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Everything posted by ROGUE TROOPER

  1. You had the same thought as me as each terminal is not marked!! Now I need the harness!!
  2. I found one and bought it....got it home and it was knacked...... but I got a PCR6864 which is a RRC relay and its the same!!
  3. My wants is this.... 1. Pair of Series 3 door panels 2. Single rear 88 bench seat 3. Second-hand QT diff guard x2 4. Freelander rear wheel carrier 5. RR roof light glass 6. Rear view mirror 7. Main gear for O/D (or whole O/D if cheap) 8. LR sox 9. LR base ball Hat
  4. Im not taking anything, but im bringing back loads
  5. Yep the screen is held via a clamp and bungies (not shown in photo) When I get round to it I will take a picture.... Set up has been nicked from the old LRE forum (I think it was Mark90) Laptop = Compaq Presario 1690 (bought for £100) GPS = Garmin etrex Legend (about £150) Power supply = Vanson ciggy Adapter from Maplin (about £20) Software = Fugawi 1:50,000 (free from a mate (cough!) and updates downloaded free from Fugawi website) Im using the std GPS to Laptop lead but will buy a USB lead soon as it saves batteries in the GPS. Thats it realy, works a treat BTW: I bought the water resistant GPS so I could mount it outside if needed.
  6. Got the GPS/Laptop sorted now Goint to try it out tomorrow after I have fixed it down and see it it can handle the bouncing!!
  7. Looks such a cool film, sod the kids!! Shame he didnt use a Series 1
  8. Im trying to find the bolts that fit into the chassis and "splay" out that was originaly supplied with the winch (or something like it) Any ideas guys and gals? Ta
  9. Now thats Diff lock! What the hell are those things on the roof?
  10. On mine the std 2.5D defender downpipe fitted the 2.25D exhaust system. The previous system has a welded extention like yours, but flexy!!
  11. ...then I remembered cus I own a Landrover.... So thats why I have been quiet, I have spent the last month on the Series 3, and finished all but a few bits and the paint (Painted like a cow!!) The biggest problem was the roll cage, as the previous person cut the rear bulk head off to make the seat fit better but exposed the back of the roll cage and you could see through to the tail gate (not good!) So I have been blocking it in with an old rear bulkhead and fabricating lots of bits (photos to follow) This now gives a gap behind wat was the bulkhead and the new bulkhead that is handy for storage.# The whole Landrover has been assembled without silicon sealent so that water can get out just as well as it got in!! Cant wait to go wading
  12. I bought, Wife chose it!! I keep telling myself its a baby Freelander!
  13. This one is now 8K!! Yes I know it says 14k but they reduced it that much!!
  14. Les was the nearest £750 and thats all
  15. ...a Ford Fusion 2 City In Oyster Silver (not you normal silver!) tinted windows and loads of toys on a 05 plate which is only 4 months old!! For 8K Not bad when you consider we went in for a look at 54 reg Fiestas for 9K !! Pick it up Thursday, can you guess how much we got for our 1998 1.25 Si Fiesta?
  16. Why is he (CP) such a tosser, its as if he has to get back at Leeds at every opportunity!! Why cant he go back to what he does best........singing with Queen
  17. Scary stuff, Its bad enough getting stuck around here and being 3-5 miles away from help!!
  18. I cleaned a head and rocker cover in our "washing machines" at work...oops It uses Sodium Hydroxide and Acetic Acid... turned the rocker cover grey! Also made the machine dirty as it was covered in oil Afer a couple of goes I now know which settings to use
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