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Settled In
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Everything posted by Dunc

  1. You need to get the tracking checked according to the picture...
  2. Sorry for the off-topic, but are all xxxxWAC registrations factory vehicles?
  3. I think you've made a massively important point there Les. I've been reading this thread thinking about what the chap 'should' do and what i theoretically would do in has position. Then i really thought about it and apart from arguing the toss with the seller and getting my money back i kind of back-tracked on my own self righteousness and came to the conclusion that i'm not sure i'd follow the 'hand myself in' route. I'd never knowingly buy stolen goods, but it's a whole different ball-game if you end up with them accidentally. Hopefully this doesn't read like "Dunc condones criminals and turns into one" because that couldn't be farther from the truth, but i guess i'd want to see lots of receipts before i bought the thing in the first place. Once he's checked as many numbers as he can and ascertained the history and legitimacy of parts, and perhaps the seller can offer him some receipts, then perhaps declare it as scrapped and start over with a fresh SVA. I'm sure the seller would help with info if he was told that DVLA will seek to reclaim road tax during his ownership should they be informed of the questionable status. Very very difficult. I hope his truck turns out to legit and he gets sorted asap.
  4. That 110 is lush, but about 17 grand more than i've got...
  5. Bloody hell! Think we need a photo of it on those tyres, just for reference you understand...
  6. You simply can't post enough pictures of your Disco. Looks ace!
  7. Ultimately, as small as you like. No, i'm not (for a change) just being an arse, but with an electronic groundplane and then an electronic amplifier you could have an aerial that's tiny because the electronic wizardry fakes the equipment for you. I know a chap who gets miles of crystal clear reception in his wagon with an electronic groundplane, a double wind coil to get the right SWR (or something like that) length and the aerial is about 8" overall. Anything's possible if you know what you're doing. Personally, i've got a Trucker 80 like Chris has! Good old Thunderpole, i love their site. CBs, PMRs & aerial porn!
  8. Yes, the Highway Code holds a similar opinion.
  9. Mate of mine said many years ago, when i said i'd give him a lift in the snow because the Rangey would get through, that "4 wheel drive just helps you crash faster" which i guess your photo proves. If you can't drive worth a sh*t and don't pay heed to the conditions, it doesn't matter what you're in. Where was the second photo Chris? By you in Trowbridge?
  10. I was telling the Mrs about it! I think it as the jumping up and down going "look look look" that got her attention... Good to get a bit of positive publicity every now and again. I'll joining this one once the truck is fully operational
  11. Dunc


    Blatant thread hijack, so apologies in advance; My gratuitous use of the search button has yielded info (on a RRC) that 33" tyres will go on with only +1" suspension as long as the arches are cut. This seems like a squeal for me, because as i reckon it will be a bucket load cheaper to buy 1" springs and shocks and then some 50mm arches rather than big suspension and body lift mods. Now, i appreciate different breeds vary in size, but my lowly calculations suggest that a standard Disco wheel & tyre is 29.4 inches tall and my chosen beast of 265/75 tyre is a sniff over 32 inches tall. Now, work with me on this because i'm not only trying to get all this straight in my head but also to see if it'll work or not; If the arches were chopped it would preclude any tendancy of the outer edge of the tyre to rub, as in the CNC diagram shown on one of the other threads. If the 265/75 was used on a standard alloy, the offset would mean the inner face is in the same place thus avoiding contacting the chassis or other inboard bits. After all, the 265 is only 30mm wider than the factory fit 235/70. If the 33" doesn't cause any significant lock-stop problems then my choice of the 265/75 should be even easier as it's an inch shorter? What do you think, or have i gone completely potty? Again, apologies for the thread hijack.
  12. Almost identical symptoms to the ones i enjoyed in my 90, just miles before the lift pump died altogther. As they're not expensive, put a new one on. If it doesn't fix the problem at least you know which bit it isn't and that you've now got a spare in stock! Check for collapsed turbo hoses too, they'll act like restrictors.
  13. Starting bid $400 NZ, which is only about £120 isn't it? Wonder how much the shipping would be...
  14. I think you're right on the button. There are folks who can't even service their own car who would have watched it and it would've been like the first time cavemen made fire. They would've been mesmorised and i bet a lot of them learned about the history of Land Rover when they thought they were a new company building Chelsea tractors too! For those of us who regularly take things apart there weren't many revelations, but i'll watch it anyday over a soap opera! I've never built a Helicopter and i found that one enthralling. I want Mark Evans (that's 'Evans' Fridge ) to build a boat next or a steam engine. Be glued to that too! Ooh, as a post script; do you reckon we could get Mark Evans to do "A 4x4 is born - 2" where we get him to help him with spec? I'd like OME springs, Rancho shocks, 300 Tdi, auto 'box, 35" Mickey Thomsons (because i love the 'sidebiters') all built on a modified Disco chassis with a 5-door CSW style body (like the original Swiss army 100"). Mmm. B)
  15. My missus bought it for me, about 300 years ago, when it came out because i asked her to. I think it's great, a relatively amateur build by a bloke who actively describes himself as an enthusiastic amateur and even confesses to his cock-ups. I know everyone says (moans) about his nice workshop and the orange tint to some of the products on it, but if the programme had been made in a sh1tty old hut in the garden the filming would be pants because they couldn't pan properly and when it was made there wasn't the active anti-scorpion movement that there is now. He looks cold a lot of the time because he is. He's in a barn on a farm in Ledbury, not some central heated palace! I met him at Eastnor and he's as sound as a sound thing. My Dad's opinion of all of Mark Evans' builds was that "he's an idiot" and when i inquired as to the grounds for this Einstein-like assessment it was apparently because he "didn't take things seriously enough". I informed Dad that he should now understand how i feel when trying to instruct him with his computer, because that's how he seems. It's telly, not a Haynes manual (oops forgot, we're not allowed to mention those either are we) so should be judged as what it is. Watch it and enjoy it. I did, still do and even though i've got the dvd i watch it everytime it's on Discovery.
  16. Yeah, always was a fantastic starter even in the shytest or hottest weather or even if it's been sat. Massively off topic mate, but as you'll see relevant you; look what we got A boy to finish the family off with the two girls already.
  17. That photo with the dog looking out of the window is ace!
  18. His had an MOT when he got it too! Pretty sure it did anyhow... Landy looks fantastic with the new paint Jules, a credit to you. Surely you must be able to get £700+? It ought to walk an MOT if it's not done anything.
  19. And it'll cost you a lot less than a grand too. Get a decent one for £600 and a set of muds and you'll be amazed where you'll go. Oh, and those of you who wont use a Series in traffic; wimps! Used to do my 34 mile commute in my S3.
  20. That chequer plate looks awful. Can't believe some tonsil is actually bidding on it, unless it's his mate just trying to get things going... Probably buying it to take all the carp off, weigh it in and sell the 110 for more without it.
  21. For what it's worth, i had a non-paying buyer similar to yourself. When you do the "send an invoice" thing, you get the whole address postcode and all. I sent him a very polite email suggesting that he paid, soon, and at the end put his name and full address and suggested we should discuss it person. No threats, no posturing or p***ing up the wall, just 'ball is in your court'. Now, i'm not condoning taking things into your own hands, but he paid up and apologised for our 'misunderstanding'.
  22. Incidentally, what year did the loom have all the bits in place for a heated windscreen and relay/switch loom to be plugged in to?
  23. Before you put the Tekaloid on, put the can in a saucepan of water and put it on the cooker for a few mins. Goes on much more lovely like if it's warm.
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