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steve b

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Everything posted by steve b

  1. you've got 303 volvo portal's on your 109 haven't you? what sort of gearing ratio,s do they have in comparison to the mog 404's (still haven't got mine home yet - soon tho)? It's always a real boost when your project is close to going on the road ( they're rarely finished ..mine isn't ) so press on dude the end is in sight cheers steveb
  2. hi IIRC it's m12 metric fine can't give you tpi but pretty sure it's metric fine .... I guess you have the series pedal box/ m/cyl I think you could use later mastercyl and change the pushrod ?? then use a defender/disco pipe ? How far off are you to finishing your 109 then? 109 csw ....the best land rover ever! cheers steveb
  3. Nice touch taking out 10% low income tax to replace it with the 20% making it so that people in the 5k to17k income pay more tax ...........I wholly believe we are being nailed harder every year whether employed or self employed/business owner ........no tax on food miles or imported goods miles or god forbid air travel /rant over/ steveb
  4. Hi Anglofrenchman the air-con can be unbolted from engine and carefully laid to one side (I tie to somewhere to take the wieght). I would also favour engine out ......much easier to fit the seal & use genuine less doubts altho no guarantee's . Mine 200tdi started leaking about 2mths ago ...a job for later. I have heard of additives that are supposed to swell seals but don't really have faith in fixes inna bottle ....even WD-40 only work's for V8's until the next puddle cheers Steveb
  5. Hi I reckon Bogmonster has a good point ......I bought my tirfor , pulley block, anchor pin's & tree strap year's befeore I got my first winch - s/h LR hydro-hydro ever since-- still got the tirfor tho good luck with whatever you choose steveb
  6. Hi Les Swopping the transfer box in situ is fairly easy 4-5 hours going steady i reckon. AS far as tip's well from my experience taking off h/brake assy makes it easier to handle and i made a "thing" to drop in the socket on the 3t trolley jack that supports box & bolts to t/box on pto/brg hsg cover ..this makes it more stable to line up when refitting no pic's tho i'm sure you can see what i mean. When refitting watch out not to damage the seal in the t/box on g/box o/p shaft, also do you know if top gear is cross drilled for oil feed , if not grease g/box shaft / inside gear before refitting. hth cheers steveb
  7. Hi was wondering what oil you hydro guy's use ? I just changed mine from 26 to 46 viscocity ,upped the prv to180 from 150 which has improved the pull ... I think the 46 grade has made as much difference as upping the prv. the winch is a pto converted to hydro pto pump 8.5 gpm motor 6.5 gpm reversible (with leak off) 25 litre tank seems to pull well enuf ...would be interesting to get it on a load cell one day. ........as to your orig question you can winch and drive with auto if the wheels spin & pto is engaged you will get winch power but much slower and less pull than optimum pump speed. I think with crank driven (Jez) you need a chain drive to take the load of the pump . As HFH says flow = speed & press = pulling power. Will be interesting to see how you get on. cheers Steveb
  8. As it's not a competition spec cage I used what I had on the rack low spec cds about 48o/d I did find 90 bend to be the max attainable and when I ran out of old stuff the new similar spec I got hold of seemed softer i.e. small dents where the outer rollers support the tube ...like your tip using thin piece of ally najw will remember that one. Best thing OF is to get the m/c out stick a bit of tube in and have a go, getting bend centres is a bit of a practice job but if you measure and mark your bend start point or centre point you'll soon work out how the development happens cheers Steveb
  9. Hi Les I used one of those sealey pipe benders to make my exo cage and it worked fine if you buy it use it and want to sell it i would be interested later . I did find it kinked on tight 90 bends but that could be tube quality . cheers steve
  10. Hah new if i mentioned a blunt chisel a hungry bfish would just jump right on the hook...any how jim i would have thought bush engineering would be part of everyday life round your neck of the woods steveb
  11. not sure of size i ground an old one to suit has to be thin tho tbh i usually use a narrow blunt cold chisel long enough to get in there , but any piece of bar would do. Yeah the lanes and countryside is soo lovely around there the only probs i had laning was meeting old french farmers in citroen c5 vans coming the other way....i'm sure they laugh about meeting a rufty tufty lr with a winch on a track they use to get to the bar every day lol cheers steveb
  12. Hi if you have a spanner that fits and clears pulley bolts it should undo clockwise by short sharp taps with a heavy hammer , if not you can use a cold chisel on the corner of the nut. the cowl will come out after that with T H & I/C hose off ....you may need to flex it a bit. btw I have several friends in the Charente region around Ruffec was down there in 2004 for a visit & some chemin fun. hope this helps key things ..hammer & clockwise cheers steveb
  13. hi, i made both my tanks mig welded no probs clean metal n good joint alignment are key imho....and i used 2mm baffles are in the bottom and are 100mm high. leak test with air 5-10psi n washing up liquid cheers steveb
  14. here's my tale.....marshalling at my local pnp last w/e i towed a cj with a broken rear prop from the middle of tthe site [not stuck] to the exit....no probs.....engaged high to take him to nearby railstation carpark for rac recovery as i pulled away at tickover the strap tightened with a small jerk then his hook came off .........sailed throo' my 4mm lam[bs veh spec] rear door glass n landed on frt pass seat threads in the captive nuts must have been strained no visible risk when we hooked upb4 this happened. gives me the cold shivers a week later what is on your vid is plain dangerous and stupid . it's not a case of if but more when someone is injured/killed how will our hobby/sport be viewed by authorities ..and how would you feel telling your offroad bud's family/wife/children he's dead /rant mode off/ ....just my 2p. worth lets be careful steveb [abit more grey hair ]
  15. my mate runs them on his 6x6 rrc no probs offroad equal to bfgmt in mud lots of grip n selfclean .......road mileage not so good they seem softer compound ....his rrc is a monster tho gmc 6.5t rear steer and [coff] 4t ..me i love my bfgmts 255/85 16 superb all rounder cheers steveb
  16. Hi steve, o/t i no, we were the last team through the brick work's at santa's in the blue tray back hi Adrian Santas was a good event i thought ...was my first visit to the brickworks great fun . are you entering the Ultimate? cheers steveb
  17. Just got off the phone with the Owner and wooohoooo got meself a new year prezzy . I was all set to have a go at posting some piccies last week then my laptop keyboard stopped working ...after i had dumped pics from phone to said lt. This one im using wont take the phone soft ware . going to pick up first one when the man is back off hol jan 3/4 . Was hoping to make a start over the next week ....just gonna have to contain myself....maybe i should use this time to finish the 300tdi 90 thats hanging around in the lab at the mo one thing at a time pah Gotta say i'm looking forward to building something a bit tuff n a bit different Jez the grand tourist cat in the ladoga what sort of budget for the trip + event ? would it be feasible in a LWB 109 tdi with a big hyd. winch / 255 bfg mt ? min no of people per vehicle cheers all steveb
  18. Cheers for the replies guys Just got back from a daylight look...they have definately been there a while theres trees growing out of the doca!! the two i could get at have on board air (for towing? -trailer brakes) there is one or two more under the biggest bramble thicket i've ever seen Will be talking to the owner later hopefully about a deal.... Jez ...panzer bits?? shirley not been browsing the toyshop for a while...when i had my 2 mog s back in mid 80's there wasn't anyone doing hybrids but now with work guys like you n dirty diesel n moglite are doing and maybe just as relevant there are events to do with said toys ok ok time to admit to it i'm steve and i may have a small mud addiction .... i can stop anytime i just choose not to.... Is spectating feasible on any of the baltic events Jez ? vepsski Les n the Ladoga look like a real test of metal.. Al will pm you ref prop flange if im successful ta cheers steveb
  19. Cheers Will thats new info for the /proto file/ Am off to have another look in a while anyone got a guide price i can have in mind when i talk to the MAN about THE DEAL? steveb
  20. Thanks Al might be interested in the propshaft flanges one was a doca one single there may be others in the undergrowth....will have a better look tomorrow. do the props turn the other way to lrs? with the drumbrakes can you run 16" rims ? good choice of lighter offroad tyres watching moglites video of his 1st time out the truck tyres looked really stiff about 20yrs ago i had a well worn diesel mog that was tiny - size of a 109 was an old forestry truck unfortunately i sold it a while ago but would have been good as track seemed similar to a 90 on offsets i think it may have been 401? by the way Al what are your plans for your mog? if i do get one the cab will be available cheers steve
  21. cheers DD do you know what ratio they might be? and which lt 230 ratio best matchs the axle with say 38" tyres? poss more important what sort of price do you reckon I should be expecting the owner to ask for a whole vehicle - they have been in a field for at least 20 yrs! so body etc is all tatty. Going back tommorrow in daylight for aproper look. ta Steveb
  22. First of all hi to everyone on the forum I joined a while ago and have enjoyed reading all the techy threads and also events. For anyone at santas last weekend i was a marshal in the 109 sw with rollcage. Back to my question i have found a couple of old mogs which i understand are ex german army,found a plate on one date 1963 they have canvas cab tops 4 seat with drop side body , on 12(?)x20. Are these suitable as the basis for a portal conversion ? to a defender/series hybrid.Am i right in thinking they will require 1 prop flange adaption 2 disc brakes - is there any that can be adapted ? 3 narrowing track width are all conv narrowed or can you run std & have mainly inset wheels? Thanks in advance for any help guys n gals also how do i get emoticons to appear in my posts? better with welder/grinder/pressbrake chi than the finer points of pc's! ta Steveb
  23. hi re bfg m/t 255/85 -16 just got a new set myself. Mine were sourced locally (off my bruv) but i have heard that mytyres.co.uk are worth a look £108 i think.hope this is of use . I should also say hallo to everyone i joined a while ago and find lr4x4.com an interesting broad forum. By the way my old bfg's had done around 40k and still have 6mm left ! casings were starting to crack tho.Top tyres for all round usability imho regards steve
  24. just a couple of thoughts.. is your steering box set at centre for "straight ahead"? if the box is not centred (jack up &count turns lock to lock ,position steering wheel half way lock to lock & check wheels are dead ahead.adjust on drag link. tyre press will also cause this as will incorrect caster angles,you could check diagonal wheel distance using a wieghted string & chalk marks on level hard surface . steveb
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