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Everything posted by BogMonster

  1. Mine has a couple of little glitches too Military anchor I also have is a big heavy pig of a thing to set but in firm ground it will hold just about anything, problem here being there isn't much firm ground. You do need longer pins though Turbocharger....
  2. area of a circle = pi x radius^2 radius = diameter / 2 so 43mm for big hole and 10mm for little hole pi = 3.141592653589 (if you want to be picky) so 5808.80481mm2 for the big hole (43 x 43 x 3.141.....) 314.15927mm2 for the little hole (10 x 10 x 3.141.....) so approximately 18.48999906 of em to be moderately accurate Gettin' old and forgetting your sums eh old chap? Edited to expand on my calculations/accuracy to prove I am right in the light of later answers
  3. Kittygripper/Pull Pal is good in harder ground, don't know if Nige made any measurements when he did his little fleet of Grippas?
  4. Forgot to say, IIRC Jules said on here a while back that a mate of his had done some trials with a racer, comparing snorkel top facing forwards/backwards and it made NO difference at all to times. But it looks better facing forwards, so forwards it is on mine Also forgot to say that when I had a mushroom topped snorkel, it used to get a lot of mud in the air filter from what sprayed up into the bottom of the mushroom, dried, broke up and then went in through the vents. Used to get a fair bit of finely minced peat in the air filter, just need to empty the collection pot in the bottom every so often
  5. As David said, the Safari is designed so the rain hits the back of the snorkel and runs down the back and out vents in the bottom of the snorkel head. It probably works with rain but if you took a green one over the bows and it got that high, it certainly wouldn't cope with that sort of quantity of water as the holes are quite small. Not sure what happens then!! Pray I guess... haven't done it yet and I keep thinking I should turn it round but can't be bothered. Also the slight downward tilt of the Safari top seems to collect a certain amount of mud travelling upwards from the front wheels with wide tyres on (33x12.50R15 - stick out past the arches) not sure about that bit of design either
  6. Certainly not The Discovery has a nice warm garage to live in
  7. Yeah I think EGT If the ETC was getting to 800*C I think you'd see the brake discs glowing and probably need to seriously think about a change of driving style
  8. Kick the F cat out when you go to bed and don't let it in again until morning. That's what I do and I have never woken up with anything dead in my bed A bit like keeping dogs in a kennel outside, pets are something that people get far too soppy about IMHO, thousands of years of evolution mean that they actually don't mind being outside.... and mine have a nice cosy box to live in, which they wouldn't have had in 1100AD
  9. I hope you are not suggesting Mr Tonk's motor is less than entirely oil proof?
  10. I know nothing about the sport but as the body mounts on a Discovery regularly break off in even mildly interesting/bumpy ON-ROAD conditions (i.e. here) I reckon you'd be finishing the Paris-Dakar with it restrained only by ratchet straps! Of course you may be planning on cutting it all off and building something new so this may not apply
  11. Wrong and anyway it should be "we are"
  12. Jules the Td5 is supposed to have 5w30 though, as is the Thor V8 my Discovery has. I don't think I would put it in any of the older engines if what is specified is 15w40, not unless you lived inside the Arctic circle or something anyway!
  13. I am going to use mine (ordered before this forum order got together and hopefully arriving with me today!) for a spade on the roof rack. I wouldn't be happy securing something as heavy as a high lift only with those, it is not secure enough if up on the roof and I have had alloy bridges bounce off the bonnet under braking once when the retaining ratchet strap snapped, wouldn't care to repeat the experience with a high lift
  14. I use Castrol Tection 15w40 mineral oil in the 300Tdi, and Castrol GTX Magnatec 5w30 in the V8 (the Thor V8s specify 5w30 no idea why though) think the latter one is fully synthetic.
  15. Another vote for Turners having dealt with them in the past Not cheap but the last Turner engine I ordered from someone was to replace a recon that had been done on the cheap and had assorted bits of valve embedded in the top of the pistons when stripped down... You get what you pay for, and you don't get what you don't pay for
  16. Welcome What age of 90 i.e. an early one with the side fuel tank, or a late one with the rear fuel tank?
  17. Liable to cause an extension followed by a dislocation but that is not really a subject fit for discussion on here
  18. Nah it was all the time he spent on the CAD CAM machine and doing finite stress analyses to predict what will happen when you smite it on an oak tree
  19. Yes I remember making the Spitfire comment, was gonna say "on" the test drive but I think it was actually "after" not being able to hear much at the time Hope you are gonna do a wikked sorted innit twin exit exhaust in the same bore once you have finished?
  20. Blimey thought you were building an oil rig for a minute then
  21. IIRC the recommended width is 8.5-10in for BFGs in that size I use them on 8x15 white 8 spokes as do dozens if not hundreds of people here with no problems at all ordinary white 8 spokes ex Southam Tyres, not sure what the actual offset measurement is though sorry
  22. no they have a few transporters with some spare RR's on ready for when some numpty drives another one over a cliff wormhole - was that a genuine LR ad?! saw the original article but not that!! Priceless if so
  23. Thought you had a zimmer frame not a wheelchair Les
  24. More info would be good old chap, like what we are dealing with. Td5? Tdi? V8? wheelchair? shopping trolley? space shuttle? don't mean to be sarcastic but it is a bit of a "my rover is broken does anybody know what is wrong" question without more information to tell us what we are looking at the point being that there are a number of different specific faults that affect different vehicle/engine combinations that could cause this problem but until we know what we are dealing with, it is a bit hit and miss
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