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Everything posted by Disco-Ron

  1. in my old disco i had two fans on the rad, both were switched seperately, via an x eng twin temp sensor, one for mildly warm, one for very warm! both also had on/off/on switches in the cab, that way i could have 'auto mode via the sensor', 'off (for wading)' and 'on manually, bypassing the sensor'..... might be a bit overkill, but i like to be able to control things manually aswell as auto, that way if the sensor fails i can deal with it by simply clicking a switch!
  2. I should add, i am in no way doubting the build quality of mach 5's, i'd love a set, but my zero offset modulars are the best wheel for my use and application...... so not gonna flip disco rims either, i wonder if there is some sort of test that the wheels undergo to ensure their strength and suitability for use on a vehicle such as a land rover, and when i say that, i mean a UK test, not tuv or something like that.....
  3. So, now that the can of worms is open............ are Mach 5's road legal then..?? the early ones almost looked like they were made by a bloke in his garden shed.............
  4. So........... 'don;t be a goose'.........LOL!!!
  5. Just out of interest, what makes the 'flipped' wheels not road legal...??? the fact that they've been modified..??? i bet there isn;t a single land rover owner on this forum that hasn't modified something on thier truck,..... does that make them all not road legal...??? if it's a 'modified wheel' issue, what about people that fit bead lockers, are they not legal...?? i know a few trucks that have mot's with them on....... not trying to str=art an argument, just hoping for some clarification iof the actual facts!
  6. I know they can be a bit harsh, but are you sure your idle isn;t set too low, causing too much vibration, i've never heard of any complaints before, in fact, oine mate has mounted his almost solid, as he kept breaking the mounts....!
  7. wouldn;t be that hard if you had an axle laying around to then be able to set something up and spin the wheels before you re-weld the centres in..... to get them true and all the same offset i mean..!
  8. bear in mind that even the newest 200's are now pretty old....... i'd go 300 everyday!
  9. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Wendy-1973-Tax-Free-Range-Rover-Hybrid-/320647148975?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item4aa80f35af Interesting wya to create a hybrid, not seen it done this way before, take one range rover, cut the chassis down to 86inch, leave the engine box AND bulkhead where it was in the rangey, then fit would would pass as lightweight panels to the rear, and defender front end....... actually doesn;t look too terrible, got more leg room than a series or defender, and most likely a stronger floor.......... Please note, i am NOT question what he's advertising it as, not questioning the age factor, or wether its had a vic check etc etc..........
  10. Just go get them, £15 for a screen is a bloomin bargain anyway!
  11. The 3dr windows are about 3 maybe 4 inches longer.......... ask me how i know!!
  12. Totally understand the use of a winch of something goes wrong, can't foresee everything can we..........!
  13. ON a side note, any green lane that requires the use of a winch should really be left alone........ just my opinion
  14. Lots......... not worth it for the sake of two bolts!
  15. Paul is a top bloke, goes by the name of Marsie on here.......... but watch out, he's mighty busy!!!
  16. If it were my money, i'd buy new, then get it galved.......... best of both worlds...!
  17. Sadly thats no gaurentee that you won;t get sent something that doesn't resemble the description.......... i recently bought a '500 mile old' X brake, the pads were worn out, the backplate bent, and disc bent..... all i really bought was the caliper, its now cost me well over the price of a new one, and the seller didn;t have the decency to reply to the pm i sent them when i recieved it.........!
  18. Adam, you have put the loom in the correct place firstly, and i think you'll find that the looms are used on both left and right hand drive vehicles, so the wiring is also on the drivers side, i have just replaced my loom in my new chassis, all the wiring for the towbar is also on the drivers side, so, you've simply put the lamp on the wrong side of the truck.... move it and the wires will be there to be found! And whilst you're at it, put the reversing light on the nearside aswell...!
  19. What will the sound deadening material actually be...??? will it be compressable..?? if so, you won;t wanna use rivets, i'd use nuts and bolts of some variety, and possibly even a spacer to stop the finished surface looking like the himalayas!!
  20. Just for reference, i think i'm right in saying that its actually illegal to have tyres that aren't rated for the max speed of the vehicle...???? Or is it that the ins co might not pay out ... can't remember..... pretty sure i told my ins co what tyres i'm running anyways, so should be covered..!
  21. N is only 87mph, so no high speed racing down the autobahn eh....LOL!!!
  22. Might also be worth checking you have power going to the fuel solenoid on the back of the pump..........
  23. before you even touch it, at least give the dealer a chance........ he may himself have not actually seen what was done to it...... Depending what sealer they used, sometimes if its silicon it will 'roll' off easily..... if its a black mastic type stuff, then good luck.....!
  24. They might aswell have just taped over it with gaffer tape, thats a disgrace!!!!!!!!!
  25. Just what i siad 4 posts ago........... when i said covering it with a 'film' might help, i mean one that would look like the window had been painted.........
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