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Everything posted by LR90

  1. Soutie, almost, just remove the session bits. I like it
  2. Hey, this is looking good. series graphic with LR4x4.com 'The only forum you need' I'd preffer it it we could keep the LR4x4.com in the chrome effect at least as this reflects our shiney new home and the quality tools we wield to fix our trucks.
  3. Ian, were in Pompey are you and what's youlandy look like (I'm there too)? And are you still going to have a landy when you've sold the one in question to come play in?
  4. That's the spirit/ Don't join till next year though and you might get another event in on the same sub.
  5. Sorry but I'm in learning mode here. Don't freelanders have an extra low first gear like the fiat panda 4x4s. Sort of 2nd is what a normal 1st is while 1st is reserved as a 'crawl' gear?
  6. Adrian, think I have found another winch bitch so if your up for a laugh and want to team up I'm looking?
  7. So you all had a very eventful weekend though perhaps not in the way you had hoped. PS No, I'm not sure I do want to see your bruise
  8. Nadim, I see what you mean re the catalogue. 110 but no 90s listed however my immediate reaction (esp given the changed the rear axles on the later 110s) is go for the 086 front and 087 rears (with your choice of finish) as per 110 TD5 post 1994 but there will be better qualified members on here inthe morning to advise.
  9. They use the phrase 'good looks' twice but I still find myself strangely drawn to them.. Nadim you may find this thread of interrest though it is more with UK mud in mind. You've not filled in your profile but IIRC your posts elsewhere then drilled and slotted might be much more appropriate for yourself.
  10. OK, my Disco is still doing its duty as DD but with all the talk of bobbing Rangies its got me thinking. What can I do with the Disco when its no longer fit for DD duties. I LOVE RogueVogue's tubed and plastic paneled toy but while it looks perfect using the RR bulkhead/bonnet I'm just not sure how it would work with a Disco. A Tomcat would be nice but in a sense it would just be another Tomcat and I'd rather like to have something that's well just different. Anyone seen anything truely inspirational that started life as a Disco?
  11. That's actually a very good recomendation for a Freebie. sort of what I'd like my Disco to do (but it doesn't quite).
  12. So I guess that means I need to find another winch bitch too! Bu&&er
  13. Sorry Michele but I've not seen the pics you've linked to yet. Toon is just a suggestion but I know nothing about this only that we need more sticker(s) with the logo included on them to raise brand awareness just as you and Si pointed out. Cooler the better I guess? OK seens them now. Yes they look good and I note how they have multiple stickers for different forums. We don't have to have just one but they should all carry the name.
  14. smaller tyres asside I guess your options are: - Longer bump stops (I'll have your old ones) - Put up with the rubbing - Modify the seat boxes. If you don't want to waste any of your shock travel then you've done just the right thing. Currently mine rubs and I'm just putting up with it untill I can sort modified seat boxes.
  15. You are both quite correct Like BP or Tesco this is just out name but at least we have finally settled on how it will appear. With the transparent background it will work inside windows or externaly on pretty much any body colour (so no colour clash for Moglite). It doesn't say what we are though. That's where I think there is still a significant piece of work to be done by Michele to produce a design (or even range of designs) that convey what we are but incorporate the 'logo' both to link the stickers together and to provide a link to the name when it starts appearing on our Landies without the other clues to its meaning. Might even be a set of cartoons with the name on them? These are what will build the brand awareness.
  16. Sorry I just missread 'pumped up a bit' and was concerned other might read it as overinflated. 20psi, your truck must be heavier than mine I'd just suggest people check the Simex load rating (3000lbs at 45psi and that's per corner) and don't rush round sticking 25psi in each corner thinking the tyres will last longer. FWIW I'm running 18psi front and 15 psi rear now (rear is probably still a bit high but wear is far more even than it was and while 13 might be better it just sounded too low) for highway use. Off road you can run low pressures of course
  17. Yes, I'd vote with Nige. For the cosmetic effect and 80% (which probably means more) road then just get an OME bolt on kit. It has a very good reputation and if you do start to do more off road later it is a good base to start from. Not my cup of tea but I'm finicky about these things and less fashion consious. But I'm now wondering what tyres you have if you think 235x85s look good? It might be worth starting another thread to get input on tyres and then stop and consider if you can afford to do both tyres and lift together or if you should do one (which one?) first. Welcome to the world of LR ownership
  18. Would be good if they worked. Keep us posted but like you say for what they cost it could be worth try anyway and its an easy diy.
  19. Well thank someone its 2006, might have the truck ready by then. Don't have team mate yet (anyone?) but having done the last two count me in.
  20. If you want to get to/from events at anything like more than 50mph then get them balanced. As fridge says they do enough damage to the truck anyway, unbalanced they will just wreck it even faster. Mine have more than a few pounds of lead on them (they come in 1/4pound sizes you know) but even if one was to get knocked of its still better than no balance at all. And I'd beg to differ about over inflating them on the highway. I run mine at what I judge to be corret pressures and have now exceeded 15,000 miles on them. Fornts are looking well tired but backs are still good. Overinflated will just cut the centre out in no time and make them skittish.
  21. So first Q is why do you want a lift kit?
  22. Must admit I'd never come across it before seeing some of the V8 posts. Equally any engine I've put together (no V8s though) has always primed up fine so I don't think I was wrong. Is this just a V8 thing and if so is it all or just some models as I guess oil pumps have changed over the years?
  23. Too right Fridge, always new my Simex's where safety aids
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