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Everything posted by Frax

  1. Hi I did see them but the one shown is for a 200tdi but I have sent them an email to see if they do the 300tdi. Regards Frax
  2. Ye they are the same as far as I know, just looking on the web there are lots of places advertising plastic wing skins but as yet I have not found any alloy ones. Might need to start phoning around, there are ones on ebay but most are for the 200tdi and the rest are mostly as bud as the ones I have. (Dented) Frax
  3. Have you used then and if what are you thoughts on them. Quailty = Fit = Would you buy them again? Regards Frax
  4. I will start a new thread with that question, more people might see it. Frax
  5. I think you can just change the relay, there is info on this in the tech section. Regards Frax
  6. Check this out http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/LAND-ROVER-DEFENDER-BULKHEAD-TOP-REPAIR-PANEL-/370495594119?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item5643421e87 Frax
  7. Easy way to do it is – let the pressure out of the tyre and then burst the tyre away from the rim, this will allow you to get under the rim. I have covered the tyre in newspaper and then used a bit of rope and jammed it between the tyre and the rim and cut of excess paper. Works well and when finished just re-inflate the tyre. Frax
  8. Hi does anyone know where I can buy a driver’s side wing skin for a 300tdi. I am looking for an Alloy wing with the side vent; I can find lots of plastic ones and Alloy ones but only for the 200tdi. Or a td5 one. Also any idea of what they cost. Regards Frax
  9. I also put my one on complete with arms attached, used bags of grit blast on top of the chassis (about 3 per side) to give it a bit of weight while doing the job. Used a garage creeper to slide the axial under and then bolted the shocks in place. Frax
  10. I would just keep bleeding it as there must be air in the system somewhere or you have a leak. Frax
  11. For that money I would fit them but only if ye are going off road, if not yer wasting yer money. Frax
  12. Na worries - grease wax and underseal going everywhere and lots of it. Frax
  13. OK Guys thanks for that, I will just let it sit till I get the back ready for fitting. Is the required cap for the door seal 5mm par side giving a total of + 10mm from back to bulkhead. Just out of interest its a 300tdi and there were alloy shims fitted on the back between the cross member and body that is why I though the bulkhead was the starting point. Regards Frax
  14. The chassis is bare at the moment so nothing to gauge from, I thought that all measurments would be done from the bulkhead back. Frax
  15. When you fit a new bulkhead how do you know it is square to the chassis ? Frax
  16. Well told you the brain was not as switched on as it used to be,,,, Daft me just spent ages hunting for td5 bulkhead conversion, tdi bulkhead and any other configuration I could think of. Well Ralf should have read my own post first. Thanks for the spot. Frax
  17. Well just got hold of a TD5 bulkhead for my 300tdi, gave up trying to find a good or new 300tdi replacement. From memory (which is not at is best) I remember a forum member doing an article on all the work needed for the conversion but for the life of me I can not find it, any help would be appreciated. Regards Frax
  18. I plan to use this stuff when I get round to doing mine, if you Google armaflex you will find it is good for high temps unlike camping mats http://www.ryanairconspares.com/armacell-c0r99-class-armaflex-flat-sheet-25mm-p-1561.html These people sell it in different thicknesses and with adhesive backing. Worth a look. Frax
  19. Hi all I have been looking at paint for to 90 overhaul, I wanted silver but would have preferred it to be none metallic so that scratches and the like could be covered up easier. I was under the understanding that you could only get silver if it had a lacquer finish as it was the lacquer that gave it its colour. I was going to spay paint it but after seeing a recent post and Rambo’s excellent paint jobs with a roller I may just try that. As said I am still looking at silver and found this “Door Hinge Silver” on the following web page http://www.stephen.hull.btinternet.co.uk/nonmetallic.html it is listed as None Metallic Do any of you own a Defender with this colour and if so any chance of a picture. My only other option if I do go the roller route is to find a suitable grey. Any help with “Door Hinge Silver” appreciated. Frax
  20. When I got my 90 it was like that but after a fiddle with the connector on the motor 2 speed started to work again and has never failed again in a year. Don’t know if it was just luck or a bad connection. Frax
  21. I am sure I read on here about someone on here fitted a Intercooler from a Toyota Supra. If yer lucky they will see yer post and reply. Frax
  22. Hi This is the style of ratchet crimping tool we use offshore.. http://ucables.com/img/extra/RUBICON-WIRE-CRIMPERS-R86952-1.jpg Frax
  23. As a side question how do you boys run the power to all this? Do you run a single heavy feed straight from the battery and then an additional fuse box to go to each item or what? I am defiantly going to buy a Raptor dash as I think they look great and a lot stronger than the plastic alternatives. As for crimping – I work in the offshore industry and the ratchet crimpers are the only ones that are allowed out here as they give a better crimp with more points of contact and if used correctly should not be able to over crimp. Frax
  24. BF ever time for me, I have used them on 3 Land Cruisers I have had and now also on my 90. Long lasting and good road manner. Frax
  25. Hi and welcome. Well I did the back of my 90 with ply and then covered in carpet just so it looked better, also fitted foil covered camping mats to the roof with spray glue, this cut down on condensation and helped keep it a bit warmer. Have a look at his just for ideas http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Vivaro-plywood-shelving-van-racking-ply-lining-/120666869902?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CommercialVehicleParts_SM&hash=item1c184e508e As for the Perspex – it would give you a lot of reflections from your dash and also oncoming cars in the dark. Regards Frax
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