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Everything posted by discomikey

  1. just so you know, i bought him pre named
  2. well yes ideally i will do, although i do grease the pins and check all pulleys myself too but obviously a proffessional look/service can never be a bad idea
  3. if i go between Ludlow and uni or ludlow and home o go via bridgnorth haha which could play well
  4. where are they based dan as youre not too far afield cheers
  5. have you tried using your eazibleed to reverse bleed the fronts? i.e. push the fluid in at the nipple, the air wants to go up so why not help it
  6. the ramp is a stenhoj and thanks seems to be a fair few but none local sods law but will keep searching
  7. one from a few years ago: when you have to stop on a roundabout and let the passenger back in..... darn those non anti burst locks!
  8. when you keep a set of tools in your 09 plate chevrolet laccetti (must be the worlds MOST reliable motor) just in case...... when you keep driving because the bigger vehicle always has right of way, only to remember that youre in the eurobox again... When youre in the eurobox again!!!! and finally, when you come to pull off a roundabout onto a slip road in 3rd or 4th and that torque just never comes, because youre in the eurobox again which has to be revved above 3000 before it will go anywhere except it feels super nasty to rev that hard anyway....
  9. at the moment i just havent got the time to sort it. well i have on weekday evenings when i am stuck 60+ miles away which is super annoying!
  10. had the compressor checked over by the man the other day, as usual. and it brought me to think, about my ramp.. businesses have to have their ramps tested, or at least checked over every year if i remember correctly. i know im not a business, but being under that ramp, (and having other poeples sometimes quite expensive vehicles) on it too makes me keen to get it checked out, its about 2 years since i bought it and when i got it it had had new cables, pulleys and pulley pins and a fresh check over. its all still in great working condition etc i would just have a better piece of mind if it was proffesionally checked over. but i cant seem to find anywhere that does it, i have google searched to death and the only thing that seems to come up is something to do with being a pilot! any ideas? cheers
  11. that reminds me, must check the oil level on my compressor at the weekend!!
  12. Oh, and not to mention having the living daylights kicked out of me by a less than happy bull calf as we had to inject a smaller group of our herd
  13. went home this weekend, wasnt the most lucky couple of days if i do say so myself. it all started on friday morning.... i think.. the chevy and the mrs car due a service, no problem, up on the ramp one at a time, job done, full check over them both, i need to spend a further £120 on a full set of disks and pads which was a nice surprise. but at least its done, next on the list, fit a new non cracked radiator to the 6140, its been cracked for 3 years and dad finally got round to spending the £300 on one rather than waiting for £3000 worth of siezed engine. book time is 2 hours 1 hour in, i uncover the slightly miffing fact that the whole loader system needs to come off to get at the only 2 M10 bolts that retain the bleeding thing. 4 hours later i gets in. put kettle on, makes coffee, dad comes in, calf died not good 2 others ill so off to pick them up in the disco and take them to the vets. get stuck up against the fence with disco and trailer, both perilously close to fairly major damage to bodywork (on a bank) and to top it off dad about knocks himself out climbing back into the disco after being chased by a not so happy mummy cow. get back in, boils kettle, makes coffee, fence gone down, it can wait, noise from sheds, pop round to have a look. a set of about 10 18mth old bullocks had got out from their pen, which is in the shed where we store our tractors etc, where brian is currently sat out of harms way. walk in theres straw everywhere and ladders pushed over. prop them back up. turn around and for the first time see my truck, FFS, B****rd F****ing W***y C***ing (you get the gist) animals,..... at least 4 of the bullocks have horns, and with them weighing about 3/4 of a ton of pure muscle and horns, they all decided my truck looked like a good rubbing post. not a straight panel left on the thing!!! to top that off, its not insured so i have to shell out the delight of finding 2 straight doors, a pair of straight wings, spend some serious time on the rear tub and see if i can make the bonnet less horn dented too!!! then just to top the day off, mum had been out with the horse trailer we recently aquired, after much mickey taking about women drivers and "not bending the new trailer" i procede to park the trailer up, taking it up the alley between the 2 buildings in the yard when, BANG..... one of those little "barn door" type top half rear doors which was pinned open against the side of the trailer had swung free, and you guessed it..... as it swung round, caught the building and knackered the door, and hinges up. and because horsey poeple are loaded Ifor williams have taken the privelidge of asking for lots of money for spare parts!! no pictures obviously i was a little too miffed for that, will take some at the weekend though FINALLY, got in, go to drink coffee and then spit it all out as it had been standing for 2 hours and was cold. ahh well life is such
  14. second shot for ludlow, there most weekends, i come up as far as derbyshire (my home town) a fair bit too, near ashbourne if that helps, during the week i am in sunny coventry which isnt quite so helpful
  15. Halfords is a funny old place, "No sir, err we dont do wipers for a massey ferguson, and we dont do the adaptor fit this stereo to that model. by the way.... What exactly is a massey ferguson?" they did the adaptor! and i managed to get a free headlight bulb fitting for my chevrolet laccetti. wish i hadnt!!! take a guess on the time it took the poor lad and the mishap that almost occured.. in all seriousness though, the discount for their tools and consumables is great and the quality of their tools are extremely good especially for what you pay. not many 1/4" drive ratchets can actually take a 11 stone lad and a 3ft scaffold pipe... yes i was prepared to break the ratchet and/or socket in order to get that job done it was an absolute nightmare! i normally look after my tools extremely well. but it never broke and is still in perfect condition 2 years later.
  16. our 7 seaters never had ACE, must of been an option i guess
  17. imagine a full synchro series box, the starter for that thing would chunk the layshaft!!!
  18. Thanks, will do oscar I am all for the simple, origional parts as far as possible mods, but sometimes it just makes life harder in the long run haha
  19. the issue there it the series brake is quite narrow, maybe 3.5-4" wide in total and actuated by a rod system, which is just pitiful to say the least. a decent "later" handbrake system would make life a lot easier, but as the rear prop is already so short, and already has some fairly uncomfortable looking angles on the prop UJ i dont think the extra 2-3" would help prop longevity.
  20. ahh another workshop type thread recently that has been my favorite type, but one thing is i always find workshops are never big enough no matter how big they are haha
  21. you should hear the **** i get for being a farmer on my own land.... modified series 3 on private track/field... hmm thinks horsey/wa;ker person coming the other way. ive been stopped and had a full on bollocking from some randomer. till i turned round told them it was dads farm, showed him the fencing stakes in the back and told him if he didnt want reporting for tresspassing on private land to be on his merry way probably should have not retaliated but the pure cheek of being told off by a tresspasser for being on your own land is rediculous
  22. engineers report was done by an agricultural dealer/land rover specialist/MOT testing station/engineering shop, so the engineer (owner) has lots of experience from all walks of the trade and this was backed up with a fresh MOT and a brake test. signing it off was just a matter of him writing down a summary of his views on my work, along with a copy of the brake test results, and MOT certificate then signed, and adressed. my insurance company only asked to see an engineers report (some insurers will actually provide a fill out form style engineers report) and after that my premium didnt change at all. they seemed happy with the work. Being the NFU i guess probably helped as they can understand this is not a performance upgrade, and a series is very unlikely to be raced about. they see it as a safety upgrade i think which i was both surprised and pleased about. i think that as long as you can get a second opinion from an engineer who "knows their stuff" and test results to prove the performance of the brakes, you shouldnt have much of an issue with it.
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