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Everything posted by JeffR

  1. You can take the door card off with the door closed, it's awkward and time consuming but can be done.
  2. A new world record - 3 bloody hours to change a single spill pipe, damn stuff turns brittle at -6C...................
  3. My god Dave, ya getting mellow in your old age! Been told by a (former) client that perhaps it is time I "toned down my attitude" - well that's English Nature of the Christmas card list.
  4. You sure did! Odd thing is a mate had the same problem middle of last week and i gave him the spare pipe I had kicking round in the garage!
  5. A And that day has arrived!!!! Fuel spill pipes failed on injector today.....
  6. We used to live on a farm in Devon and were plagued by rats, so we acquired some pet Rats - wild rats tend to be territorial and promptly buggered off sharpish. Have two pet rats now, The Venerable Bede and Saint Cuthbert, aka Bede and Bert, real cool dudes the pair of them.
  7. or go the whole hog, fit everything then surround engine with kevlar blanket and wait for the bang! By the way, rear wheel drive Discos (must fit that front prop this weekend) understeer like pigs going into a bend and oversteer like a hoolies motor coming out of bends! Kirstin is not amused, throw in Arctic weather and it's getting to be fun...
  8. Found out why my Draper one expired, bloody cat p!issed on it, that cat is vindictive - will not tell it off again (last time it got told off it p!issed in my slippers).
  9. I've found that noise based repellents eventually give up the ghost or become audible. Rats, especially, get used to them (bloody things is way too intelligent). Poisons work, but critters tend to go die in some awkward corner and a wee while later stink and produce way too many blue bottles. Hate to say it, but the most effective method is a good old fashioned back breaker (or finger breaker if you ain't too careful with the larger versions - go on then, ask me me how I found that one out) traps. To increase the efficiency of traps, superglue a chocolate button to the trigger, can get half a dozen rodents with the same bait. Mind you, I sorted the rats in my garage by giving them lead poisoning at about 600fps, all bar one who became rather hand tame - he and i came to an agreement, he didn't do too much damage (or bring his mates along) and I refrained from shooting him. Poor bugger died of old age in the autumn, kinda miss his company......
  10. Twas the chaffed wire that was the most scary! Anyone recommend a good cheap multimeter, my Draper (12 years old) Expert job has finally expired
  11. Bugger me, one requires universal joints for elbows to get to the bloody thing! Certainly gave my knackered arm a work out, codeine is my bests friend.... All fixed now, was a combination of things, dodgy earth, cattle trucked dim dip unit and a chaffed wire.
  12. Nip down to your local dry cleaners and beg/steal/borrow a couple of those very thin poly bags that suits/dresses come back in. Put them on the seat backs to make getting the tight outer covering on very easy. Also don't lose the little plastic rivety things that fix the cord on the seat base in place....
  13. Beat the bar steward! Combination of dodgy earth (there's a surprise) on nearside headlamp, chaffed wire going into fuse box and cattle trucked dim dip (same unit as my V8 Defender - now there's a stroke of luck). Darkness helps when looking for chaffed wires.......sparks are very pretty.
  14. Ancient! Serviced regularly, it's just 17 of the previous owners hated the thing!
  15. Cheers Mike, how did you bypass the dim dip unit, also where is the bugger hidden!
  16. OK here we go (again) so the 1993 200Ti family hack decided that functioning headlamps were not to be. Thought it was the switch, so swapped it out for a new one - epic fail. Still got no dip or full beam. I can flash full beam and have side lights. Fuses and bulbs are fine, therefore has to be wiring - does not appear to be any power to the switch or fuse board, now completely stumped . Has anyone got a clue where to look
  17. The plot thickens, new indicator/light switch arrived this morning, took all of ten minutes to instal, still got no bloody headlights. Got side lights and flash full beam but no permanent full beam or dipped lights, there are no relays on a 200 tdi disco, therefore I have not got a bloody clue - anyone got a suggestion?
  18. The way my lucks going Mike, the bloody thing won't burn.....
  19. Well this bloody things now gone on the offensive...... So far in the past few months the key snapped in the ignition lock buggering up the tumblers (nice little man from AA took best part of two hours to get us mobile), the prop gave up the ghost (still running in 2 wheel drive - damn this useless left arm) then just add insult to injury last night the headlamp switch decided to turn the headlights off (permanently) on or about the apex of a nasty bend. The resulting trip thro a hedge and 280m into a wet, boggy very bloody slippery field was, how can I put it, oh yes, exciting in a very smelly sort of way. Rear wheel drive Discos take a bloody age to get out of a bog. This vehicle is very rapidly heading towards a gallon of petrol and a box of matches. The 10 mile drive home on side lights was even more interesting given the monsoon conditions in Northumberland, that reminds me, I must remember to feed the glow worms that appear to be masquerading as sidelights..... Forgot to add that the central locking is now possessed and functions randomly , that is when it decides to let us open whichever of the five doors we would like to enter/exit , and my multimeter has given up the ghost.
  20. Luckily, Mike, Kirstin was driving so was pottering along in heavy traffic - I still find driving very very uncomfortable, the 23 stitches I had in the palm of my hand have left a raised scar, mind you the internal stitches in my elbow have stopped itching (now that was a weird sensation), but I still cannot fully extend my arm.
  21. OK so sat waiting for a courier to deliver a new front prop for the family Disco. UJ that was 14 months old and greased regularly (GKN heavy duty job) let rip and totalled the prop - wife unhappy, me very unhappy. So found out that it's nigh on bloody impossible to remove the nuts/bolts holding the yokes onto the diff/transfer box with only one fully functional hand and another that's as much bloody use as an MP. So much for the surgery I had earlier this year, left arm is bloody useless - sorry for the rant but frustration has set in big time
  22. Nip down to your local dry cleaners and beg/steal/borrow a couple of the very thin poly bags they put around clothes. Put one on the seat back before you try to put the vinyl/cloth on - it will slide on much easier.
  23. There used to be a stainless mesh available for baffling tanks (used it on Rally Escorts in the early 80's), but for the love of me I cannot remember where we got it from, although Demon Tweeks springs to mind.....: http://www.demon-tweeks.co.uk/motorsport/fuel-tank-baffles/atl-fuel-tank-baffle-foam OR http://www.demon-tweeks.co.uk/motorsport/fuel-tank-baffles/demon-tweeks-easy-pour-fuel-tank-baffle
  24. There is a (Frost?) vinyl repair kit available at not too steep a cost that may work on the plastic. As for the compressed cardboard (for want of a better description) you could try wire brushing it to make it porous the "painting it with glass fibre resin - works on the headlining, so may work on the door cards.
  25. Used to use that method till scrotes removed the "locking" roof bars and the tubes!
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