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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. How about Total Worldwide Articles by Diehard Developers of LandRovers and Equipment Ivan
  2. I have the same Demon Tweeks one fited to my 300Tdi (retro fit into what was a TD90). Great piece of kit. Unobtrusive and comes with all the wiring. It's a doddle to fit and IMHO is much better than trying to seal something that's just stuffed inside the top hose (aka Kenlow etc). Ivan
  3. Rob If you have some Alpines give me a shout. It can be picked up with the rest of my order Ivan
  4. That's strange. The copy of Explore Australia by 4WD that I have is by Ron and Viv Moon. It's an excellent book and lists enough trips to keep you going for a few years. Ali if you get to Victoria let me know and I can put you in touch with a 4WD club. Same goes for Darwin and Adelaide. Ivan
  5. I'll be going as usual. Would be nice to meet up and put faces to names. Stuff I'm after a couple of RR Air suspension air tanks and any plumbing for them. Pair of Alpine windows and a pair of sliding side windows for a 90 (I don't want to buy a new hardtop as I've just had the existing one sprayed and it's in good condition). Anything else that takes my fancy on the day. Ivan
  6. I must admit I am confused as well. Personally I would rather stay here than return to the former LRE site now known as LRA. I do not like what has happened with the old LRE site. Geoff did a great job in setting this site up and it all went well until LRE emerged from the ashes. Trev did a good job in resurecting the old LRE forum but he should have left it buried. Fine, salvage what you can but leave the rest in peace. I do not like what Trev has done in renaming the old forum to LRA. We now have the Admin team doing things in secret behind our backs (remeber it's supposed to be OUR forum). They can't tell us what's happening (just be patient and all will be revealed). Well sorry but B**LL*CKS. If something is going on then we the members have the RIGHT to know about it. I did offer to donate something to help support THIS forum NOT THE OLD LRE forum. Sorry rant over. Ivan
  7. Sorry no, as I have not done this. If you look at a series III petrol you will see the choke on the steering column. On a 90 there may be a hole (there's one on mine) on the right hand side of the steering column shroud which you could fit the choke to. Ivan
  8. Another way is to just add a manual choke cable. Cheap and easy to fit. Ivan
  9. I for one completely agree with all of the above and shall be residing here (FWIW) in the future. I just took a look on LRE and noticed that the Same Here post by Les Henson does not allow me to post a reply ? So censorship there already. Just like the last time, say anything you want but don't criticise (sp?) anything. Ivan PS I have a proper user name on this forum as well
  10. Just keep thinking good thoughts and stay calm. At least she will be able to claim half of his worldly possesions when the inevitable happens. BTW how do you get the other smileys on here (i.e. the ones from orrp). Ivan Edited cos I've had too many beers and can't spel anymore
  11. Nige Aren't you supposed to be down at Tony C's place ? I thought all the forum hard core were down there this weekend. Maybe one day I'll pluck up the courage to go to Slindon (not that I know where it is). Ivan
  12. Mines full of emnty fag packets, beer cans and a 90 steering column shroud. Does that make me the winner ? Wish I had a digi camera Ivan Edited cos I there's too many empty beer cans in the bin.
  13. One thing I did notice on my 300 Series body is that most of the relays tend to switch the earth. This makes sense as you can wire everything using very small cable and run the feeds (via a fuse) direct to the component you are switching. Also, it means you can add in extra "switches" (relays) to activate the component under other conditions and automatically. A classic example is the Air Con circuit. There are a number of cases where you weant to cut power to the compressor( i.e. Coolent temperature too high/low, Coolent pressure too high/low) by simply switchcing the earth circuit you don't have to run live cables everywhere. Ivan
  14. Michele To illuminate the switch when the side lights are on you need a feed from the instrument lights. This is usually a red wire with a white tracer. So just find one of these on the instrument panel and join a cable to it. To illumintae the switch when activated take a feed from the output side of theswitch (the bit that activates the lockers) and connect it to the relevant terminal. HTH Ivan
  15. Chris Why not just add a roof rack ? I have roof rails fitted to mine. But, if I had the choice I would just use a roof rack as it can be removed at any time. Ivan
  16. What about the front fuse box in a Disco (the one under the bonnet just behind the battery). Ivan
  17. Michele First check the swivel hub preload. If it's not right it will cause steering vibration every time you hit a pothole or corrugation. Don't forget to check it with the Swivel hub seal off. You don't have to remove the seal completly just unbolt it. Ivan
  18. Anyway Nige that bottom plate looks a bit wimpy for you Ivan
  19. What a bunch of complete D**k heads. "The regular postings by a few mindless individuals are of no interest to the majority of our users and certainly not to the magazine". It really does make me mad to see that sort of tripe put out by a spoilt brat. It was one of the best forums I subscribned to and run by some very helpful and knowledgeable people. Thank god you guys had the sense to see what was coming and save us all from the petty attitude of Mr Green. I haven't subscribed to LRE for a while now and will certainly not buy it again. This forum provides far more interesting articles. I would like to say a lot more but my language would not be appropriate. Ivan
  20. I have poly bushes on my Discovery (at least I think they are poly bushes). They came with the OME springs and shocks I fitted 3 years ago. Still going well and no signs of wear (yet). They are yellow and appear to be quite soft when you squeeze them but they seem to be doing the job. Ivan
  21. I also saw the program. Trouble is it keeps making me hungry with all that lovely food. It did get me thinking that I must go back to France for a trip next year. Last time I ended up eating Goose Gizzards. I didn't really want to but it looked like thinly sliced beef. I tried to ask what it was but couldn't understand the reply. It was only when we got back to the campsite and looked it up in the dictionary that I realised what I had eaten Ivan
  22. Roman Thanks for the info. I have used the map shop before when I went to Morroco. I work very near Stanfords and popped in there yesterday. They were absolutely useless. The staff could barely speak English and when I asked about TPS's they just pointed and walked away. Sorry rant over Ivan
  23. Geoff Best to get a head gasket kit. This should include all of the gaskets required. e.g. Head gaskets, valley gasket, exhaust gaskets etc. Also some silicone (only a little bit needed) to seal the plenum chamber, and don't forget the antifreeze. IMHO I would put it all back together and refill with water. Then after you are sure the problem is solved and there are no leaks drain it and refill with the correct coolant mixture (saves wasting coolant. Don't ask me how I know that one ). It's certainly doable in a day but it may be a long day. Ivan
  24. Sounds like an actuator sticking to me. I had a similar experience when I accidently locked the car whilst working inside it. I then tried to unlock it but it immediately relocked again. I then realised that my elbow was holding down the locking button on the door. HTH Ivan Edited to correct my poor spelling. Just noticed I'm not a newbie anymore
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