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After reading this thread and studying hard all of the links and web sites - and having a nice little birthday/Christmas pressy to spend, I decided to go for the LED Lenser P7 and it turned up yesterday. so here are my thoughts so far:

Actually first I will say why I chose the "P7" over the "Police Spec" model. They are similar in size, but the P7 has the higher output - simple as that! (Gadget freak goes for bigger numbers - Shock! Horror! ;) ) I also found one on eBay (item 300271726364) for what I reckon is a bargain price of £45 delivered with a free keychain torch too. I opted for the (free) engraving too and was amazed when the package turned up after three days! The keychain torch, BTW, is axcellent, being enough for normal torch duties in it's self!

Anyway - now to the P7


The quality of this torch matches the best of any mass-produced item I have seen. The feel of the case is smooth and the fit and finish are a delight. You will not be disappointed. The zoom action is smooth and easy without flopping about. Although this is not billed as being water-proof I would think that it probably is well up to a 'dropped it in the water butt' type of event.


The knurling is not very aggressive - Don't get me wrong - it's well knurled, but for cold and wet hands I would have like something with a little more sharpness (although that may be problematic in terms of keeping the black anodizing intact).

The lens is recessed into the case. An excellent design point in that it is protected and it prevents light spillage sideways. This also makes the torch virtually invisible from anywhere behind a 180deg hemisphere. This may be a disadvantage if you are using it in a traffic situation where you want to be seen as well as to see.

The zoom action is smooth and fast, although again it would be helped by a little more knurling, and some on the head, which is smooth. In practice I found that the zoom is easy one handed, but is easier with two.

The supplied lanyard works and is of good quality, but is not for me.

The supplied belt holster works and is of good quality, but is not for me. I find that fitting comfortably in a pocket is a far more useful attribute, and this does fit very nicely. It is a nice size (smaller than you might think) and is light enough to sit in a trouser pocket without causing discomfort. (But you may get some looks down the pub :D )

A small design criticism, but this torch is bright enough to light a room when pointed at the ceiling so it's a shame that it doesn't balance on it's rear-end.

The switch (in the rear) is a little wobbly in fit. It is sealed (I can't blow through it) but it just doesn't quite live up to the rest of the torch. This is a very minor point though - it's only because of the superb quality and fit of the rest of the torch that this becomes worthy of any comment. The way the switch works is ok, but does mean that (unless I am missing something) you can't switch it on or off without a brief (but VERY bright) passage through the full-on mode. I find already that I am generally covering the lens while switching.


The packing is good but the instructions are lacking. I was kind of hoping for a nice little booklet, but just got a single sheet with German on one side and poorly translated English on the other. Adequate for the job though.


The first (and probably only) modification that I will do to this is to fit two small sections of bicycle inner tube - one over the front to protect the anodizing from scratches, and one over the rear so that I can hold it in my teeth without rattling them. I do have a head-torch for situations where you need both hands, but you don't always have one when you need the other if you see what I mean.

Light Output

Ahh, at last we get to the main point:

I am tempted to leave this blank with the instruction to fill in your own superlatives, "brilliant" would probably be the most suitable, but I will try to be a little more informative than that:

The control of the light output via the lens/reflector is amazing. On both extremes it gives a very even light, although when half-way there is a little of the hole-in-the-middle output that you get with any normal torch. I must emphasize though, that the output when on spot or flood is very even. Being pedantic, there are some halos on both spot and flood, but the main lighted area in both cases is (as said) very even.

The "15%" setting: This for me is probably what will see most action. Even in this mode it is better than any other normal torch I own (Petzl head-torch and Cateye Opticube cycle lamp). In flood mode it is well bright enough to read a map etc (I don't think you would want brighter) and in spot mode it's like a normal very-good torch.

The "100%" setting: This is simply too bright for most things. I'm not going to quote distances but believe me, on spot it throws a LONG way :) and on flood it lights up everything for 30 or 40 yards. I have been known to cycle-commute along an unlit towpath with the Opticube and I find that I cannot comfortably go at more than 10mph. I am sure that if I rig the LED Lenser to the bars I will be able to manage my normal daylight 15-18. Now all I have to do is sort out a mounting.

The "130%" (Turbo boost :D ) setting. This uses a lot of juice (I read somewhere that it uses twice as much as 100% mode) and is brighter - difficult to say what percentage though. While it's nice to be able to hit the 130% mode when you see something moving in the woods - I now feel rather sorry for the startled bird this morning, that took off into the night. Imagine trying to land on a twig while having nothing but green blobs to look at :(


Simply a fantastic torch which I am very pleased with. Recommended!


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Thought I'd give a little update on the TLE-6EX upgrade I got for my 4D Maglite. The batteries in the torch are a little weak so with the standard bulb the light was starting to drop off quite a bit. However with the TLE-6EX it's like having new batteries in, or maybe even better. I really need to get some new batteries to see if the LED is better than standard bulb at full power. Quoted figures suggest it should be an improvement from standard 110-120 lumens up to 140 lumens. But the main advantage is that the LED is regulated so you should get this output over almost all the (extended) battery life, and with my current weak batteries it certainly appears to be the case.

Beam spread and pattern is on the whole as good if not better than with the standard bulb in most instances. The Maglite reflector isn't the best so you still have some rings and dark spots at certain 'zooms', but generally the spread of light is a bit softer with less sharp transitions from the light to dark areas. The one case where the standard bulb is marginally better is it can be focused into a slightly tighter spot.

I tried taking some comparison pics to show the differences. The problem I had was taking pics with a 'point n press' compact camera is the limited control over the exposure, therefore it was difficult to show the real differences. On the geeky torch forums such as http://www.candlepowerforums.com they always take pics with two torches side by side, I don't have the luxury of two 4D Maglites to do such a comparison.

From other peoples reviews it appears to be much better than Maglites own LED upgrade which uses older LED technology, although having not used a Maglite LED upgrade I can't comment directly except to say that I'm well impressed with it and think it a worth while addition to a D cell Maglite.

And for something more portable I'm adding a Fenix LOD Q4 to my xmas wish list to replace the aged and feeble Maglite Solitaire on my key ring. 75 Lumens from single AAA torch is amazing, or for even more power stick in a AAA form factor 3.7V Li-Ion.

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I know photos of light sources at night tend to be rather disappointing but could you have a go please? I can see requests for Chrissy presents coming up and something like this would fit the bill rather well...

Well I tried. But the camera is no match for the human eye... I just couldn't get a decent shot.

I did try a few measurements though - on our local rugby pitch there is a barrier all the way round supported by concrete posts about every 3 metres so I stood at one corner and:

On 15% flood I could count 7 posts

On 15% spot I could count 12

On 100% flood I could count 12

On 100% spot I could easily see the posts at the opposite diagonal corner.

Apologies if my earlier superlatives were an exaggeration and mislead anyone - when I write it down it doesn't sound so impressive, but I will just say again that it knocks both my Petzl and my Cateye into a cocked hat.


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Over the years I must have spent a fortune on torches and batteries, I need a good lightsource for work as well as play as I maintain aircraft. I finally have the perfect solution (for me). A rechargeable Pelican and a couple of Petzl Tikkas.

I think I must have tried them all, had a couple of Maglights and to be honest the AA mini maglight was quite good when I got it 20 od years ago, I still have it and use it occasionally. I bought a 2D maglight about 10 years ago and thought it was carp pretty much from day one, my old boss was fed up buying Batteries so he spent £120 of his budget on a rechargeable 3 cell, it was too long to fit in the torch poocket of our overalls and we kept dropping it off the top of the helicopters, everytime it dropped the bulb blew and the bulbs were more expensive than the batteries! Used Dragon lamps with a previous employer, good but heavy. I do like the Surefire stuff but the batteries are expensive and the Pelican is actually a far better light. For the money you cant go wrong with the Lensers as above, most of the guys I work with use them and are happy with them but you still need to replace the batteries occasionally and they are simply blown away when they see my light sabre :D

I bought my Pelican from EE in the US, I was going to buy a Surefire but John at EE "made" me buy the Pelican and I am delighted with it, all Pelican products are excellent and comes with a lifetime guarantee, you break it they replace it- you cant get any better than that! The are silly money in the UK though. I can inspect the top of the tail fin on the 737s that I currently work on from the ground and could do the same with a 747. I could also drive out from a trail at night with it if my headlamps failed. It is 12v rechargeable and I have a charging cradle fitted to my 90 as well as one in the house from the mains. I have had it about a year and use it every day, recharge it every other day or so. For up close work I use my Petzel Tikka and again I wouldnt be without it. I also have a few of the little Pelican Pelilites dotted around the 90, in the First Aid Kit, on the visor etc. You just never know when you will need a torch, I like torches;-)


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  • 2 weeks later...
Tesco do a couple of 3 Watt Luxeon Torches, either 2 C cell or 2 D cell, Good quality machined Aluminium, proper on off button. They have Collimator lens so the beam is excellent and very bright/ They are £12 and £15.

Tonight I noticed that the 3 Watt version, with 2 C cells included, has been reduced to £9. It was previously £12 in the same store. It's funny, there's no 'Sale' or 'Reduced' tag up, just a different price.

I was looking for the 4 Watt, with 2 x D Cells, to fall in price, but that is still £18.


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  • 3 weeks later...

i just bought one of these too, the £12 Tesco 3W one. As Tony says, definately bright enough, it puts a 6ft circle on a hedge at 200ft where I wouldn't expect a similar size torch to reach the hedge, never mind with a defined circle projected.

The 4W D-cell one at £18 might be worthwhile if you regularly guide aircraft in to land but I'm happy...

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I can recommend Chris 'doc' from Glowgadgets.com . He has a youtube with a useful comparison of led torches, worth watching the demonstration of the 900 lumen model, bright enough methinks to burn out your retina >


Oh check out the 'moon chair' on his site too, next summers 'must have' :blink:

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