on, i won;t let him test that on the rollers..!!
  15. I hope he doesn't live on a hill, there wouldn;t be much hope of the handbrake working... so pushing it away would become a doddle......LOL!
  16. maybe, but i'd think about parking it elsewhere. or sleeping it it,...!!
  17. After three attempts in three nights, i would hope the local constabulary would want to sit and guard ot for you..... to catch the blighters trying!!
  18. For a mere £15 i fitted one of these, its some sort of resistor that speeds up the existing fan................ works a trat on my truck, 300tdi, no engine fan, warms up nicely, and hasn't yet overheated..... Oh, one question, with the original fan speed slider thingy, is the fan supposed to be on and speed up as you lower the lever.... or is it supposed to 'start' when it goes onto speed one.....
  19. You can buy black gutter sealant, from the likes of b&q,..... i would sue that, as i suspect it'll stay slightly flexible, i wouldn;t use anything that will go hard, cos it'll end up brittle aswell!!
  20. You need to get your heater sorted, mine blasts out really warm air after a mere five miles!! i also find that having it turnedd off totally for the first few miles helps!!
  21. So, bearing in mind that i would clearly have to drill the new chassis to fix the clips on, what is the best means of securing them... alloy rivet..?? self tapper...???
  22. Well. that clears that little oddity up, it doesn't help as to why to op's truck won;t start without throttle though...........LOL....
  23. Very odd, both Disco's that i've had, and now my '96 90 have all had a sensor on top of the head, i thin k it goes where item 29 is on the parts listing..... don;t know why it doesn't show it though......
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