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The LT95 is a hugely strong box but horrible clunkt change, and only 4 speed hence why so many (inc this one I think) has an OD unit

Racers do love them I ran one with a 5.7 chevy on it, never blew the box.

Advertise on www.awdc.co.uk for a start

£100-£150 complete as is my best guess cos it has a OD


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If it is from a 101 and has the shorter bell housing would that make it a better option for a Series conversion compared to the LT77 or R380?

If that's the case I may be interested, although I guess if you didn't know what it's from your less likely to know it's condition.

Edit: Ok I found it is V8 bell housing, I guess I should have twigged that really. I was looking to put behind a 200TDi, never mind.

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