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Everything posted by BogMonster

  1. I believe Devon 4x4 do a raised spare wheel carrier for Discoverys for up to 35" spare wheels
  2. This is slightly relevant, otherwise how am I going to access the forum while I am on holiday? I am off to the UK for about three weeks shortly. Taking my laptop with me, which has wireless networking built in. How do the "public" wireless access points work, like pubs and bars and things. Do you just turn up and use them (is there any security, what should I be worried about blah blah) or do you have to be part of some subscription service or what? Searched on the web and found a few likely locations near where I will be but I am a bit confused because of things like this where there are loads of "connection options" all of which mean about as much to me as Greek Can somebody give me an idiots guide please? I only got the laptop last year and have never used wireless networking before so am a wee bit (ok completely) clueless on the subject Ta Stephen
  3. Does anybody think that the fact we have a Swedish coach who is about to **** off and work somewhere else, might have some effect on the game plan? "Ja boys just go over zere unt stand in der corner, all vill be fine"
  4. Bit of a collector are you Ralph Don't ask how many fire extinguishers I haven't got
  5. Thanks I was looking at the 2400W last night. Price of replacement toner at £95 each x 4 required was a bit "wibble" though I wonder how long the "supplied" ones last if the whole printer is only £200 ... my guess is "not very long" Still thinking HP Thingummyjet 8250 because of having 6 separate ink cartridges at £6.99 each which is sensible money when 1 runs out before the others (as they always do in multicolour cartridges)
  6. Go into control panel and switch off the "view avatars" setting. Makes a huge difference Gets rid of all the 300 odd K avatars (or 800k or 2 MB or....) belonging to various inconsiderate B*^(*&^s people (you know who you are ) and speeds things up no end B)
  7. Mmmm try finding a camera shop doing that here though My HP Business Inkjet 1100 at work has no problems with drying out and it doesn't get that much use with colour, had it about 2 years now. I would get one, but the photo quality isn't quite good enough, you can tell it isn't a photo printer and can see the dither patterns if you look closely, which you couldn't on prints from the Epson when it was working.
  8. 898kor do you have a model number for that laser? I might have a look. Had a look here today but everything on sale here is 2x the price in UK so will get one when I am over there next month. Freeagent, I also have a Canon on the "maybe" list, are the bigger canon printers good then? I used to have a BJ10e and have used BJ10, BJ10e, BJ20 and BJ30 bubble jets about six or seven in total and not one of them worked properly (paper feed mechanism which didn't) and they used to suffer from printheads drying out too. I don't do that much printing so anything that clogs up printheads is a non starter and will quickly end up looking like the one sitting 3 feet to my right. Well some bits of it are 3 feet to my right I think its probably going to be an HP 8250 but will look around PC World etc when I get there. Prob find all the models have changed at least twice by then anyway
  9. And BMW drivers wonder why they have the reputation they do....
  10. Trev my Epson is now disposable anyway, quite sure about that I shall be disposing of it properly with a claw hammer when I get home tonight. Or maybe the 7lb sledge. Haven't decided yet Been doing a bit of window shopping (isn't this interweb thing a wonderful invention?) and I quite like the look of the HP Photosmart 8250, separate ink cartridges etc which is good. Anybody got one? Comments if so please? Another question: does anybody know if the inkjet papers from different manufacturers will work in each others printers? I have about £100 worth of Epson photo paper, card, etc etc at home and I wondered if it would work ok in an HP. I should think so, I should think they are all pretty much of a muchness, just never actually tried it.
  11. Cheers. My Epson was brilliant when I first got it and the quality of photo prints on the proper paper is excellent but it only went about a year before developing this problem and has been getting worse ever since and it costs a fortune in ink because you have to clean it all the time. Seems to be "an Epson thing" you would think they would have sorted it by now..... Dad's older Epson is exactly the same but he just puts up with hen-s&&& print quality. I pulled it to bits yesterday for a better look found it was filthy inside (ink everywhere the sponge thing overflowing) and cleaned it all up, then on reassembly the mechanism went "sproingggg" everywhere. After 2 hours messing around I got it back together (apart from a spare spring which seemed to do nothing useful!) and it was no better, and shortly after that my fist went right through it now there is plastic all over my office because I just walked away.... in fact later on I went back and punched it again because I was irritated about something else anything in my house that gives more bother than its replacement's price tag is worth is treading on very thin ice..... Freeagent is that a colour laser and does it give photo quality prints? Inkjets are ok for "little and often" printing but seem to be a pain in the butt for anything else. Anybody use these dye sublimation type thingys or have they died out? It also needs to do ordinary printing as well though, maybe they aren't suitable for that. Having said that I have two HP Business Inkjet 1100's at work and they are brilliant, but I don't think they give photo quality prints. Going to try one with proper photo paper and see though.
  12. You don't need to but you'll need a triple jointed elbow to get in there without removing it - its a pig of a thing to get at even without a seat fitted! You can get it by just moving the seat part way out but it is very difficult.
  13. I need a new printer. I currently have (had) an Epson Stylus Photo 810, which is great when it works which is not very often. It produces (produced) great results but if you leave it for more than a few days without using it, the sodding printheads block up and need about 10 cleaning cycles run to get the nozzles clean again, which uses a huge amount of ink. Once it is clean it will print fine but it is impossible to keep it working for any length of time. The cartridges are well in date and you can't replace the printheads. The final straw was today. I bought a new colour cartridge a couple of weeks ago and after 10 or so cleaning cycles to get it working to do something then, and then another 10 or so just now to try and print another photo, it is now 3/4 used up (at £20 something a pop) and £10 per A4 photo is stupidly expensive (and it still isn't working properly on all 6 colours). Consequently I have just cleaned it permanently with my fist and a new printer is now required. Any recommendations? I won't touch another Epson with a barge pole as I gather they are all prone to do this after a while, and I don't do much photo printing but when I do I want decent quality. Are there any whizzy new technologies that should be investigated or is inkjet still the only one at a sensible price? Not looking to spend a huge amount of money anything up to £200 would be ok. Comments please Ta S.
  14. Ah ok. I was being a dolt Less than 1psi - could almost walk on water All it needs is inflatable tracks and it prob could
  15. pritch1, I seem to recall that Paul Wightman built a disc brake on the end of the new "Super 8274" he built for Piggy. There is a thread on the build up somewhere on here, but last time I looked for it the pics had all expired. No doubt Paul will be able to offer some advice though I also seem to remember him fitting a Bowmotor to the same winch, so bearing in mind Paul's usual habit of collecting silverware in most of the competitions he enters, I guess they can't be too bad
  16. A postal order for 1p is attached to a pigeon wending its way north at a leisurely 17mph Along with an invoice for £500 from Armchair Consulting plc
  17. The way I buggered mine up was that I had the handbrake lever disconnected from the cable and right "up" in the vertical position, to get the centre console out when the grub screw fell out of the linkage in the top of the gearbox. When you put the handbrake lever right up, the ratchet mechanism falls off the top of the ratchety toothy bit (note use of tech term) and if you then put the lever down without making sure the ratchet mechanism is orientated correctly, it hooks on the top of the toothy thing and turns the whole ratchet mechanism inside out and bends the operating rod slightly. Something to watch if you ever need to take the console out, because it is easily done
  18. I use Castrol Tection 15w40 which I think is a mineral oil. 300Tdis aren't that fussy as long as it is decent quality and you don't leave it in there for 100 years
  19. Yes X-Eng is SimonR On my old 1996 Disco I had a problem with the button sticking in after I had the whole lot out, turned out that I had bent the operating rod that runs up the middle of the handle to the button and it was sticking inside the handle. Might be worth taking this out for a look. There is probably also a spring on the ratchet mechanism inside, but to be honest it was so long ago I can't remember.
  20. Nice B) Wonder how long before somebody puts a pair of XP motors on one? Is that an idea nicked from Star Trek? No load line recovery speed = Warp 9 Beam me up Scotty!
  21. No reason in principle why you couldn't fit cruise to a manual as long as you select the right gear to let the cruise control pull the vehicle up hills without the engine running out of puff Got cruise on mine but I have never used it unless a policeman has been following me, then it is useful to make sure speed never wavers.
  22. Look here The one you want to be same as a Freebie is the 2497cc 177ps 24v version I think, so if that info is correct it will be found in some Rover 825s, Rover 75 and some MG thing. Chances are that a part like the cam sensor would be the same in all of them though, it does the same job however whizzy the engine gets
  23. Nah. Make it from 6" thick Chobham armour and be done with it. Go on you know you want to, the weight of the snorkel will stop the front wheels coming off the ground
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