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Puma cold start - smoke (video)

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I have a Defender 110 with the 2.4 puma engine (2008). It starts tough on cold and smokes for about 10-15 seconds. The smoke is white/grey with a bit of blue. When the engine is warm, it starts right away without smoke. Also no loss of power. When driving, no smoke, no problems, no warning lights,..

The injectors have been tested and cleaned, no problems. Could it be the valve stem oil seals? When the car is parked, oil drips in the cylinder(s) and burned off on start?

Video (it's a very windy day, but you'll get the picture):


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Burning oil has a very distinctive smell and is (typically) blue. If you have had your injectors serviced and they are in good order, then it is entirely possible that it is oil that has leaked past valve guide oil seals. More so in view of the fact that it isn't present at any other time.

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17 hours ago, Bowie69 said:

Had codes read?


No I haven't.. I do not have a device to read fault codes and I don't like taking it to the dealer.. I've searched for an affordable device that can display codes and found this one: http://www.ultra-gauge.com/ultragauge/

Looks like many people use it, not sure if it can display all codes? It's only 79$...

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Our "08" mountain rescue wagon, starts in exactly the same way, really rough idle and exactly the same smoke for a couple of minutes until its warmed up. I put this down to potential  water damage as the engine took a slug of water into it a few years ago. But listening to ours it does sound reminiscent of a glow plug issue not warming all the cylinders properly, so that was going to by my next stop with our truck - replace the glow plugs, I'm not sure I want to do it myself as I've just done the starter motor on it and you apparently need the hands of a 5 yr old to work on these engines...

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Well, I've found this topic : https://www.4x4community.co.za/forum/showthread.php/84217-Puma-Glow-Plug-Error-Code

I checked the 60AMP fuse were the glow plugs are connected to (according to that topic) and .. it is blown! I also checked the "Connector holder" in the engine bay that houses the red wire connection to the glow plugs, and it's also loose like in that topic. The connector once did short circuit with the steel diesel fuel line because I can see small 'burn' marks on both of them, so that shot the fuse I guess.

That would mean that no power is going to the glow plugs right now.. Weird that the glow icon in the dash behaves normal? Doesn't it check the temperature? Or is just time based?

I'm going to secure the connector holder and install a new 60amp fuse and see what gives. Can I just go into an automotive store and ask for a 60amp fuse or does it need to be a LR one?

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I've secured the glow plug rail connector so it doesn't touch the steel fuel pipe and replaced the 60amp fuse.

Result video cold start:

It starts a bit better and the smoke clears after 5 seconds (before it was 10-20 seconds). I'm no puma expert, is this normal? I think it's best to check the glow plugs, still a chance that one of them (or more) are not working properly.


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The "glowplug" light on Pumas (and TD5s) is misnamed - it's not controlled by the glowplug controller, but by the overall ECU. It would be better to call it a "system checks complete, ready for ignition" light.

[On both Pumas and TD5s under cold-start conditions the glowplugs may be periodically activated for quite a few minutes after the engine's started, as an emissions-management system.  Certainly on my TD5 if I start it in sub-zero temperatures and leave it idling for a few minutes I can hear a periodic change in engine-note after the glowplugs cut in and out].

If your glowplugs are not working as-intended then this can certainly cause smoke! A healthily-glowplugged TDCi or TD5 should start on the first or second rotation of the engine even if ambient temperature is down to -20 or so.



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  • 1 year later...

hi koen110... it seem that i have same problems that you have. do you mind to share what is the solution of this white smoke only on start ignition phase. is a bit annoying for me to see the white smoke coming out when i start my lovely 110.


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5 hours ago, wanjoe said:

hi koen110... it seem that i have same problems that you have. do you mind to share what is the solution of this white smoke only on start ignition phase. is a bit annoying for me to see the white smoke coming out when i start my lovely 110.



The solution is in my previous posts in this topic, it was the 60amp fuse for the glow plugs that was blown because the glow plug rail in the engine bay came in contact with the steel fuel line. So yes the glow plug light in the dash comes on when you turn the ignition key, but the glow plugs don't get any juice because the fuse is blown! Hence the difficult start and smoke.. I've secured the glow plug rail in the engine bay with a strap so it cannot come in contact with the steel fuel line anymore and replaced the 60amp fuse, it started a lot better! Still had some smoke but after a few times that was gone as well. To be sure changed the glow plugs as well but didn't make any difference.

Info on where you can find the fuse: https://www.4x4community.co.za/forum/showthread.php/84217-Puma-Glow-Plug-Error-Code

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so, thats mean the white smoke when you start the engine still same as it is? 

i dont have anyproblem to start my 110 engine. the ignition seems to be smooth. a bit annoying on the white smoke. 

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With the improvement from fixing the glow plug circuit, are you giving the plugs a few seconds to heat up before starting, or are you turning the key from O to Start instantly?  

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