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Everything posted by JeffR

  1. Disco kinda got written off when I jack knifed it (fool in a euro box couldn't see a Disco towing a Toyota Surf....) it and twisted the body/chassis and axle in the resulting brown trouser moment. The Defender on it's way from Devon , well I meant to bring it up when we moved house, but , well, it sort of got forgotten about...., life got in the way, had a blonde/senior moment (or five)........Only owned it for 20 years or so
  2. I take it that is for letting the water out when it gets kinda deep......Got me coat and I'm gone
  3. Having spent way too long scooting (comfortably I must add) around in a Passat (not a bad little car.....but kinda soul less) we bit the bullet and have arranged for my 110 van to be shipped up from Devon next week. Buggers done the best part of 500K miles, but has a galv chassis, new bulkhead (had it powder coated in a fit of stupidity) , NEW wiring loom (yeah no twisted wires, scotch loks or chocolate blocks to contend with), G10 winch, Mach 5's (no doubt with buggered tyres....), TD5 dash and various other odds n sods. So over the next month or so need to source a speedo transducer, finish rebuilding the seats (been putting that off for 6 years....) and get it tested. Also means we can finally retire the Disco which still drives sideways and you can't open the doors (twisted shell) so will be removing a few bits like the engine (which is currently in the process of digesting it's turbo) , new rad/intercooler and steering box, wheels and tyres. Is there anything else anyone can think of which will go from the Disco to a Defender? So busy times ahead
  4. Towing a Toyota Surf with a rigid tow bar ,some scrote in a Eurobox decided not to bother looking before pulling into lane 1.... Resulting jack knife (real brown trouser moment when you end up facing on-coming traffic at during rush hour on the A1231) moved the back axle and twisted the shel a wee bit.
  5. Well I've been without a functional LR for best part of 6 weeks. Disco is not a write off, but the shell is gonna take a wee bit of straightening. New brackets and trailing arms got the axle back into more or less the correct position so it almost drives in a straight line! Mind you scooting around in a £200 1999 VW Passat Estate has been an absolute hoot - speed, 55mpg, a stereo that you can hear on the motorway, and being to overtake on a whim -beginning to think I'm getting soft in my old age. But by God I miss pottering about in a LR.....
  6. Take your time Mike and get well soon
  7. Yup, little so and so stopped very briefly then exited stage left at warp factor 9, I am beginning to wish I'd just ploughed into him, but then again, I have morals and a conscience!
  8. If I could have laid my hands on the prat in the white euro box, I would have been writing this from HMP Durham...... We folded a 4mm wall , 3 inch box section rigid towing bar to 45 degrees! Amazed that we A Didn't roll B Didn't hit any other vehicle C Didn't get run over or attract the attention of plod!
  9. Shame I've got no way of getting to you or I would have bought the thing - stuffed mine on Wed when a person of doubtful parentage decided to pull out in front of me on the A1231 whilst I was towing a dead Toyota Surf, resulting jack knife was a real brown trouser moment. Facing oncoming traffic after being on two wheels was rather more exciting than I wanted. Looked like surface damage to rear 1/4 would beat out , but chassis poss bent and it now rear wheel steers.
  10. Convert Convert your Nectar points to an Ebay voucher and use them instead of money!
  11. If you don't have a stud extractor kit, a suitable Torx bit works! BUT be careful.
  12. In Northumberland, white boards attract every blood drinking insect known to mankind, I use a bit of cardboard....
  13. More like a "a couple of weekends" per month for a year or two. The fibreglass will resonate like nowt on earth when driving...
  14. Rear door frame is an absolute bar steward - especially where the frame meets the crossmember, took the best part of two bloody days to sort on mine.
  15. I thought the same when the dead rodent turned up in my washer bottle....
  16. Now this is a scary proposition see item 1!: https://www.lrdirect.com/ERR4802-Turbocharger-300Tdi/
  17. The best prep I can come up with is to put it in my garage..... Got me coat and exiting stage left.
  18. Yet I've had two GKN's, one on a 200 TDi Defender which did over 250k without a problem (still on the vehicle, but vehicle being rebuilt) and another which put up with a hell of a lot of abuse use on a V8 110 - sitting quietly in the garage till I decide which vehicle to put it in....
  19. Question is, has your local A&E "requested"(nice way of putting it) that you cease and desist doing home repairs on yourself yet? Both Hexham and Carlisle A&E's have told me to stop, next one on the list is the all singing all dancing Trauma Centre they opened in Cramlington, that's my next port of call. Wonder how long it'll be before they have a sense of humour failure.....
  20. Hate to say this, but you can cut yourself through those gloves, takes a fair degree of effort, but not as much as you would think!!!! Yes I did, yes the afore mentioned gloves now reside somewhere in the garden shrubbery......
  21. Use the dishwasher at your bloody peril...... Go on then, ask me how I worked that one out..... In the good old days, before H&S , I used to beg/steal or borrow a 25 gallon drum of Genclean or 111Trichloroethane, that stuff really did what it said on the tin, that is if it didn't take the paint off the tin. These days I use a small household stem jet thingy (Aldi special) for small stuff up to and including cylinder heads, or petrol/diesel, and if the wife ain't looking Kerosene 28 from the heating oil tank.....
  22. On the mobile heap of ferrous and ferric oxide that pretends to be a family hack we have at the moment, I tend to wire wheel back to bare metal, then rust killer, then etch primer, then normal primer then top coat. Seems to work.
  23. A At this moment in time I really wish it would disappear - handbrake mechanism has just decided to fail in toto leaving vehicle totally immovable and the bloody drum will not come off, regardless of how much violence is used.
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