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Posts posted by CwazyWabbit

  1. Wiltshire Land Rovers 329 Snarlton La, Melksham SN12 7QP 01225 700975 ‎

    Havnt been for 10 years, but used to be very good, nice people, and an intetresting yard full of stuff (then - Scammel recovery. AEC militant, US 6x6s) used to specialsie in V6 S1s

    That would make Landy-Novice 7 years old or younger when they were still about, no wonder he had problems remembering them! :)

  2. Forgive me for stating the bleedin obvious but what difference does a couple of seats and a set of windows make to emissions?


    Cynical view..... Businesses don't get to vote in the Mayoral elections.... Boris doesn't want to lose voters.

    I live about 400 yards outside of the 'voting area' so get the pain of his ideas but no say.

  3. I would start with the LT230 input gear accessed through the plate on the back. These wear the splines on the gearbox output shaft if you have the old non drilled input gear, I don't know if this affects discoveries but is very common on defenders with the same running gear.

  4. I have never driven anything newer than a 300TDI, I've spent quite a bit of time and money this last year fixing mine due to PO neglect. I have nothing against the newer vehicles, I'm sure they are great, however I'm happy with what I have and couldn't afford to buy a newer Defender that has an LEZ compliant engine. The roller coaster of whether my Station Wagon was exempt or not from the LEZ has made the last year a bit depressing.

  5. You can to save a few quid replace just the input gear with a cross drilled one as they have longer splines than the non drilled one (at least mine did) so will work on the un-buggered part of the R380 output shaft. Obviously it won't last as long as replacing the gearbox but mine has been running like it for about 8000 miles now with no noticeable increase in transmission slack and others have run them far longer.

    Anyway just a thought if you don't have time and money to do the gearbox swap at the moment.post-25689-0-26584100-1318334673_thumb.jpg

    This is what I am running on with no problems .... yet....[rapidly searching for some wood to touch]

  6. Surely there should be a distinction between petrol and diesel here? It was my understanding that petrol always pressurises a sealed container - and it is called the 'vapour pressure'. I have a jerry can for petrol and one for diesel - alway pressure in the pertol one....

    Good point, I'd forgotten about that :)

  7. Les - i agree with you 101% but in my petrol i sometimes get a pressurised tank after it's been used. I've got a one way valve to allow air in but not out. God knows why ! ? But after an event, i leave the lid loose to allow air in / out.

    Maybe the 1 way valve is to keep fuel in if you roll it or go fast around a corner. One other way that a tank could theoretically pressurise is through fuel expansion if parked in the sun, but it wouldn't happen if the engine was running.

  8. Theoretical here... So if I wanted to drive in London...

    my 90 was built as a Station Wagon, but the V5 says light 4x4 utility. But to 'reclassify' it I need pictures of the windows (got) and seats in the back (not got!). How would you go about doing that?!

    How would you go about doing what? Taking pictures? ... first you need a camera. :P

    .... could you just borrow some seats for the photo shoot? :)

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