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Everything posted by BogMonster

  1. Yeah and it doesn't work, or rather it is swings and roundabouts. I have it in my R380 and it certainly improves the shift when cold but when hot, it is crunchier than it ever was with MTF94. Next service I shall be going back to either MTF or red stuff. To me, it seems to be too thin i.e. it works well when cold but not when hot. I would sooner have a grumpy gearbox when cold, which is ok after 5 min driving, than one which is fine for the first 5 min and then is sh^&e when driving hot and slow off road all day long!!
  2. Interesting, cos I remember when I was being rude about Broncos in the past, people telling me that no they were good and now they were made properly to BS whatever and in a different factory to the old ones and they didn't fall to bits and blah blah blah So they are still cr@p then thought so
  3. yes yes and yes remove spring, take off lower spring seat fit lifter and refit spring seat on top using longer bolts
  4. Why not do what I did with my 90 before I went away last Christmas, assuming you are happy with it as it is (ride height) - measure a known point (I used the towing hitch) when empty - load it up with what you are going to be carrying (or estimate the weight you'll be carrying and use sandbags/bricks/children or something to simulate that) - measure your known reference point again and work out how much it dropped when you loaded it up - fit a set of spring lifters (mine are Mill Services ones) to compensate for that drop I used 1.5" lifters which sits a little high when empty but sits just how I want it when fully loaded up with everything I carry. It worked well on my 90, and they don't take that long to fit prior to the trip and remove again afterwards. I could have just bought a set of HD springs but I didn't want the ride "quality" of those A lot cheaper than a decent quality set of springs, and you will know exactly what lift you are going to end up with. The Mill Services ones I got are available in 0.5", 1", 1.5" and 2" sizes and I think he will make others up to order. Otherwise the heavy duty 90 rears will be about the stiffest available for anything apart from a Discovery but I have no idea how they compare on spring rate with a Discovery rear (they will almost certainly be shorter though) Your other option would be a set of the air helper springs sold by the likes of Matt Savage, I nearly bought a set of those when I was looking at what to do.
  5. Depends who you listen to, but given that most Discos list to the drivers side, "handed" would be a good idea I think. I think the Discovery rears are about the strongest of the Genuine springs without going to 110 rears which are a bigger diameter, so you may have to go for aftermarket to get what you want. I had Famous Four HD standard height ones but I also know of rather a lot of broken Famous Four ones round these parts so wouldn't necessarily recommend them.... though i never had any problems personally (vehicle was sold a long time ago) Nice orange ones I reckon
  6. Probably uses compressed air I should think, the big generators at our power station use that for starting. Mind you they probably just shut it down to about 1rpm or something and leave it running
  7. This has been posted before Biggish diesel engine but I was just looking at it again, and I wondered..... ..... what sort of dyno did they need to measure 5.6 million lb ft ????
  8. I do too. They definitely haven't saved me a big fine on two occasions and therefore they definitely don't work. I just keep one for decoration really, stops the dashboard getting dusty, honest ossifer
  9. That is what I do on mine. In practice the whole lot usually stays at the hook end and it covers most of the dyneema on the drum when the cable is wound in, thus protecting it a bit from UV
  10. Sorry - I am just a pessimist about "warning systems" having had about six oil pressure senders in my 90 in the last 18 months..... It is a good idea if it works and I suppose you could argue that, like a radar detector, a hundred false alarms are worthwhile if it goes off the one time it really needs to...
  11. It doesn't really help with determining the peak - but if it is a compressor designed to run off an inverter (which it might be on something like that) it may have a "soft start" facility to reduce the peak current draw. Try it and see is the only way to find out! If your inverter goes "bzzzzbeepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeep" it probably means it didn't like it
  12. Don't know what the vehicle is but of course there is no drain plug on later grease-filled vehicles....
  13. I have seen a couple of RRs here which have had this taken off on the basis that it was a bit like 300Tdi oil pressure senders - i.e. the function of the warning light was to indicate that the sender was buggered and nothing else A good idea if it worked though
  14. I wonder what ooooooomph it needs to start though? On Dad's farm (as on all farms here) they generate their own electricity. The generator is only putting out 10-15 amps as a base load with freezers etc running but when it first comes on and all the compressors fire up in about ten freezers simultaneously the ammeter can hit 80-100 amps ... generators can put that sort of surge out briefly but inverters often can't, so a much bigger inverter is often needed to start an inductive load like a compressor motor.
  15. I have driven loads of Td5s of all ages and I reckon the very early ones have much more ooooomph than any of the others. We've got a good 110 on the company fleet which was near the beginning of Td5 production and the absolute best one I have ever driven was a 90 that was less than 100 vehicles from the beginning of the Td5 vin range. It would just go like stink in every gear even on 265/75R16 MT's, awesome thing and brilliant fun. I've driven another 90 of the same age that was nearly as good. The only downside of the early ones is the throttle response is more jerky than later ones. A lot of the late ones feel like they are running on FFO rather than diesel, they are so dead! I'd rather have the jerky throttle and a lot more get up and go. I have driven a fair number of post 2002 vehicles and they have all been sh&te in comparison! Early vehicles sometimes had injectors, ECUs and fuel pumps go phut but by now any defective bits should have gone phut and been changed I should think. One does wonder how long such bits will last before owners start having to pay for them though. Injector harnesses can go on any age of Td5 (regardless of what LR say about it only affecting the early ones) but are not an expensive fix. I still prefer a Tdi but the early Td5s are probably the best ones IMHO, if you want a Td5.
  16. if it is an A127-120 I am pretty sure it is not a standard Discovery Tdi fitment so you may not even get a pulley to fit, if you do I think you just have to go with the trial and error method!
  17. I have a waterproofish toggle from VWP waiting to go inside the cab but I ain't got a round tuit yet...
  18. Armchairs are very comfortable you know
  19. I use offcuts of old 2 inch fabric-reinforced fire hose for tow ropes, tough as old boots, you can hook it over a normal Defender front bumper (the type with the sharp bits on the back that normally B&gger up any rope first time you do this) and it won't bother the rope at all. Much better than any of the "proper" ones I have seen, the bits on my main tow rope are still in good nick even though the rest of the rope is probably due for retirement, in fact I was thinking of cutting the eyes to get it off so I could re-use it. Available from your local fire station for a remarkably free price
  20. Are you sure that isn't solid bar Mr Barker?
  21. Question re speed - Firefox is much much faster than IE6 on a slow connection like wot I ave, how does IE7 compare with this? I like Firefox, I accidentally opened the forum in IE6 just now and it was so slow I thought the computer had crashed
  22. So you are not a fan then? Nissen Hut :lol: :lol: :lol: took a while for that one to sink in....
  23. EDIS? ....erm..... Extremely Dead In Streams?
  24. All I am worried about is whether it might have had any negative effects on the engine, none that are apparent - maybe it was why the plugs were so brittle though. I was gonna keep the original plugs to carry as spares but a V1 would not have been much good so they went in the bin That diagram doesn't show my plugs Ralph, those ones all have a funny hooky bit on the end
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