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Everything posted by Maverik

  1. With the wee actuator tester I've made out of my bike pump, I'm going to go pop it on the actuator now and see what it does, if it is that sticking, if not... then next step is to look at the injector pump, make sure everything is ok in there....
  2. Hehehe hmmm I've been thinking about this a lot and I'm inclined to agree with your statement...
  3. Hi folks, This has got me scratching my head so needs to fresh idea's. Defender 200tdi (freshly rebuilt) with Turbotechnics VNT upgrade turbo. This started early this year after 10 months of faultless running. I start engine, drive away, and it feels very flat. Boost pressure rises relatively normally 2nd gear and push acelerator it spikes up to 1.5+ bar then sharply drops, the VNT is set up to max out at 1.45 bar, once its done the "unsticking thing" it will then be pretty spritely up through the gears and only when you push hard and load it up will it go near 1.45 - usually operating between 0.8-1.2bar normal type driving, however hard you push it after the first spike you cant get it to spike again - unless you turn the engine off. then do a re-start. What I have done so far. VNT has been stripped and cleaned and has no damage, the vane mechanism is light to the touch with no notches or catches. VNT actuator has been replaced with like for like part. Boost pin changed. I can't for the life of me work out what could be now causing this spike of pressure what I feel is the vanes in the turbo not responding properly, but everything appears good there... Anyone any suggestions?
  4. Now I understand why you where so flippant with my suggestion, I had no clue that diesel fuel interacted with zinc/galvanised finish. School day for me, and glad I now know. Back to plan A of making a stainless one its is then.
  5. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Land-Rover-series-2-2A-3-Swb-stainless-steel-petrol-fuel-tank-1958-1985-/264279429107?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  6. Distortion can be kept to a minimum with some mindful welding, I'm going to give it a go when I have a bit of workshop space to play with.
  7. I was thinking about this earlier only independently of this thread, and I hatched a plan. Get a standard tank weld some 1/8npt nipples on it, in some tactical places and send it to be galvanised... once done tap out the holes and inset 1/8npt blanks. Jobs a good un.
  8. I fitted a Webasto thermotop C to my 90 probably the best part of 5 years ago at a guess. Anyway it's been a superb addition and for 4-6 months of every year it would get used daily to warm the engine prior to using the truck. So about 18 months ago it started to not start when asked, seemed a strange fault that was intermittent at first and has slowly got worse until the last 6 ish months it stopped all together meaning the fuel pump wasn't switching on, the unit would start up but would purge itself then stop. So having checked a few things including the fuel pump, did some trouble shooting from some webasto literature and didn't really help. So bought a service kit off ebay and pulled it out last night. There not a lot to them really, pulled the burner out and found a good quantity of what looked like burnt chrisps in the inner combustion area, pulled the glow plug and gave it all a good wire brush and popped it all back together. Plugged it in and switched it on and it fired up straight away no problem. Fixed. It's interesting to note the glow plug I believe also acts a temp monitoring device once hot - the glow plug was very dirty with soot deposits. I know there's some clever electronic control I also wonder if the carbon deposits where blocking the combustion fan inlet to burner and that fed back to the ecu... dunno. Anyway if anyone is getting any problems with there webasto I'd advise they give it a good clean.
  9. Got to say my rear door handle area is looking pretty rubbish due to corrosion and sitting water, I'd welcome something like this, watching with interest - I'd be happy to do some testing for you if needed!
  10. Regarding moving your spare wheel to the back door... I've got a masi (I think) carrier on the back door. It's been off and on a few times as most carriers they're just painted or powder coated which to me are equally unfit for a defender, they will both within a year start to show signs of rust. If you do go that way try find something galvanised, you won't regret it. - I ended up galvanised mine myself. Personally I think bonnet spare is pretty iconic and loved it on the camel 110, it does make the bonnet a bit heavy but small price to pay in my opinion. I've actually got a bonnet mount for my 90, just never got around to mounting it. The bits you're looking for have pretty good availability for not a lot of cash, so I'd be looking just to replace outright.
  11. Well found that man, that describes the offending vehicle to a "T" down to the interior details! - I found the advert on car and classic earlier, got a few more pics.
  12. Summarized very well in my opinion - I think the Seller is clutching at straws to get the most out of it - fair play, but you sir took the wise decision to ask on here first
  13. Funny looking thing, quite cool though.
  14. Was there not a limited addition run of a 90 I think but the factory went on strike and they only managed to get 2 built but they never got released into public hands... I'm sure I saw one of them at Gaydon earlier in the year.
  15. If going TDI I would go 300. Parts for 200's are becoming much harder to find and prices more expensive.
  16. I also have a modified air filter inlet, so effectively its not reduced until it comes out the filter housing, also running a standard size alisports intercooler which is meant to be improved over a standard size.
  17. After I had my 2.5" ss exhaust installed this really helped limit the max egt, I have to really push to get it up to 700. Its got 3 boxes as per original exhaust, when it was built I asked for it to be as free flowing as possible but to try keep the noise down too.
  18. Yeah it passed OK, some test came out at aggregate of 1.85 ppm I think, pass rate was 3.00. I looked at my past record and that was actually the highest its passed on for a while.
  19. FYI - I just put my 90 through its MOT with the VNT turbo and a boost pin off ebay.
  20. Interesting article, but not about closure, seems the daughter took CEO in September. https://www.ipswichstar.co.uk/news/business/ipswich-car-parts-firm-britcars-new-ceo-8302408
  21. Strange, as they've just updated their website.
  22. Some screen grabs that show some of the work, Pretty much blue printed a 200tdi - high lift cam as some serious pump injection upgrades too amongst other things. they got Protection and Performance to do a 3d scan of the engine to allow them to make up much more accurate mock ups for the hi flow manifolds.
  23. Something others might find interesting, I started following this crowd on Instagram and I'm pretty impressed the lengths gone to properly build a performance 200tdi. Not related or affiliated - I just like engines Bezbomb fabrications | Facebook
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