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Everything posted by BogMonster

  1. Looks like Biarritz Blue to me, but if you found the paint code then all is well
  2. Manufacturers normally specify minimum rim width of 8.5". 33x12.50R15 is one of the most common tyre sizes here and the vast majority run them on 8x15 rims, some use the wide 10x15 rims but they stick a mile out past the arches, look silly because of that (IMHO), the vehicle gets absolutely plastered in whatever you are driving through, and the steering kickback and load on wheel bearings/king pins etc is exaggerated. I'd stick with 8x15 rims, that's what I have my other set of BFG MT's on.
  3. Hallelujah - something sensible has been done Never understood why they made the change in the first place though...
  4. I don't think it is a theory in some parts of the world... nobody here uses them so I can't say whether it would happen here or not but Jim seems to have some evidence
  5. Be careful about plugs though, if the 07 is like the 02-06 Defenders the ICE plug is a stupid BMW multiplug rather than the industry standard twin ISO connectors, and if you have a vehicle with an 07 harness and an ISO radio you can buy an adaptor lead, but if you have a vehicle with ISO connectors and a BMW-plugged radio (which the late model radio probably is) you are b*ggered as far as I know - or if you find anywhere selling an adaptor can you please post up where! we have a heap of old LR radiocassettes which are in perfect working order but are no good in anything other than a late model Defender because you can't buy an adaptor lead to go the other way.
  6. Should be there as a 3 digit number and the full code is LRC followed by that number. Defenders have a spot for the paint code on the VIN plate but they never bother filling it in... If you can't find it post a pic and I can probably tell you what colour and what code anyway
  7. That's the UK sorted for the next 12 months then Go on, shove up some pics of bores. I've seen similar filters here, full of dust, an accidental splash of water from a puddle taken a bit fast turns it to mud which instantly and totally blocks the filter element and then the whole lot tries to disappear down the air intake, gets about half way and you end up with all manner of crud getting in around the edge of the mangled element. Here's a typical example from a 300Tdi Discofairy, exactly as it was removed from the airbox: That filter was doing nothing to make the air cleaner but I wouldn't have wanted a "free flow" one in any environment with that much dust swilling around I am afraid. I can take my Discovery air filters out of the vehicle and bang them on the floor and leave a little pile of dust at more or less any time during the summer. Perhaps they should use the motto: "K&N - Sucks like a Vax"
  8. You can wait a bit longer pal, some of us have work to do and can't spend all bluddy day posting tripe on a website erm um oops bullet holes in both feet there I think it's probably part of the lock/latch assy anyway so you might as well take that out and have a look while you are waiting Where is that Ralph person when you need him?
  9. It should lock with the key whch disables the interior sensor as Pinny said - but activates the "perimetric alarm" (fancy way of saying doors and bonnet) so you can lock errant children in the car to keep them out of the way etc. If locked with the key you need to unlock with the plip or it will go boooop boooop flashflashflashflash etc. Locking with the plip activates all alarm systems including interior sensor so if you do this with a window open (or a troublesome child contained within) the alarm will usually go off. Most likely cause is probably the doodah in the door lock which senses the key movement. Not sure how hard it is to change though... Yes the rear door can be fiddled with to de-rattle it also check for the bottom hinge being bent - often happens here caused by people letting the door go in the wind!
  10. It's a bit short isn't it? 12 weeks is pretty standard for a new build vehicle, I've already ordered what we're going to get built in October...
  11. Who was the writer out of interest? just wondering if it was one of the guys who came down here
  12. I was thinking the same then I read your post Good idea. Not much call for one round here, but still a good idea
  13. OK, though it isn't very exciting... Two pinned posts at the top with "housekeeping info" about a test user and the forum bank account One thread at the top that has been moved there while it is "under discussion" as to whether it should be allowed or not Next thread is on the subject of OT posts and the vapid clucking of a small minority of users and whether or not those users need to be stamped on to prevent this forum becoming like some others Next four cover users that are currently being a PITA, some of which might be mentioned earlier in this thread A few "housekeeping" threads about moving or merging similar posts/threads one about forum funding one about whether or not we had been hacked (also posted on Intl forum in much the same form) one about somebody going away on holiday (i.e. "keep an eye on my forum please") one about whether or not we need a separate forum for something or other etc etc that gives you a pretty good idea without being too specific
  14. I think it was on the Wales 2004 laning trip where somebody commented that if you are going travelling, the only item you need to take is Tony. All tools and equipment that anybody could require, neatly packaged in a self-propelled white box
  15. Time to wind it back up 1/2 turn then, for another 50 weeks
  16. Oi, how dare you call my forum a "bit" Mr Mogministrator
  17. I bought a cheapie 120W inverter the other day and one of the things I had in mind was the ability to use an electric soldering iron in a vehicle
  18. I could but it is a plain spindle with no keyway or thread so it would not be straightforward. It's an option, but first I am going to try my little submersible pump and see if it blows up
  19. It only takes 15 min to empty a drum with a hand pump so what I want is something to do the same thing in less time, with less effort, or preferably both
  20. I should have added "it depends where you are" as you will often not get 12k out of a paper element air filter here without needing to change it. Clean air on surfaced roads, I guess there are no problems.
  21. Cheers - just always paranoid about things like that, visions of filling in insurance claim forms with "Well I knew it was a silly thing to do but I did it anyway" Never been happy about the wiring in my fuel tank, it near gave me a heart attack when I first saw what I had been driving round on!
  22. Neither IMHO.... If you do a search on here the subject has been discussed quite a few times and the general view that comes back every time is that you should stick with the standard paper elements because more air = less filtration = more dust = engine wear
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