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Everything posted by discomikey

  1. PICTURES!!!! did you get any pictures of the casting process, i have only ever cast things at school and really enjoyed it, I cast and machined a little g cramp and a couple of other bits.
  2. Talking bo duke sideways! all the more epic with AC/DC blasting out too, unfortunately i dont have any videos because its not something i tend to have a video camera out for haha The ATB does make it more controllable than it used to be though
  3. Me too, i just dont like to reccomend to other poeple if you know what i mean. i would use my own judgement for my truck, but not reccomend it to someone else.
  4. Like FF says, it doesent need violence to kick out the back end. it was on a gravel road and the box will take spinning up the tyres on dry tarmac just fine as long as its a smooth application of torque.
  5. i converted to 3.54 diffs before the overdrive, had the diffs about 4-5 years and the overdrive not that long after that. my box did eat third gear on the layshaft but that was due to a mate trying to use the clutch to kick the back end out. of course i used my foot to kick his back end after that!!! lol
  6. the one thing i would say is that oil sits on top of water, so while in theory like you say a swirl pot type affair would be the best especially for side slopes and the matter, and that sediment probably wont be a problem if you replace filters and clean sedimenters regularly. you may find condensation or any bad batch of fuel causing more WIF issues than your current setup
  7. sweet jesus, a full flip without touching the roof, especially while going over the central res... extremely lucky to have survived that! let alone not cause a collision upon landing on the other side. glad your ok, whereabouts on the m6 was it? (yes i know im a bit late somehow i completely missed this thread)
  8. just a quick point. went up to cleethorpes at the weekend to pick up a TD4 freelander and i returned 27mpg on a 220 mile round trip with the trailer on. i wasnt hanging about on the way up (obviously stuck to the 60mph motorway speed limit) i sat at about 52 all the way back it was just within the lower end of the torque band in top overdrive i did have to drop into 4th i think 4 or 5 times but i expected to need to drop it a lot more than that. and thats with an extra 150kg worth of water ballast on board. i find that 3rd overdrive almost very low revs is ideal 30mph town gear extremely efficient at that too. i did have to drop it to low box to set off up a hill but if anyone knows the hill coming up out of cromford towards wirksworth they will know its a fairly steepun and i could get up to third on that and sit at 25mph quite happily with the hippo in tow. i could of thrashed it for 30 but whats the point? £40 for a decent overdrive is a steal! hope you manage to get the rest of the bits within a decent price range!
  9. if you can get hold of measurements we could model a bracket up, draw it up and then poeple could fabricate it or get it fabricated in the future. have you tried YRM they do a lot of disco steel parts!
  10. with having a lack of speedo at the moment my mileage has been worked out by google maps, and i filled up at the same station, same pump till it was level with the breather pipe orifice each time. so mine cant be too far off
  11. that must be THE best pie chart i have ever seen!!!!! EVER!!!
  12. sometimes its quicker to pull off the whole hub than mess around under the car. in a vice you have much more control, access and most importantly you can remove the meltable pieces and heat it to high hell! this is why, unlike some, i dont mind dissassembling further. most often it can be quicker and easier. with less chance of breaking other things.
  13. I like to use both technical and faster techniques off road. when the situation suits of course. and it was over a full tank of diesel on motorway driving. i suspect i wont be seeing those figures again for a while because i had temporarily de-tuned the pump a tad. (not too much though)
  14. let us know how you get on with regards to prop angles i thought mine is at too large of an angle anyway to make it shorter still
  15. that may be something that you would have to talk to a bosch specialist about, although if you dont need to have it at "factory tune" you could try playing with the pump to get it somewhere close. is it the whole range you are down on power or just bottom/top end? have you got a standard 200TDi to benchmark from? i would adjust to the point where its not smoking or maybe just a light haze under full load at full throttle, and then adjust the rest to suit from feel as to whether it needs more/less fuel at the top or bottom end. once you are happy its running right, use a paint pen or sharpie to mark the settings, and count turns on any adjustment you make, being sure to record what you have done, and to only make one adjustment at a time. mine is still not perfect to my needs, i have been playing with the pump for 4 years but im somewhere close now. just dialling it in bit by bit when i get the chance.
  16. its not engine noise and revving that limits my speed on the motorway put it like that. its more lilke the windscreen trying to fold back from the wind!
  17. sounds like theyres something wrong there. i find that while fuelling does make quite a large difference, boost also makes a lot of difference especially to the "kick in the back" it gives. always though i could benefit from some recon injectors but that was just for the smoother running more than anything else. tbh it runs really smooth just a bit rough when its stone cold.
  18. I have only ever found it a little too high geared once, i was in the woods at bala in a particularly technical spot. although i managed to cope fine considering my geared up 200TDi gets 35mpg i also find this hard to believe ( i thought 35 was bloomin good for what it is to be honest) hoewver by a freak miracle i did manage about 39mpg once. havent managed it since mind. on the plus side it doesent drop much when towing
  19. popping out of third in the other box most likely isnt just the detent springs im afraid good news is its super easy to rebuild a series box, i reccomend putting new layshaft bearings in your spare box and replacing anything else that looks suspect whilst youre in there. then just swap it out when you have a day or so.
  20. with the fairey overdrive it is advisable to only use in third and 4th, i was always worried about its strength, however the 3rd and 4th was specced behind a 2.25 to avoid breaking so you would think a TDi would munch it, i have accidentally forgot to take it out before and set off like hell in 1st overdrive and its always handled it. i dont make a habit of that though. i do use it in lower gears around town with a feather foot too just for convenience of that half gear.
  21. Thanks Josh, yes i do run an overdrive and 3.54 diffs, also with 235/80R16 which have a rolling radius of around 15-16" i find for motorway cruising and everyday driving, its not far from ideal. although for motorway towing is is a little less ideal. its set up so i get peak torque around 60-75mph which is bang on. if im towing through a long 50MPH section (like the bleeding M1 J28 upwards etc etc ) then i could do with top overdrive being a smidgen shorter, as im below the main torque band but its a bit revvy at 50MPH top no overdrive. thats not a common occurance though to be honest. and overall im happy with it. on the plus side the road speed is 152% of the speedo indicated speed. whereas the conversion from miles to Km is 160% working out if i used a kph speedo it would be reading 1.05% road speed (albeit with the wrong units but we can ignore that) i.e. indicated 80kph would be 76mph road speed. if anyone has a kph speedo (for a SWB geared for 6.00 tyres) i want it yeah when towing right up at my limit, i have to drop it into low box to set off up a hill sometimes, but i dont find that an issue and i have found the weakest link in my drivetrain is the rear diff, not the gearbox although now thats an ATB so probably the shafts. if i were to consider changing the gearing, i may think about very slightly shorter diffs, not much shorter though. but to be honest i think i would leave well alone as i know this setup works well and 90% of the time my gearing is right.
  22. neither can i haha. you got PAS? is it the pump whining? is it definately engine speed related? or may it be speed related? its a timing chain on those engines isnt it? because an overly tight timing belt can often whine
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