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Camping Trips & LR Rallies in Europe


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We want to go on a few rallies this year in Europe, but can't find much information. I have the Swiss LR Clubs International Events calendar, http://www.lros.ch/en/agenda/europa and the new 4x4 calendar http://www.4x4calendar.co.uk/ which are good but don't mention so many rallies abroad. We're aware of the Luxembourg and Swiss rallies which look good, but does anyone know of another calendar or means of finding out? There are a couple in Portugal, but the web sites are all in Portuguese (naturally) so it's tough deciphering the detail! There are some interesting looking commercially run trips on the LRO calendar but the prices are pretty high just for following someone who is leading a group.. <_< We had intended going to the Norwegian LR Club rally in July but the Newcastle - Bergen ferry is £820 return !! Sharp intake of breath... :ph34r:

We'd be interested in hearing from anyone who is going to the Swiss meeting in September.

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We're about to book for the Polish Baltic2008 Rally ....ferries will be cheaper than Norway.....in fact pretty much everything will be. There's a thread further down the page . www.baltic2008.blox.pl I think, Landmania in midsummer France has a good reputation too..



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I know it's 'following someone about', but in the first of the 'new' Difflock magazine there is an article where the Difflock people joined a tour. http://www.difflock.com/magazine/

Thanks for the replies, saw the article in the new, excellent online Difflock magazine. Looked at the prices for that tour, pretty steep to 'tag along' at £850 for a week! Our French is only a little better than our Portuguese, so we couldn't translate enough of the Landmania site to know what's what.. We'd already found the site on the Swiss Calendar. There's also the Dutch 20th Anniversary meet in May which I found on a listing of European LR Clubs at http://www.lrfaq.org/FAQ.5.clubs.europe.html That site could be really useful but seems very out of date. I have a pal who helps organise the 'Landy Rally' but it looks like a main road blast to the Pyrenees and back in a week. We like to see more than the roads! If only there was a weeks camping in the middle.

Next job is to buy a decent tent..

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Go to the web pages you understand.

Read where and how they are going to the places.

Get in touch with the tourist office of the country[ies] you would like to visit.

Then go by yourself.

That's what we did the first time we went to Namibia/Botswana.

Believe me it saves a lot of money. At present I don't have the accomodation prices for our six month trip but I do have the fuel bill


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Go to the web pages you understand.

Read where and how they are going to the places.

Get in touch with the tourist office of the country[ies] you would like to visit.

Then go by yourself.

That's what we did the first time we went to Namibia/Botswana.

Believe me it saves a lot of money. At present I don't have the accomodation prices for our six month trip but I do have the fuel bill


Hi Mike my name is Dave (thebiglad) and I live in France.

I have just spent the last hour and a half reading your messages about your African Adventure - it was truly superb!!!! Please also convey my thanks to Margaret for the messages and pictures.

It has REALLY whet my appetite..................you were using a 110 I believe, I have a couple of Disco's, what would YOU think of going on a trip like that in a Disco??

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Hi Dave.

Thank you for those kind words.

I'm guessing that you read the trip report ?

There's two other ones that you might like to read


And if I can find it


Maybe some help as well


As you can see I was using a 110 but I'm sure that a Discovery will cope just as well. You haven't said which Disco?? If a 200/300Tdi then I recomend taking all the trim out from behind the back seat. The back seat if possible. It's surprising how much space the trim takes up.

Anyway you've now got your afternoon sorted. Read and enjoy.

I will add this.

If you are going for two/three weeks hire.Three/four weeks do a lot of adding up.

Over four weeks take your own vehicle.


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Thanks for the replies, saw the article in the new, excellent online Difflock magazine. Looked at the prices for that tour, pretty steep to 'tag along' at £850 for a week! Our French is only a little better than our Portuguese, so we couldn't translate enough of the Landmania site to know what's what.. We'd already found the site on the Swiss Calendar. There's also the Dutch 20th Anniversary meet in May which I found on a listing of European LR Clubs at http://www.lrfaq.org/FAQ.5.clubs.europe.html That site could be really useful but seems very out of date. I have a pal who helps organise the 'Landy Rally' but it looks like a main road blast to the Pyrenees and back in a week. We like to see more than the roads! If only there was a weeks camping in the middle.

Next job is to buy a decent tent..


Last year we went to the Pyrenees, and spent 5 days exploring the mountains, we had a great time so much so that we have booked to go again this year

We wanted a guided tour just for ease and went with theese guys (holiday) made some good freinds and saw some amazing things

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nobody wrote that. it's an automated online translation service and it's free. how about learning french if you don't like it? :D

Ah, that's why it's unintelligible! Being an old git with the memory of a goldfish, I stand no chance. Mind you, I was hopeless at French at school.. I'm still looking in the garden for my aunts pen..

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before you go making you assumption please bear in mind the facts Mandy and mike are good friends of mine to and i now alot about there bussiness

few facts....

£850 is per vehicle ..everyone else charges per PERSON

you get 6 days in the mountains... no one else offers this

campsite fees included

and they dont leave people stranded if they brakedown like some others do.

please think before you post dribble, that could be contradictin

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and we dont leave people stranded (whilst they are with us) if they brakedown like some others do.

'We' being???? Should we assume that you are more than simply friends with Mike/Mandy/Alpine Rovers? Have I mis-read something somwhere?

With my moderator hat on, would you please be clear about your association?



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We want to go on a few rallies this year in Europe, but can't find much information. . <_< We had intended going to the Norwegian LR Club rally in July but the Newcastle - Bergen ferry is £820 return !! Sharp intake of breath... :ph34r:

Well come over when the ferry prices are cheaper :rolleyes:

To be honest it would probably be nice to go to the LR gathering here whilst over,

but I live here and can't be bothered, I don't feel I am missing much.

Like some people have suggested find out where you want to go and do your

research, and make your own plans.

I have organised a trip coming over at easter for friends. We're meeting a group of

other forumeers :ph34r: for some greenlaning and arranged with a garage for servicing.

The rest is up to us.

For us (family, car with 2 adults, 2 children and cabin) we are paying around £400 return.

So if you fancy doing a trip to Norway it doesn't have to be expensive. ;):D

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q-rover: Yes, the ferry prices do vary a lot by seasons, don't they? We went to Bergen in June two years ago without a vehicle on one of those cheap trips, 3 nights in a hotel and 2 on the ferry (£220 each, I think..) and did the 'Norway in a Nutshell' day trip from Bergen. Fabulous scenery, but it was a bit nippy around the nuptials..! I'm still trying to talk the wife into camping but I think doing it out of the summer heat may be pushing my luck a bit, especially at Easter! have you seen those Scandinavian teepees with the woodstoves in them? Think I know why... Mind you, there's always the campsite cabins.. We were hoping to meet up with Landy types, hence the desire to get to a few rallies. There's a Smyril Line ferry to and from Norway from Scrabster, not too far from where we live in the north of Scotland, but although it sails directly from Bergen to Scrabster on the return trip, on the way out it goes via Iceland and the Faeroes, you get to Bergen a week later!

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Megansfolly: I simply don't intend to reply to you. I am entitled to my opinion and you to yours.

Exactly, However I suspect there is some residual history between Mandy and lr4x4 a few years back that is maybe fueling Megansfolly's response. If not then it's a major over reaction to someones opinion on a forum.

Is that weekly amount just for guiding? Assuming you have 4-5 cars in convoy, thats 480-600 a day. Having said that, people will pay want they want to pay, so good on you for encouraging people to travel in Europe more.



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Sorry guys. Mandy can't get on here anymore and just wants to be fair with you and voice a counterpoint.

Their prices reflect what other tour companies charge. Each to their own, but please don't write an option out just because it looks expensive.

All opinions are valid and I'm not taking sides - just trying to help a friend with a valid response.

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q-rover: Yes, the ferry prices do vary a lot by seasons, don't they? We went to Bergen in June two years ago without a vehicle on one of those cheap trips, 3 nights in a hotel and 2 on the ferry (£220 each, I think..) and did the 'Norway in a Nutshell' day trip from Bergen. Fabulous scenery, but it was a bit nippy around the nuptials..! I'm still trying to talk the wife into camping but I think doing it out of the summer heat may be pushing my luck a bit, especially at Easter! have you seen those Scandinavian teepees with the woodstoves in them? Think I know why... Mind you, there's always the campsite cabins.. We were hoping to meet up with Landy types, hence the desire to get to a few rallies. There's a Smyril Line ferry to and from Norway from Scrabster, not too far from where we live in the north of Scotland, but although it sails directly from Bergen to Scrabster on the return trip, on the way out it goes via Iceland and the Faeroes, you get to Bergen a week later!

Well you could always come to Stavanger (near where I live) and I can help

guide you from here. There are plenty of LR people to meet up with here, I seem

to work with most of them... :blink::lol:

You could then travel around a bit and take a ferry to Denmark or drive via Sweden.

Then through germany and back to blighty.

Could be quite an adventure in itself.

Or the other way round...

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So what is the European equivalent of Billing ? The Val D'Isere show seems to have some political issues similar to Billing ran through.

The Germans and Swiss have some really nice expedition equipment eg a misc German expedition company

Be nice to see what they do with their Landies and Toyota's etc, but also the bigger stuff such as Action Mobil

Any ideas ?


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