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Off-topic threads

Les Henson

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There's too many off-topic threads on the Int forum again( :rtfm: )

The following threads will be locked later this eveing -

Rover 200 manual

O/T Yikes

New Gigglepin intercoms

OT (also "ish") Rising fuel costs

Car tax

While I realise that these topics are humorous/funny/vaguely L/R-related - to be fair I will lock them all.

Also - the thread ' O/T But think everyone should have a read ' , while very interesting and informative, (and a bit personal), is also I suppose off-topic, so that will be locked too.


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you need to leave all of those threads alone.

none of them are detracting from the forum, indeed all have relevance to us owning vehicles (and as a Landrover is a vehicle then they are relevant) and as such should be left in place.

dont go all mod happy and further destroy some of the more touchy feely side of the forum please


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I accept the "Mods decision is final" Line but I think its odd that threads on rising fuel costs and road tax are deemed off topic If these continue to get out of hand then lots of people won't be able to afford Land Rovers!

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I personally think an odd few loosely related but humorous threads only add to the forum and the enjoyment of users. Certainly make me chuckle after a hard day. On the other hand there are heaps of 100% land rover related threads that are either repetitive or insanely simple/moronic that drive myself and many other users crazy to the extent that people are starting to be less fond of the forum. These threads seem to add nothing too the nice, friendly, easygoing feel of the forum but make it a manual for people who cant be bothered too get off there a**e and sort simple things out.

There, I don't usually get involved in the politics of the site but Its been annoying me (and others) for ages. But now I've had my rant :angry2: and feel better :D !


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When the percentage of off-topic threads gets too high, then they will be removed or locked.

One or two of these are worse than others, but to avoid complaints about individualism - they will be locked. These threads have had a fair run, so I'm being reasonable I think.

This type of off-topic subject has been posted several times before and still people dilute the content. You can moan all you like, but they will be gone shortly.


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You can moan all you like, but they will be gone shortly.

Surely as forum contributers we have some say in what stays or goes or is that a moderators power.

i thought the forum belonged to its members?

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Sure it does, but ultimately the trust of the whole website and how it's run falls down to those that Moderate it. If you're not happy with an individual moderators/administrators actions, then what you need to do is quite simple.

Start a new thread (which will not be moderated, unless you swear or something). title would be something like 'vote a mod/admin out' , then link a poll to it. Questions such as 'shall we get rid of this plonker' (cos I want to post what I like)', or 'should we maintain the original technical theme of this website', or 'I really don't give a monkeys eoither way' would be suitable subjects or suggestions. If there is (for instance) 200 core members, then any vote over 100 would get what you want.

Failing that - off-topic threads will continue to be removed if they dominate the website. If you all are not prepared to vote a Moderator or Admin out, We will all dilligently preserve the reason why this website was created.


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Hello,,, their are other members out here you know Les,,

I can not see how you comment

You can moan all you like, but they will be gone shortly.
is of any help whatsoever

Tend to agree with Steve90, we do seam to have a lot of boring threads at the present time !!!

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original technical theme of this website',

Thats what annoys me, there are numerous threads that are Landrover related but far from what you would expect of a "Technical" forum. These, In my humble opinion, are the ones I feel should be censored as they do detract from the Forum. The odd bit of banter or a thread with some comedic value is not what detracts from the forum and just makes it a more friendly, enjoyable place to be. Its only a small percentage of the whole, It just makes it a little more light hearted.

As for Voting a Forum Admin off I think is a little drastic. They do a very good job, Yourself included Les but they should maybe listen to what the forum members say and use this when making decisions that effect all of us. To come back with a response which basically says "Thats the way I want it so thats what it will be" Just is not good enough.

Just as a matter of interest Les, Is this your own decision? A decision taken by a group of mods? or (preferably IMHO) a decision by a group of mods after consulting with a varied cross section of everyday forum users?

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we do seam to have a lot of boring threads at the present time !!!

Thats because its summer and we are not locked away in our sheds tinkering with something :P but playing outside with our toys !

But I like the car tax thread as I have learned that the tax on my Disco will stay that same :i-m_so_happy:

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One or two of these are worse than others, but to avoid complaints about individualism - they will be locked. These threads have had a fair run, so I'm being reasonable I think.


I see where your coming from but this method is still lets pick certain threads, I would personally add the two insaurance threads and the clay ruts post, as they are of no mor relevance than fuel costs and tax. perhaps no off topic threads should be allowed I really can't see a fair way for the locking threads to work just because they are OT as different people have different oppinions of whats OT.

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Les, i see where you are coming from and being a moderator is a thankless task at the best of times i would imagine. we could not be here without you guys.

No one has suggested anything about voting a mod out - apart from your suggestion, and personally i dont currently see the link or what you are driving at here.

I just dont see vehicle tax posts as Off Topic - i found it a useful thread, surely that affects all of us?

But if the moderators feel its OT even when the members don't then maybe there is a disconnect.

a more useful poll should be what dont you want to see on here or what do you want to see on here; such as maybe the insurance threads could be grouped together and indexed or similar like the tech archive along with other frequent questions to avoid the same questions being asked. (i am assuming thats not in the tech already having not looked)

I enjoy the forum, and even repeated suspension/fueling questions etc don't bother me and a bit of banter thats not OT i think is fine. but i agree something like the intercom thread has run its course and should be locked.

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Just as a matter of interest Les, Is this your own decision? A decision taken by a group of mods? or (preferably IMHO) a decision by a group of mods after consulting with a varied cross section of everyday forum users?

Les,, I would be interested in a answer to Steve's question above :unsure:

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Les shouldn't be drawing all the flak, administration and moderating here is a team effort.

The subject of OT threads is regularly discussed in the A&M section usually when we perceive the main focus of the forum is being diluted. Any moderating which comes about as a result inevitably leads to a debate here in the Int'l. The cycle has become so frequent as to become routine ...it's a well worn path and it's generally only a few posts before someone says 'maybe we should have an OT / chat section' so then we set off on yet another discussion of the pro's and con's just the same as the one we had a few weeks before ...and a few weeks before that.

The choice is simple. We either keep LR4x4 true to the ethos that has made it the success it has become or we allow the place to become swamped with OT chit chat like so many others. I know the option I prefer and the one the admins and moderators have worked hard to support from day 1.

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