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Posts posted by CwazyWabbit

  1. PS You probably already thought of this but you'll need to box in the rear of the lock mechanism to stop it being released by poking a screwdriver/wire in the side to release the pawl.

    EDIT: actually it looks like the prototype has one drawn on... sorry I had missed that

  2. Whilst the gaffer tape is nicely sealing the drawn on hinges from muck off the bottom of shoes etc on this prototype, do you envisage any issues with the hinges on later prototypes/production given how wet/mucky that area gets on most defenders?

    I'm really liking the idea and will be one of your first customers should you go into production.

    One other point ... will there be anything to stop the top hingy bit flapping forward whilst driving and hitting your ankles?

    Keep up the good work :)

  3. ah!! got you. so theoretically it should be stronger? :)

    That would depend on many things, the material of the filler rod used, what grade steel the shaft is made of, how the shaft was originally heat treated.... and of course what has welding done to the original heat treatment...... also was the whole shaft heat treated after welding (the rust pattern suggests it wasn't).

    Tbh the fact it is still in one piece suggests the original modifier didn't do too bad :)

  4. ive used them for about 1.5 years, in which time ive done a few RTV's, general road driving, and farm driving. the conversion was done by the previous owner and he was running the conversion for at least 5 years, using it on the road, at pay and plays, and also LRO off roading trips etc. so they havnt had an easy time, but have coped so far!

    Sounds like they have been well tested :) Top marks to the welder!

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