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Everything posted by BogMonster

  1. Will, IMHO your extension should be a bit shorter than the main rope. Otherwise you can reel in the extension and find the main winch line ain't quite long enough to reach the anchor point. That's the logic I am working on anyway, so using 90' extension and 100' main rope. Don't like digging up ground anchors and resetting them. You blokes with trees on the other hand, have an easy life
  2. I understand he has a good reputation though I have never used him. I think with a V8 you are limited in how much extra you can get from a chip type upgrade, without getting into changing fundamental things like camshafts and valve timing. It isn't like a diesel where you can wind the boost up to stuff a lot more air in and get lots of extra power (and smoke). I gave up trying to find an upgrade for my "Thor" V8 because nobody bothered - it was already about as good as you could get.
  3. Do you mean is the mirror glass replaceable without replacing the whole mirror assy? I think it is only a whole unit, though I don't have a parts book handy right now. Seven years bad luck for you then
  4. You can't use the word stiff on a family forum!
  5. I believe there is a difference in the wiring in that when you flip from dip to main beam on a normal headlight bulb, one filament goes off and one comes on. I think on the 03MY headlights, when you hit main beam the dipped beam stays on as well, in which case you'd need to twiddle with the wiring to account for that (or put up with less light output). I may be wrong though, but I think I saw that somewhere. Don't have an 03MY to look at at the moment, mine has got proper Discovery headlights in it not horrid four eyed ones
  6. That wasn't a double sump anyway, it was a double post, so it was two single sumps
  7. Mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter
  8. steering wheel on the wrong side? I think as far as emissions and similar legislative cr&p is concerned, EU regs are EU wide. Makes you wonder what will happen to some of the new member countries down in the bottom right hand sort of corner
  9. I think Ralph is right (usually is!) though my memory on this is a bit vague as I don't see many 200Tdis at work.
  10. There is info in the tech archive about fitting EGT gauge if anybody is interested Thermoguard EGT Gauge EGT Response Times thread Max EGT I have registered since fitting is 618*C (std fuelling, std intercooler) but rarely goes much above 550 unless you are caning it flat out up a long hill Must get around to that Allisport intercooler one of these days
  11. RAF Stanley to Asi could take up to 18 hours depending on winds .... in a canvas jump seat my one experience of that was one of the quickest flights on record, "only" about 13 hours IIRC The smart move was to leg it down the back after take off and spread a sleeping back out on top of the mail sacks that were always just inside the cargo doors
  12. Urgent newsflash from the DVLA "In order to assist other motorists in identifying potential dangerous drivers, it is now compulsory for anyone with a lower than average IQ and driving ability to display a warning flag. The flag, (comprising of a red cross on a white background), will be attached to the top of at least one door of their vehicle. For drivers of exceptionally low mental ability, additional flags are required." Took a while for that one to sink in
  13. You wanna try coming from here in a Herc....
  14. Admittedly most of the controversial/garbage/OT discussions are on the International forum but I think I have only deleted one thread this year which was a blatant bit of Spam on the Discovery forum a couple of weeks ago. Not all that Godlike then
  15. Interesting idea, we don't have any "local climbing shops" but I will put it on my shopping list for when I am over there in July, ta
  16. Original vehicle harnesses are almost without exception made using crimp connections I think. So that is what I use.
  17. Td4 is a nice engine, they go extremely well. The ones here suffer fuel leaks but apparently that is down to the fuel. Though if you are buying new remember the all new Freelander is not far away now so you can wait and either pick up a new one of those or no doubt get an excellent deal on a Td4 once it is "old hat"
  18. Spose you can just say "no its meant to be a different colour to the next panel, that's the whole idea"
  19. Two people have been killed here recently through not wearing seat belts. The last one, a guy I was at school with, was thrown out through the sunroof of his vehicle. Nasty business. It is a bit like the picture posted on the other thread of a grinder disc sticking out of a face visor. It focuses the mind.
  20. Injector grades and security reprogram is only a 5 minute job with the right kit but yes you need the right kit.
  21. Says $5 for a 10 foot one or $3 for a 5 foot one on the site
  22. They fill the gaps on some? Can't say I ever noticed one like that
  23. David, they can be seen on the Rockstomper site anything bigger than that is a liability IMHO as it gets tangled in the fairleads, but these are excellent (if still a little fragile, as I found out...)
  24. Bump again just in case anybody wasn't paying attention last week Last orders please!
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