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Everything posted by zim

  1. Hook it up, press the button and see how it works Thinking about it (i can check later on the lse), there is only 1 washer tank for the windscreen & lights. These have 2 pumps on. So if yours only has 1 pump, then i'll be screen. {Or is this only the p38 and not RRC?} G
  2. Just been driving it around the yard today and erm...maybe a bit more travel ? The fiddles work good, but there is quite a bit of travel on the levers (and they're longer than what they come from CNC). For some strange reason, the right feels different (softer) to the left ? But i can now lock a wheel (37") up without too much difficulty. G
  3. Si, was that using rear disc or front? Fronts are more offset so had to cut the old mounts off. I've gone for front to get better pad coverage. I like your idea though
  4. I'm running the normal brakes through these as well. So will have to put a bias valve in. But to be honest i don't in fast enough for this to be a big problem.
  5. Evening, I'm sick of my fiddles not working properly, so yesterday we're sat in the workshop and James (co driver) and i are chatting. Basically we have the LRS challenge on sunday and nothing to do between now and then, so decided to cut the back axle up and fit bigger calipers on. They're a set of 110 / later 90 style (4 x 46mm pistons) - same as i have on the front. A couple pictures of how we did it if anyone is interested : One Bracket made, one piece of thick plate ready : James working his magic : Another little job we've got done : 1 x front prop - spare 1 x front prop awaiting welding up (baily morris) 1 x rear prop (baily morris) 1 x rear prop which was shortened after this picture for a spare Maybe not quite the same degree of engineering as Si from X-eng, but it kept us busy for a while G
  6. Is Si now engineering new products for university of exeter ?
  7. Are you putting sealant on the sump gasket ?
  8. I fly to work from gt yarmouth, live in altrincham but my folks are in macclesfield where we go for dinner fairly often. I'll quite happily bring it back for you. If you can wait I next go to work on 21st July and return on 11th August. Gordon
  9. A range rover / disco will be more comfortable surely ?
  10. Morning, Recently my truck has been acting like a v7. Which is quite embarressing as our other v8's on standard ingnition all run as v8's LOL ! So put a timing light on each coil lead and found that #5 was a bit hit n miss. Took the plug out, put a new one in and ran fine. Tested the plug out the engine and instead of sparking across the electrode it was sparking inside the plug :huh: They're not that old, about 5 or 6 events ? But have been swimming. Any thoughts as to why this happens ? Guess it'll be a plug change for next weekend..... G
  11. Fit the wheel nuts the correct way, they'll centre enough for what you're doing
  12. if you're desperate you could do either to get you to a place to repair it. but for any length of time i'd take RWD. G
  13. Are you running an LT230 transfer box ? If so, carry spares for the rear axle. Because you can always just engage difflock and drive in RWD with the front prop / shafts / flanges etc disabled. This will help you limp back to somewhere to fix it. I wouldn't be too keen on doing it with a viscous transfer box although it will work. G
  14. Hey Dan - who'll be the first to roll ? My money's on boothy
  15. If you could make it change gear whilst under load that'd be impressive
  16. Nige, i'm ok with computers but will happily try one out for you. I had to buy an old laptop with a serial port for the workshop, so a usb one would be handy G p.s. i'll pay for those stubby's now, just got in from work
  17. lol.... i'm all for the KISS theory ! I think i'd prefer being able to select my gear, this way you know what it's going to do when you might be able to do what you want (kind of) with a 2 stage hydraulic pump Ground speed is normally the same as wheel speed. What happens when you winch in the front and spin the wheels in reverse ? A handy little technique My wish list : bearings on the drum variable power (i.e. hydraulic spool valve) gears (but 3 + free, not 2 like i have now) big rope capacity Auto line laying / distances etc aren't on my list G
  18. apart from the £100.... you've described a saley winch
  19. zim

    Chassis mod

    Are you meaning this ? :
  20. Yes they are floating. Just out of interest howcome this causes a judder ? G
  21. Nige is right, the ocv could also be hassling. When does it happen - spooling out / spooling in / doing nothing ? If it's only on spooling out (or in if you've plumbed the ocv in backwards) then that could be a possible problem.
  22. Does your return line come in above the level in the tank or below ? It should be at the bottom. G
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