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Everything posted by Paul64

  1. Thanks Les, It is not that cold all through the winter but can drop to that level. Is it worth going to a 5/30 for all year round use?
  2. Les, would that be good for a 1994 200 Tdi too, with temps down to -20oC in winter? Paul
  3. Thats' useful information, thanks. Paul
  4. Thanks. I'm not sure what the numbers mean anyway, but what would be the difference between a 10w and a 15w? Cheers, Paul
  5. Does that mean the oil will freeze if colder that -20? I remember one year in Transylvania which went down to -30 for a few days. What do they use in Scandanavia then? Cheers, Paul
  6. I will check it out Ralph. I sent in Jasper to do a closer inspection of the dam but I couldn't understand his incoherent report! Cheers, Paul
  7. Why are you selling it, or are you buying? Why are they so expensive? Surely it can't be too difficult to knock one up from a Millets special to stick on a roof rack?
  8. Thanks Ralph, I will need to give my mate rejo a call. The welding jobs are beginning to mount! Maybe it's time to to invest in a welder. Cheers, Paul
  9. I agree about the curtains, but just make sure you've got your boxer shorts on!
  10. Hi, Is the box section at the front of the rear wheel arch on a defender simply rivited in? It looks like it from the outside as there are a row of external rivets. Or is that just the outer skin? The reason I ask is that I can see some rust on the inside close to and including the rear seat mounting bracket. Looks like it will need changing soon, but not sure if it is a welding job? The lower door seal looks well worn and I can imagine water and muck has crept in and up that panel. Cheers, Paul.
  11. Hi Ralph, I will be back there in a couple of weeks time. I will find out where the breach was and get you a photo of the repair. You probably hit the nail on the head when you mentined the time span of 15 years. With that amount of time it is probably well weathered. Cheers, Paul
  12. I didn't actually walk over the dam so I can't say what the repair looks like. Spent most of my time in the woods with Jasper. In the afternoon I went to the British Sailing Club to watch some of my colleagues get very wet and cold! Cheers, Paul
  13. Hi, Went for a trip by LR with Jasper to see the Dam at the Mohnesee. This is where the site of the real event as recorded in the film the Dam Busters took place. Great day with lots of surrounding forest trails.
  14. I think I am just going to change them. As Rejo says the roads and tracks in Transylvania are going to punish my suspension much more than present so better do it before I go. Cheers, Paul
  15. Thanks Ralph for the info. With these heavy duty springs how do you find the ride? For me it's a toss up between doing the job well, but making sure the customers don't feel like they have been to Alton Towers for the day. Cheers, Paul
  16. I live in Germany but I bought my LR where it spent all it's life in the UK. I don't even know what the self leveling unit looks like or where it is located to know if I have one. Looking at your photo post new springs it doesn't look much higher than mine. However, photos can be deceiving. Do you not find that your step and low mount from the cross member act as a plough? Looks a bit like mine and the last time I went off road I left the field in a state a farmer with a Massey Ferguson would have been proud of! Worries me a bit as when I move to Romania the terrain is a bit more rocky, so it may need to come off. Cheers, Paul
  17. Thanks Ralph, Rejo says I need to gain about 4 inches to use his Sankey. I need this for when I move to Romania with all my kit. Just out of interest he measured the drop when I got in the back (100kg) and went down another inch. I think the spings are original from 1994 and my LR's first life was a ballon chaser and carrier for several years. It looks fine to me and there has never been a sloppy or rolling ride. Rejo says she should be sitting up a bit more at the back. I will talk to him about the self levelling strut as that never came up in the conversation. Regarding the weight. I will have max 4 customers and all their kit in the back. So springs you have sound like they would do the job. I agree with you with the picture, she does look light and as you say carrying a lot of weight. Cheers, Paul.
  18. Hi Simon, Well done to you, brave man. I still haven't struck out on my own yet. I am learning a hell of a lot from Rejo, but I take my hat off to you for tackling a job like that on your own. I noted the last remark about confidence boosted. It takes a lot to take on a job when you get to that point of no return. When it goes right and you don't have the embarrassment of calling someone in to finish off the job for you certainly does give you a good feeling. Just out of interest what made you change them? Rejo says my LR is sitting a bit low for use with the Sankey, so my back springs and shocks are going to be changed. I know everyone has their own preferences when it comes to what brand and he recommends Old Man Emu kit. He sent me a chart of the choices available. Now I just have to decide what will be the average weight I will be carrying etc. Again well done. Cheers, Paul.
  19. Thanks Buzz, Are the unlimited trips for unlimited time? Most insurers state to a maximum of 3 months on any one trip even if the total number is unlimited. Cheers, Paul
  20. That's great information thanks. Just out of interest do you know if this policy covers commercial use as well as domestic? Cheers, Paul.
  21. Looks like fun. I may be able to get over as a spectator, but will have to get back to you on that. If anyone is thinking of combining this event with some touring of Transylvania, let me know. Are you one of the organisers of the event? Cheers, Paul.
  22. Hi, Does anyone know of any insurers that offer an international green card insurance for more than three months on a single trip per year? Thanks in advance. Cheers, Paul
  23. Thanks for your comments Ralph. I will forward them to him. Cheers, Paul
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