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4x4 nut

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By the time ofthis years Bath and West Show there will be a off road course there. How do I know? I'm designing it :lol: Phase one will be ready for the first part of the year, phase 2 and 3 will take a little longer.

The Bath and West are really up for this as they understand the need to diversify. So far due to problems with bird flue, foot and mouth etc. they have lost 3 major shows in recent months.

One day there may be a major 4x4 / off road motor sport event there ;) How do people feel about this as a location?


OT,, but i can remember using the showground for a rally stage ,, many years ago,, :o

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Hi Cider man, yes i used to live in Wincanton, moved to Shepton 2 years ago when I bought a house hence I have been a bit quiet while I pay for it!

Funny you should mention the rally stage TJ as they are keen to see a return of that sort of thing! The futures bright if it goes well!

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Hi Cider man, yes i used to live in Wincanton, moved to Shepton 2 years ago when I bought a house hence I have been a bit quiet while I pay for it!

Funny you should mention the rally stage TJ as they are keen to see a return of that sort of thing! The futures bright if it goes well!

Brookers , We did a laning trip over the plain many years ago , We were followed by the Land Ranger in a white disco for a while near Sidbury Hill , and it was at that point we bumped into Diesel Jim .

Do you still have the RRC ?

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WHAT A RESPONSE!!! Turn my back for five minutes and posts galore. Here we go -

Ian - thanks for letting me know Bournemouth is in fact SW, now I've changed the name of it to 4x4 MARKET SOUTH!

Nige - Appreciate your comments about the £5 charge - a lengthy reply and food for thought. Believe me, how I would love to do what you suggest and not charge for admission and/or not charge the traders, that way the turn out would be amazing and everyone would be happy. Unfortunately the reality of life says that someone, somewhere along the line has to pay for the hire of the venue + the disabled/standard toilets, public liability insurance, staffing, etc., not to mention the advertising, promotions ... you get the idea. That someone is me, and although it would indeed establish the 4x4 MARKET'S very quickly, the owners and the rest wouldn't wait a year for payment. Nice thought but unless I was a landowner myself, it's but a dream. I assure you I'm not being greedy, far from it. The off-road course for only £15, that has to be a good thing doesn't it?

Yep FridgeFreezer, yours truly (with a lot of help from the guys at Mud Club and the like as Marshals) organised the Land Rover World Record Attempt at Towcester Racecourse ... and we established a new world record which we still hold despite the Belgiums and Dutch twice trying to break it ... and yes that queue with all it's flags, cuddly toys and bunting looked fantastic! Proud moment that!

Ciderman - The Royal Bath and West Showground as a possible venue? Wot ...can you imagine how much that would cost to hire? Never mind £5 admission, make that £15.00! Bet it's £10,000 to even step over the threshold. Great location, way too expensive.

Robot Man - well as I head up from sunny Bournemouth, Doncaster IS northeast! Have changed this now to 4x4 MARKET (Yorkshire) as I got that one totally wrong; northeast is the Tyneside/Wearside area. See, I am fallible! :rolleyes:

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Why would you want an off road course at whats supposedly an autojumble??? If I'm going to buy bits i dont take the truck due to travelling a reasonable distance. If I'm after big bits i take the works van. Like I'm gonna offroad that.....

I can see this would turn into something like the old Beaulieu 4x4 show was, with loads of trade stands selling absolute tat almost completely unrelated to 4x4's and very little to really interest people. the advertised autojumbles often ended up being literally a coupel of people selling.

I like sodbury cos you get very little unrelated tat. I dont like the things like the billing show due to the number of people selling pet beds, naff stickers, ornaments, clothes, adventure holidays etc etc etc.

IMHO there is a market for autojumbles, but no more than that. The shows are always naff, and always expensive to get into.

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Also......why do you need unrelated tat? Who in their right mind brings the kids along to an autojumble anyway? If you want to buy tat and put the kids on a merry go round take them to one of the many other sunday markets / car boot sales there are about.

£5 is OTT for an autojumble IMHO. I'll pay £5 for sodbury cos I know its big. The Capel autojumble has got it about right IMHO - a couple of quid of so to get in, and no unrelated tat! I wouldnt pay any more than a couple of quid to get into something thats unknown, especially bearing in mind fuel costs when I'm going to be looking at at least a 100mile round trip to get there!


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Hello again Tom - Haven't seen you posting anywhere for ages - guess you must be running out of money, as the only time you post anything anywhere is when the rest of us need to get our wallets out. Remember LRE and how you were a true enthusiast? David Llama is organising stuff and charging traders nothing at all - I guess you have a bigger financial requirement?

My personal opinion - you understand.


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Woooooooaa there! Surely it’s a case of ‘horses for courses’ – isn’t life about choice?

If you’re going to an autojumble on your own, fine. Whether you think £5 a fair price these days (as mentioned previously, this goes to the cost of hiring the venue as somebody has to pay for it, not to mention the rubbish clearance, toilet hire … need I go on???) or is a complete rip off is something only you can decide. Personally, given the choice of the cinema @ £8 for two hours or a 4x4 autojumble @ £5 for 7 hours, think you can guess which I'd go for!

If you’re going to an autojumble with a partner because either she wants to go or doesn’t want to be left at home, then it’s quite likely she’ll want to see a bit more than stub axles and swivel towing eyes! If there is a trader there selling girlie stuff, so what? It’s not for you then simply pass by it and on to the spotlights.

If you’re going to an autojumble with a partner and the saucepan lids, then what’s wrong with a bouncy castle and a stall selling toys? You can pass by that as well. I know for a fact your partner will be delighted with children’s amusements on site, because when the kids are happy, she’s happy!

As for £15 being extortionate for an off-road course, now I know you’re winding me up. Most are £25 these days! Again, I would have thought it makes a decent day of it if you can have a rummage in the used parts boxes, look around the trade stands, go on the off-road course (especially if it’s a family day out), then back for a final look around; maybe I’m wrong? Yet again, it’s all about choice. If folk want to attack the off-road course, let them. It’s purely optional after all so why on earth would it annoy you? I’m confused.

I perfectly understand Jon’s comment - “If I’m after big bits i take the works van and I can’t off-road that”. See what you mean, but there will be plenty of others in their 4x4’s delighted to have the choice. As for “people selling pet beds, naff stickers, ornaments, clothes, adventure holidays etc etc etc”, that I don’t understand. Generally speaking our crowd love stickers, clothes and 4x4 adventure holidays, any other pet or ornament stuff you can walk straight past.

Les – that’s cruel. Running 4x4 shows since 1997, I’ve always prided myself on providing ‘value-for-money’ events that folk come back to time and time again – clearly too much value-for-money as after 10 years I’m still running about in an old £800 Rangie! Why? Simple! I’m well aware there’s no money in our hobby, but because I’m an enthusiast totally engrossed in his pastime (sad I know - but true), for every half a dozen individuals who turn up intent on whinging and moaning all weekend, there are hundreds who go home with beaming smiles on their faces. Yes this is different, the one-day 4x4 Markets are an untried and untested concept, but even Billing and Sodbury had to start somewhere. I was there at both and believe me they were miniscule at first. Be positive or else organisers like myself will simply give up, then all you’d be left with would be the big money-grabbing shows and nowt else. Maybe you would be happy with that, what do I know?

Please explain Mr. Llama … I despair! :(

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Hello Tom...

Good to see you here - no doubt you will want an invitation to my new show to puch your markets :lol:

See you on the 26/27 april at powis castle"!!!


Dave - could you email or PM the details to me. Sounds like a cunning plan, unfortunately can't reciprocate as the first two markets are Bournemouth and Newmarket, hardly your catchment area! Anything else I can do just ask.

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Dave - could you email or PM the details to me. Sounds like a cunning plan, unfortunately can't reciprocate as the first two markets are Bournemouth and Newmarket, hardly your catchment area! Anything else I can do just ask.

Just take a peek at

Land Rover vWeekend

and it should give you some idea of what I am up to....


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Give old Tom a break for god's sake. Yes I know he has his faults but at least he tries. He has come up with some cracking shows and some not so cracking but he puts a huge amount of effort into it.

I think it's a bl**dy good idea Tom - one of your better ones. The idea of 'something for everyone' appeals to those of us with kids/family. It's difficult enough to get a pass from the wife, but knowing you have to entertain the kids as well as do what you want is a PITA. As for 15quid for the off road course, that might just cover the siet and the TPL so what the hell are you moaning about.

Al wwe need now is for Tom to get the venues a bit more Westerly and all is sorted. The B&W would be top dollar, not just for Neil's new off road course but it is a superb venue for BIG car boots, excellent parking as well... West Point is huge and well laid out AND it has an old Land Rover Demo course with a tank wash that could be used as an off road course.

Tom, if you do manage to get directions right and set up a 4x4Market down here, I will happily put together some marshals for you.

Go for it you old b*gg*r!

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Well thank you Hobbit, I take back all I said about you - well - nearly all of it!!! :P

Sorry those of you in the Southwest, had to go for the most populated areas to get the ball rolling. Besides, only nine viable months weather-wise! Never know though as next year I'd also like to organise further 4x4 MARKET's in the Northeast (Gateshead maybe?), Wales (Builth Wells - that's more or less central), Scotland (Stirling?) and yes ... the Southwest (almost certainly around the Exeter area) Impossible this year however. Although these events may seem a doddle to organise, they are anything but.

My biggest concern is that they will be too Land Rover orientated, which would be one hellava shame. Guess without Jap and Jeep owners turning out their garages and garden sheds, they will be. Much as I love my Rangie, I realise there’s a lot more out there than just LR. That one's truly out of my hands!

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  • 3 months later...

18 May (weekend before Spring Bank Holiday)

4x4 Market (Southeast)

Tulleys Farm, Turners Hill Road, Turners Hill, Crawley, West Sussex RH10 4PE


For all those who went, and found it cancelled - no mention on here or gate - l assume organizers went to New Forest for Rangie bits.

Interesting to see website now only lists 8 ?

I did not attend as had to get LR ready for MOT tomorrow, but am aware other club members had a wasted 80 miles journey.

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