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This is for a bulk buy for all the machines down at the farm. One of which is supposed to be OAT but with a 500 hour change (whereas OAT says 5 years on the drum)

Really just wanted to get Glycol and change everything out as and when

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Drain everything, flush with clean water... Refill with the same A/F in everything.

Job done.

All the time I was working I never saw a problem caused by the wrong A/F, that's not to say it can't cause a problem just I've never seen it in 45 years in garages.

I think the td5 is supposed to use OAT, seen plenty on regular glycol.

The only thing I'd say is if you use basic glycol, change it, and I mean properly flush it, at least every three years.

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Do not mix oat and glycol. If you swap, flush the whole system completely before changing otherwise you'll have a jelly mess that can write off the engine. I have been told you shouldn't use oat in a TDI but I did for a while at the recommendation off another mechanic (he gave me 25ltr drum of the stuff) and can't remember why not use it.


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I ran my 200tdi on OAT for quite a few years, but wasn't all that convinced with it, especially after doing the head gasket a few times in relative succession I was gobsmacked to see how the blank water holes had corroded, so I swapped back to Glycol although I've not had the head off to see if its any better, I feel I've had super rock solid coolant temps even when I seriously maxed out when towing some heavy stuff up some big hills. 200tdi would have been spec'd with Glycol from the begging, and td5's would have been OAT - I'd say stick to the closest you can for what the engine was initially designed for.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just to add another angle, what about the Prestone yellow stuff?  Claims to mix with anything.  I've considered going exclusively to that, but it is quite expensive.

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