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Scooby Jim

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Everything posted by Scooby Jim

  1. Thanks for that, made my mind up for me now as Guess what?? My front half shaft is fubar, and has to be replaced, and due to the broken bit usually jamming in the diff that has to come out anyway. So may as well as its coming apart change to the 3.54 diffs.
  2. Where could I find that info on my gearbox?? As I want to know as much as I can about the vehicle. I had NO history with the Landy, and even the engine capacity is different to how it was listed lol. I was told it was ex RAF as most panels are yellow under 20 layers of additional paint, but who knows lol. Tbh from a bit of reading around the 3.54 diffs sound the better plan. I have not driven the vehicle yet, and my last experience of Series Land Rovers is in the passenger seat of a 2.25 Petrol aged 9. So either way its not as if I'm going to really notice which ever way I go as its completely new to me. It would only be from driving another that I'd get the differences, as mine would be normal to me (if you understand) as I know no different. I am eventually going to get an Overdrive, as the extra lever and the cruising ability would be welcomed. Last vehicle I drove with an over drive was a Triumph Dolomite Sprint with the over drive switch on the gear lever, and its great when mates laughed and said its only a 4-speed I could say NO its an 8 speed and they wouldn't understand. Off road I don't think there would be much issues anyway, as the diff ratios aren't that far out esp at low ratio, and the grunt from the V8 should overcome the difference, just means I need to keep a supply of half shafts
  3. I don't know what gearbox I have, only thing I can find from having a look under at 01:50am is on the transfer box, raised up in the casting is this. HDA4 539788 The V8 I have has the Comp ratio 9.35:1 which I gather is from an SD1, as its a higher ratio????????
  4. This is where I got gearbox.
  5. So the general consensus is that if I don`t want to change my gearbox, then that I'm better off with 3.54 diffs?? Tbh the main work the vehicle will be doing is road based, as I don`t want to ruin it, BUT I will be using it off road so don't want to lose the ability it has. As for 60+ mph, I'd just use A-roads, and tbh the amount of driving I'd be doing in this is not great either. It would be a "Lets take the Landy out for a spin" and roads chosen accordingly esp for summer use with no roof/windscreen. It wouldn`t be "I need to go to Cardiff (50+ miles) lets take the Landy", more take the Impreza or anything else available lol.
  6. Hmmmm. Makes me think I'm better off keeping my standard axle, maybe get the Salisbury anyways and see whats what in the future.
  7. That is the plan, I have become side tracked by the Salisbury Axle lol. I take it they are Range Rover diffs so give better on road ability?? But wouldn't they affect the off road ability??
  8. Cheers guys. Well its worth me getting the rear axle and having it in my garage and slowly doing the adaptations needed, then when I have everything there to do the swap. As for brakes the whole reason I'm going to this 109 is for the brakes, as an 88 with a 3.5 V8 on non servo brakes will be interesting, so planning on running the larger twin leading shoe type. So I am not overly concerned with ground clearance (I say that now), as I would rather a coil sprung newer diesel car to do off roading with. My series is more of a restoration/rebuild, and I've already made compromises on functionality for originality. But a Salisbury Axle would help on those times I do venture onto the muddy brown stuff.
  9. Hmmm I know a cracking welder, or if he's busy I can have a go lol. Surely as long as things are measured correctly then it shouldn't be too hard, measuring and measuring and measuring, and then checking the measuring.
  10. Will a Salisbury rear axle, be a straight swap for a `88 rear axle?? If it will, is it a straight direct swap. Or is it a PITA?? Would I need the front axle too?? Reason being I'm off to liberate the front drum setup from a 109 on the weekend, and if it has a Salisbury then I may see how much he wants for it if it will go on straight away.
  11. But as said above, degreaser will help nicely, but nothing too abrasive as you don`t want to interfere with the Galvanisation process.
  12. Its a 70amp Lucas alternator, supposed to be fitted to a Ford but has been on other things. Looks like this.
  13. May have tracked down a LRA604 which should do the job. Can anyone say if there is any reason this would not fit??
  14. What gets me is a lot of these idiots are people who own a 4x4 and never go offroad, then they see the bad weather as look at me I have a 4x4 and take their mates to show off.
  15. Cool. Has anyone got any more pictures of these holes??
  16. Dumb question but what are these holes for?? Drainage??
  17. I have a 20 tonne floor standing press, and that has struggled in the past, where I have had to take the bearing and hold it in the vice and tap it out with a brass drift. But I have found it more use pressing in bearings, and bending things straight. Bought mine second hand for £30 iirc, guy was moving house and his new house had no garage so he had to sell everything and quickly!!
  18. That makes a LOT more sense, also if I'm missing anything I'll have a spare
  19. Right I have found a set for £20 each or £65 for the complete axle. Would it be better to just swap the axle or to strip it down and swap over??
  20. Where is the cheapest to get a set of decent front shafts??
  21. Well looks like axle off and on my workbench then. As I can work in the dry and slightly warm. As it's coming apart, new shafts, seals, and bearings etc. May as well source a diff too just incase, worth keeping if not needed. Where is the best place to get a set of shafts, as I'll avoid britpart etc.
  22. Right free wheeling hubs removed, and the problem remains. Once the hubs were off I put an allen key through the split pin hole passenger side, and turned by one finger the other side did nothing and the prop remained stationary. Same for the drivers side but the drivers side had a more "whirry" sound when turning, so I'm going to have to remove the prop and then there front diff and hopefully that will provide some broken bits, otherwise I'm looking at two snapped half shafts. On that note how do you remove the front half shafts?? Is it just a case of removing the hub nuts and retracting the shafts?? Or is there another more complicated way??
  23. The full version of the poem is this. For The Fallen With proud thanksgiving, a mother for her children, England mourns for her dead across the sea. Flesh of her flesh they were, spirit of her spirit, Fallen in the cause of the free. Solemn the drums thrill; Death august and royal Sings sorrow up into immortal spheres, There is music in the midst of desolation And a glory that shines upon our tears. They went with songs to the battle, they were young, Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow. They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted; They fell with their faces to the foe. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years contemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them. They mingle not with their laughing comrades again; They sit no more at familiar tables of home; They have no lot in our labour of the day-time; They sleep beyond England's foam. But where our desires are and our hopes profound, Felt as a well-spring that is hidden from sight, To the innermost heart of their own land they are known As the stars are known to the Night; As the stars that shall be bright when we are dust, Moving in marches upon the heavenly plain; As the stars that are starry in the time of our darkness, To the end, to the end, they remain.
  24. And as for a diff change done a couple of those on my Impreza. And fit to these from Diff B.
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